#paragraphs of the speaker(lala)
Voidal Heart Chapter One
Here is Chapter One. Please enjoy!
Emet was trying to understand why Lahabrea had insisted on this. They had already used Mhach and its residents to bring about a calamity. What was pilfering through the remnants going to do? Sure, voidsent could be useful, but they came with many cons. The half-creatures' ravenous hunger was only one of those cons. There was also the fact that most of them had gone insane when the flood came. It was annoying to deal with at the best of times and downright irritating at the worst times.
“I know they are loathsome, just as you are, but like you, they have their uses,” Lahabrea purred as he started looking through the coffins for any voidsent that could be useful to them. All these half-beasts had their uses, though some were more useful than others. Emet was mildly aware of a familiar about. A talking cat, if he remembered correctly, though something else was nagging at him.
There was an energy here that he could not explain. Though there was no mistaking the voidsent queen, something else was more powerful. The quiet footsteps caused the Ascian to turn and look behind him. A hand raised, ready to snap fingers to obliterate whatever was there. However, as he caught the soul's brightness, his eyes widened. It could not be! Another that was unsundered like them?
Yet, even though he noted they were indeed whole, there was something very off. Their soul seemed twisted and almost mangled by dark-aspected aether. It wasn’t the same as being tempered, though, and as they drew closer, he got a glimpse of the original color in the mass of twisted aether. It caused him to back up and trip over some rubble. “It can’t be. This is impossible!”
“What are you on about?”
Emet looked up at Lahabrea as he summoned one of his familiars. It was the dragon, and his eyes widened before he scrambled to his feet. No! He knew full well that The Speaker would obliterate her before they even had a chance to see if she could be reasoned with. That was something he could not allow. “Hadianna, stay back!”
“Your daughter is dead!” 
To say that he was unsurprised to hear such venom from the other was an understatement. He had lost his son when the Final Days hit. Erichthonios had gone during the first wave of creatures. Then when the sundering happened, he too was sundered with everyone else. Emet did not know how Hadi had gotten out whole, but he would find out. Right now, he just needed to keep her safe. That was the number one thing here.
What happened next was the last thing he expected. She had not been able to transform, yet here she was doing just that. White scales that shined a deep umbral purple covered her body. The lower half was that of a snake now, while her head was a mix of human and snake. There was a sword in one hand and a purple fireball in the other hand. When did she gain the ability to use magic?
“I will not go down without a fight, Uncle Lala.”
Her voice came out in a deep hiss. Emet did not remember her voice being that deep. Was it a result of the flood? There were so many questions running through his head as he watched her. His eyes darted to Lahabrea, who seemed to be hesitant to attack her now. The third seat could be fine with him, given who Hadianna was married to. Elidibus would kill him if she were hurt—somehow, he still had some memories of her left despite Zodiarks seemingly insatiable hunger. He likely wouldn’t take this well, even with her being unsundered. 
“I am not a fool. Twisted though you maybe, you are still his wife.”
It was said with a deep sigh of disgust as he lowered his hands. Emet was not surprised by that reaction either, given that Lahabrea had been losing himself. He did seem to care much for anything that connected to their past. He was molding his vessels less and less as the years passed. It was as if he no longer cared for the person he had once been. As if that man was somehow weak to allow all this to happen. Never mind the fact that none of it was their fault, to begin with.
A sigh left him as he noticed a large hand coming toward him. A yipe escaped him as he was picked up and gently placed on his feet. Emet grumbled his thanks as he brushed himself off. It was undignified to be picked up like that and by his daughter too. She was also basically naked, but he wouldn’t get into that now. There were more pressing matters, like how she was not sundered like everyone else. 
“Belladonna, I go by Belladonna now. Donna, Bell, or Bells is also fine.”
Emet blinked at her as he watched her return to her normal form. He supposed normal was subjective, given that she now had horns, wings, and strange eyes. That she had decided to change her name did bother him slightly. Her mother had been insistent about naming her after him, and now she didn’t want to be known by that name. Was it because she felt abandoned? That certainly wasn’t his intention or her husband's. They had not known she was whole. Elidibus and himself had been looking for a sundered piece rather than a complete soul.
