#paul lhalley
roskirambles · 5 months
(Archive) Animated short film of the day: The Maker (2011)
Originally Posted:January 6th, 2023 The oldest philosophical question in human history is most likely "what is the purpose of life?". Millennia later and it's hard to say we have a definitive answer, which makes all the more brave there's people still trying to tackle such a question.
Directed by Christopher Kezelos, the thesis this short presents is a simple one: what we make of it to leave others prepared for what this journey entails is what gives this life a purpose. That our legacy is in those which learned from us to keep going, that hand we give to others in an act of help, as our names may be forgotten but that knowledge remains. And for this effect, it uses no other technique than good ol' stop motion.
It's brilliant, really: when you require animation to have a sense of "craft", this is easily the best option due to how textured it all is. The physicality the technique carries brings to attention the fact these objects had to be put into the world when they didn't exist prior, which is pretty much ideal for a tale of a creature making one of it's kin so their knowledge remains once it's time comes. Creatures delightfully designed by Amanda Louise Spayd with quite the uncanny appearance that nevertheless grows on you. And that's nothing to say about Paul Halley's beautiful score, which was the inspiration of the short to begin with as it was created with the intent to try and make his music reach a wider audience, further supporting the short's thesis in actual practice.
Filled to the brim with esoteric imagery, it captures the imagination with a simple but striking story line executed with delicacy, beauty and just the tiniest sprinkle of humor to a very touching effect. Truly an example of the wonders of animation as a medium.
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1980′s History Timeline
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1st (Diana, Princess of Wales and Prince Charles ride in a carriage after their wedding at St. Paul's Cathedral July 29, 1981 in London, England. (Photo by Anwar Hussein/WireImage / Getty Images)
2nd (Michael Jackson accepts an award from CBS and The Guinness Book Of World Records celebrating 'Thriller' as the largest-selling album of all time (25 million) February 7, 1984 at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Natural History in New York City. (Photo by Yvonne Hemsey/Getty Images)
3rd (Indira Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, visiting Austria. Hotel Imperial in Vienna. (1983). (Photo by Nora Schuster/Imagno/Getty Images)
4th (Hurtling out of the conflagration at 78 seconds are the Challenger's left wing, main engines (still burning residual propellant) and the forward fuselage (crew cabin). (Jan. 28, 1986). Picture courtesy of the NASA Johnson Space Center (NASA-JSC).
5th (West Berliner at the foot of the wall talks to East Berliner, November 1962. (Photo: NATO Handout / Getty Images)
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