#pawel had a great lets play where he discusses how for him characters are tools to advance the plot
Re; That Kerry being dismissive thing- RIGHT?! Wasn't he in the middle of setting up the concert? He was just busy at the moment! I'm sure that if V called at a different time, when he was travelling or had a free moment he'd talk to them properly. Other than his ego, which like, you're right about, he's a busy man, who can't just have an inpromptu catching up session because he has milions of fans and eurodollars on the line. I think that he's being reasonable, he gives V an estimate of when he will be free and when they will be able to meet up again, and he even promises them a trip to wherever they'd like.
I think that a lot of people have this very demanding attitude towards romantic interests in video games, where they are basically pure wish fulfillments who change 180 when you romance them and do nothing but cheer on the player's every decision and tell them how much they love and mean to them. In cyberpunk you really feel like they all retain their personalities, good and bad parts, and you just happen to be in a relationship with said person, not someone who lost all their edges to cater to your character. The characters take logical actions when viewed through their own internal logic- Judy leaves and gets married, Panam is furious when she thinks V ghosted her and is still pissed, River doesn't want to mix up V in a potentially dangerous situation and Kerry focuses on his career. They won't magically drop everything just because V resurfaced, things happened in these two years and V can't do anything about it but accept it.
I agree 110% with you. He’s in the middle of setting up a concert, and despite having his attention pulled every which way is trying to give V as much of him as he can. Which is quite generous, considering he is an international rockstar and incredibly busy. Not only do people have a strange view of romantic interests in video games, but I also think a lot of fans want the romance in video games to follow traditional Romance parameters, and unless it’s a dating sim, I would not consider most video game plot genres or even sub genres to be Romance. Giving up everything for your one true love is fine and logical in a traditional Romance storyline— Cyberpunk 2077 is not that. Cyberpunk is true to its namesake, it’s dystopian, it’s bleak, it has an amount of realism that a lot of traditional Romance pushes to the wayside in favor of happily ever after and tropes that, when looked at w any sort of consideration of realism, would actually be a collection of red flags.
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