“Belladonna.” Emet repeated back to her and nodded. He had no right to tell her that she could not change her name. If it did not feel right, she had every right to change it to something she identified with. “Are there any other changes I should be aware of? Pronouns?”
“No, just my name.”
Emet nodded at the soft and appreciative smile she gave him. Even with most of her eyes now black, the iris’ were still the same pale green as her mother's. The glow was also still there too. A sign that she was indeed still whole. “Alright, that is good to know.”
“Are you done yet, Selch?”
The growl came from Lahabrea and caused Emet to turn his attention to the other. It looked like The Speaker was getting impatient. One side of his mouth shifted up in annoyance as he regarded the other man. Could Lahabrea, for once, not be an absolute dick? Was that really too much to ask for? Perhaps it would be better to get away from him. “Why don’t you continue as you were while I speak with my daughter?”
Eyes rolled as Lahabrea grunted before walking off. Good, now he and Ha- Emet took a deep breath as he internally corrected himself. Yeah, that was gonna take a bit to get used to. Now he had Belladonna, and he could continue speaking in peace. There was much for them to talk about. Where to start, though? Perhaps it was best to let her ask questions first. “Is there anything you wish to know?”
“Have you found any of Themis’ shards?” 
“Elidibus is still whole.” Emet stated and paused. How was he supposed to tell her he was a completely different person now? The soft but confident man she had fallen for and married was gone. Did he even remember his name? Zodiark kept chipping away at the memories, the things that made Elidibus Themis. There was so little left of Themis now. Only a few memories of her were left to remind him of who he had once been. “He is very different now.”
He watched as her face went from happy surprise to uncertainty. It wasn’t something he enjoyed watching either. Emet could only guess at what must have been going through her head. His guesses weren’t on the positive side of things either. How did you deal with something like this? It also worried him as she would have to face Elidibus sooner rather than later. It wasn’t like he could really hide her from him, and he didn’t want to. She was their best chance of him recovering at least some margin of his true self again.
“Belladonna, I know this is a lot to take in.” Emet stated as he looked at her. His eyes were soft as he looked at her. Despite the changes that marked her as a voidsent now, she still looked like herself for the most part. “You are at the moment all he remembers of before; even then, it is only pieces. Zodiark has been feeding on his memories, and I fear you're the only tie he has left to who he was before.”
A nod was less than he expected, but he did not miss the determination in her eyes. She had already made her choice, and Emet knew it was right. His daughter had never been one to give up on those she cared for. She was loyal to a fault regarding those she considered hers. It was something she came by honestly as both himself and her mother had been like that. He was still like that to an extent.
“Chin up, Little One.” Emet stated as he reached out his hand, cupping her face. He ensured the claw-like additions on three fingers didn’t scratch her. She had always been his little soldier, and now she could use magic without the help of foci. It was something they could all be happy about. One perk out of the sea of cons that her being twisted like this came with. “You two have always been able to take on the world together. I doubt that is going to change anytime soon.”
“Thank you, Daddy. Can you take me to see him?” 
“Yes, and I shall.” Emet nodded as he quickly closed his eyes and located Elidibus. He was in The Wanderer’s Palace. Great, they would have to deal with the Nymians. Or at least what remained of them. This was gonna be a doozy, but at least there weren’t many people around there. Sometimes it was hard to tell when Elidibus would go off the deep end. It didn’t happen often, but when it did, it was usually something personal, and this was very personal. “I hope you are prepared for this.”
“I am as ready as I will ever be.”
It was a rueful response, and yet it caused him to smile. Humor in the face of darkness and sorrow, yes, that did fit the bill. Emet offered her his hand as he opened a portal to the location. “Also, stay away from the green creatures. They will stab you.”
“Green Creatures?”
