pikadetect-blog · 5 years
"Wh- I didn't think hamsters got that big. Hello? Are you lost?"
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      ❝ Heh, I ain't so hamster lady, but I’m not lost. Well I guess I could use a tour. I’m here on vacation, but I’m always looking for cases to solve. ❞
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fortunesunfavored · 7 years
Response to this.
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Chat Noir glanced at his partner uncertainly. He was of mixed feelings about the kiss that had been concealed from him, but it had been impossible to hide the fact that he was perturbed.
“My Lady...” He began, without getting very far.
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He shut his eyes and collected himself to avoid another false start. It would be easy for this to mess everything up. It didn’t take much for two people to end up so awkwardly estranged that they just couldn’t deal with each other. The boy beneath the mask didn’t want that.
“It’s okay.” He heard himself say. “It’s okay, but... I do wish that you’d told me. Since it’s not something I can even remember, it’s not like it’s something I was missing out on. I just wish that you didn’t feel like you had to keep something like that a secret from me.”
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darkentheirhearts · 7 years
Happy Birthday! ))
I know I’m late answering this but thank you!
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chatesquenoirist · 7 years
@parisprxtector​ continued from here.
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An eyebrow arched as he noticed the increasing intensity of rose hue overtaking her face.  Was she just as unused to people offering compliments that weren’t solely about aesthetics?  Perhaps they were more similar than he already believed.  He shrugged and patted her shoulder as his continued to smile, “Oh, I’m sorry.  Completely obliterated me.”  He corrected with a soft chuckle on his voice, before he added, “Though, I do admit my playing has improved ever since I put that charm you gave me on my key ring.”  To him, it had been a simple gesture from a talented girl that took pity on his subpar gaming skills, but he wasn’t about to turn down any gift from a friend. 
“No reason to thank me. I’m just calling it exactly like I see it.” 
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