#pekka ketonen
skullumio · 6 years
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The Unknown Soldier / Tuntematon Sotilas (1985)
Directed by Rauni Mollberg. "This film is the second silver screen adaption of the Finnish war book by Väinö Linna with the same name as the film. The story is based on Linna's experiences as an infantry man in the Finnish army during the so called "Continuation War" (1941-1944). The film tells the story of the fate of a machine gun platoon made up of young conscripts from various parts of Finland fighting against the Russian army from the beginning (summer 1941) to the end (summer/autumn 1944) of the war. Many of the characters are based on author Linna's brothers in arms." (from Filmaffinity)
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bubskino · 4 years
Se mieletön remppa
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Pariskunta perii pientä pintaremonttia kaipaavan kartanon. Otetaan laina ja hoidetaan homma himaan omin käsin. Munilleen menee että heilahtaa.
Taattua suomalaista suljua. Jatkuvaa ähellystä. Mukahauska Sami Hedberg vetää neljääkymmentäkolmea eri roolia. Ei jatkoon.
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adamgdooley · 6 years
Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018
Learn essentials of 802.11ai standard. This new standard promises great improvements to connection setup phase and management traffic reduction.
The post Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018 appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from Computer And Technology https://www.wlanpros.com/resources/faster-connections-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-phoenix-2018/
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jamestdoleus · 6 years
Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018
Learn essentials of 802.11ai standard. This new standard promises great improvements to connection setup phase and management traffic reduction.
The post Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018 appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from James Dole Gadgets News https://www.wlanpros.com/resources/faster-connections-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-phoenix-2018/
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aaronaknightca · 6 years
Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018
Learn essentials of 802.11ai standard. This new standard promises great improvements to connection setup phase and management traffic reduction.
The post Faster Connections | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018 appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from https://www.wlanpros.com/resources/faster-connections-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-phoenix-2018/
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arikuosmanen · 7 years
Pirkanmaan Lehtitalon Olli Sirén Medialiiton hallitukseen (Akaan Seutu)
Lue alkuperäinen artikkeli tältä sivulta: this site
Mediatalo Keskisuomalaisen konsernijohtaja Vesa-Pekka Kangaskorpi jatkaa Medialiiton hallituksen puheenjohtajana vuodet 2018–2019. Medialiiton syyskokous päätti valinnasta 14.11.2017 Helsingissä.
Kangaskorpi on johtanut Medialiittoa ja sen edeltäjää Viestinnän Keskusliittoa vuodesta 2016. Hän kuuluu myös Elinkeinoelämän keskusliiton hallitukseen ja sanomalehtien maailmanjärjestön WAN-IFRA:n hallituksen johtokuntaan.
Medialiiton hallitukseen valittiin uusina jäseninä A-lehdet Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Kaisa Ala-Laurila, Alma Talent Oy:n toimitusjohtaja Juha-Petri Loimovuori ja Pirkanmaan Lehtitalon toimitusjohtaja Olli Sirén.
Erovuoroisista hallituksen jäsenistä valittiin uudelleen toimitusjohtajat Jaakko Ketonen, Turun Sanomat Oy, Timo Kopra, Otavamedia Oy ja Jarmo Koskinen, Kaakon Viestintä Oy.
Medialiiton toimitusjohtajana toimii Jukka Holmberg.
from WordPress http://ift.tt/2mnklUp via IFTTT
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adamgdooley · 6 years
Impact of LTE U | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018
Unlicensed LTE technologies use the same 5 GHz spectrum like Wi-Fi. Learn about the different technologies and how they are expected to co-exist with Wi-Fi.
The post Impact of LTE U | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC Phoenix 2018 appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from Computer And Technology https://www.wlanpros.com/resources/impact-lte-u-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-phoenix-2018/
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aaronaknightca · 7 years
Wi-Fi Performance Boost With 802 11 k/v/r/ai | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC_EU Lisbon 2017
The post Wi-Fi Performance Boost With 802 11 k/v/r/ai | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC_EU Lisbon 2017 appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from https://www.wlanpros.com/resources/wi-fi-performance-boost-802-11-kvrai-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc_eu-lisbon-2017/
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aaronaknightca · 7 years
Wi-Fi Transceiver Architecture And Performance | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC 2017 Phoenix
Session Description: High quality Wi-Fi service requires high performance Wi-Fi transceivers. VP will cover transmitter and receiver architectures, up/down conversion, modulation, frequency synthesis, amplifiers, filters, distortion, noise figure, compression point, RF transmission lines and s-parameters. Which aspects impact the network performance and how?
Presenter Name: Veli-Pekka Ketonen
Presenter Bio: Veli-Pekka Ketonen is the CTO and founder of 7signal, The Wi-Fi Performance Company. Prior to 7signal, Veli-Pekka worked at Nokia heading base station R&D and optimizing performance of Nokia radio network products.
The post Wi-Fi Transceiver Architecture And Performance | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC 2017 Phoenix appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from http://www.wlanpros.com/wi-fi-transceiver-architecture-and-performance-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-2017-phoenix/
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jamestdoleus · 7 years
Wi-Fi Transceiver Architecture And Performance | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC 2017 Phoenix
Session Description: High quality Wi-Fi service requires high performance Wi-Fi transceivers. VP will cover transmitter and receiver architectures, up/down conversion, modulation, frequency synthesis, amplifiers, filters, distortion, noise figure, compression point, RF transmission lines and s-parameters. Which aspects impact the network performance and how?
Presenter Name: Veli-Pekka Ketonen
Presenter Bio: Veli-Pekka Ketonen is the CTO and founder of 7signal, The Wi-Fi Performance Company. Prior to 7signal, Veli-Pekka worked at Nokia heading base station R&D and optimizing performance of Nokia radio network products.
The post Wi-Fi Transceiver Architecture And Performance | Veli-Pekka Ketonen | WLPC 2017 Phoenix appeared first on Wireless LAN Professionals.
from James Dole Gadgets News http://www.wlanpros.com/wi-fi-transceiver-architecture-and-performance-veli-pekka-ketonen-wlpc-2017-phoenix/
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