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sheilasministry · 6 years
Jesus says I have an issue with me but it’t not me that is doing anything wrong at all. It’s who we are without God in our life & when we say anything to  people about something that is wrong & quote that it’s in the Bible in God’s word all ears seem to turn away for God & me. Okay I can say this to me about what I say & how I say it. It’s not every time I’m in my life with God but when I’m saying it for God about His word & sin in this world I want people to hear me. I don’t shut them out but they shut me out because it’s about God. I know they hear me.They don’t believe in God or Jesus as God so they shut me out when I say something about it being in the Bible about sin & that is all about who we are down here on earth. There is not concern & no regard for God’s Heart here anymore. It’s all about people & what they want & what they say & what they do is correct. God’s Heart is with me strong. I don’t back down I say if you hear me think about it that’s all. They say not one thing but I know they hear me. I’m a loud talker & I know they hear me but it’s like ignore her & talk with me alone. If I say or ask a  question no one turns to say anything to answer my question. When I  talk I talk to all there. I make eye contact to make sure no one is left out. If I hear someone ask a question I quickly address it & move on with what I was saying. I know I’m a good speaker but when I do talk it makes sense to me but it doesn’t make sense to others. That’s because I’m beneath the surface of mans life here on this planet. People can’t figure that out with me or anyone who says it different or to the point about anything here. God says to wait for a bit & He will help me with my words better. I talk different but I don’t. I say it different but I say it so well they have to think about what I’m saying to say; Oh that makes a lot of sense. They never ever say that. They just say; Well maybe or hmm. Okay I’m not here to say anything but this  to anyone who is not a believer in God Jesus with God Jehovah. You can have your life but I’m with God so much that I know He is with me like no other. However you take that is up to God’s Heart to say it to you personally or not. If you don’t hear Him as your God Alone you won’t hear Him in your life at all in this life. You know Him as God that is the most important to God  to know you are safe with Him in Heaven. I can’t wait until Heaven gets me back with God Jesus. I want God now & boy does He have some fun things for me to be doing really fast here on earth. I’m in no hurry. It won’t be fun for me to say I’m going away from my family or my grandchild. I will be  having fun but on their turf & not mine. I want to have a pickelball fun time with my family but it’s like they have to turn down all things to hear in their life around me. I wasn’t even talking about anything about God & this one person said; Wait I can’t hear you talk about people not being a good time with you on the court as a partner but she knew what I was talking about. I was saying we need to know our partner before we go into a tournament for great & tough playing. She realized what I was saying but she never ever says I’m not listening to you or you when they tell her all of the wrong  things of how to play her game. I’m here to say it but people don’t want me to talk around them. I have a good friend but I don’t see her much. I  will be with her in time. I won’t have many people see me for who I’am  with God. It’s too much for them to think about being with God as much as I’am. It has not one thing to do with being with God a lot. It has all to do with just saying He Is God with God Jehovah. That is all I want to say when I’m hear but God says a lot about me being with Him & I’am but it’s the time I have to be with God. All have time to be with God it is a choice. I’m older so I decided to know God before I die. That was the reason I started to be with God more. I want to be in Heaven but all say it’s too much for them to say to themself or think about with God being with me so much. Okay I will take whatever time you don’t want with God & God can give it all to me. God says I Prayed about that as I was typing  the sentence about God giving me your time. It’s done for however God  says it’s done. He will give you time if you want but if you don’t want it I will take it. All of it I will take from around this world. That’s a lot of time with God Jesus. God says done. Okay whew I can’t wait until God shows me what that means. I know this I have time for God to be with me now but I want to do this so He says He can give me more time to write & the  the money to go with it very soon & a lot. I will take God’s gift from God  Jesus & I will take all other finances not given to me because of some mistake in the time I have put into these blogs & someone now wants to say it’s there idea but God says their idea is a cheat from this site. I  will let God handle that. I’m not sure what that is but God does so here I go again. No one can be here but they all can be here. If I have a good blog people say it’s their idea & then they take it to send it in but it won’t make any sense to anyone. That’s because God says they can’t explain it to anyone at all. I can but God says there are so many blogs now that it won’t fly with anyone that they can write that much in a day or in an hour. So I say God sends the people to this site for some fun but they don’t get it here because God says it straight up from Him to Heaven to me to Him again. I can’t get into all sites to see who is using some of God’s blogs but it is a lot more then I know. So if I can Pray I will. God says it will be found out. They aren’t getting paid for them but it’s God’s Heart here with me. God says don’t be a cheat & steal something that is not yours to take credit for. It’s not enough to destroy God’s site here but  this person is sending them to all of the right people to see if they are made up or just me & God’s Heart typing it here on the spot. That sounds good but someone is from our Government & wants to know who is  saying Hillary & Obama are cheats for selling our uranium to our worst enemy. God says it’s all over the News anyway. No big deal there. Oh  God says those tweets about North Korea having a missile that no one in our Government knows about but God does. How about that people?  You all think you are so smart & God talks to little old me literally & says  it the BEST here online anywhere in the world. Okay I will say this I know who my Doctor is & I know they don’t know God Jesus as God Alone.  That right there means they need God as their physician to say God Is Real & that NO one can say God is not real. Only people who need a doctor without God Jesus need to reply to me. I’m not here to satisfy you out there in your lala land of disbelief. God knows me well into my years of age for me to be the best He has ever had here saying this to me about God Jesus when He says it straight up from Him to me to all of you doubter’s out there in your own little alone world who say God is not in here with me. Did I say that you people who need a doctor to help you think straight with God Being Real with me in my life? Okay I have good news  to say with me & a good friend I think. They say I have a different way of thinking then anyone they have heard of & it makes sense to hear me out for a change. I had to say it in front of my husband but she listened to the great advice & knowledge God gave me to say it’s hard work to say I’m here with God but I’m saying it’s even harder work to be with people around you & say it so well that people say; I don’t know but she said I think I know what she was saying. It’s true so I will be with her more on that when I’m with someone & I think I’m playing bad it’s me trying to keep up me & my partner because they are not in their game of confidence & I have to make them say I’m good or we lose the game match & the event. That makes sense. She won’t tell me that but whats new with that with me & others around me in pickleball? I’m good enough & I’m  strong enough if they see this blog I don’t care. I know who I’am & I know who they are not with & that they can be with God or not it’s there choice but I Pray they make the right one with God Jesus in their life. God says it’s about time to say this to anyone now who will read this blog. If you  say God Is Jesus with God Jehovah & don’t say it another time in your whole entire life you will be fine in Heaven. You will just miss out on God’s Heart with you now. I’m not with many in my life but they can be with me in their life by saying I know who this is & I’m saying this about them meaning me. She is a great person & I hope I can be as strong as her if I get into some basic conversation with people saying no thanks to God. I know who that is but it’s also many who say this around me who want more with God Jesus. I’m not here to say it for me or you. Get that out of your head now. I will be having fun playing a lot of fun awesome great pickleball like now. My game has improved to the point of just being with  me in getting some great stuff over the net that is like not easy to get it   back to me. I’m here to say someone just took another blog out of God’s writing here. They won’t be doing it anymore but God says it will be their last one with Him ever if they say He is not with them like me here now. That means this. They are saying they are writing it for God & it’s them who gets the credit like all of the time. They have done  this before but not much. It’s for their paper in Church but I don’t know who or what Church. It’s God’s site He can deal with them appropriately. Okay I’m here to say I almost lost a lot of my blog for God Jesus but God says it wasn’t much just a paragraph. I want to say this about me. I get very upset if I lose God’s Blog all at once. Here is what I’m going to do. I’m  done for now but God will say this to me for good & forever with Him here with me while I’m writing for Him. He gets all Glory all of the time. I will let God take all of these blogs taken from this site & let God get them to the right people to get back to me. Someone in their Church knows it’s  from this site. They have read enough here to say it makes sense but not. I will get credit for my name but God says the words here & for all of His words in all of His writing for twitter, blogs & now e-books that will be a sensational hit in time. I know this person is not bad but they are just cheating because it’s hard to come up with something about God Jesus on a  weekly basis. Okay God says go into your heart & ask God to help you with the words from Him through The Holy Spirit. I know it’s not easy but it is easier as time goes by. Okay I have to say it’s easy for me but not for many who will say I don’t know how she does this so fast. It happens with God’s Heart with me through The Holy Spirit. It is a gift from God but many won’t have this gift at all. I will because I want it all for God to say what He wants to say like now online with so many people watching His site now days that it’s getting ridiculous to say I’m not doing this for God Alone but me. I’m doing this for God Jesus. He gave me this gift. It’s all mine for me alone from now on. No one will ever get this like me. It’s easy but I want it all for God Jesus Alone with me to say it the way He would say it for Him Alone because He Is Jesus God with God Jehovah. No one wants to say it the way God says it. That’s why He gave it to me. I know God well enough to say I know God has a wonderful sense of humor. We have a great relationship. He Is God First with me & my God Redeemer with me as His child who is His creation & He Is God Creator Savior Alone to with me so much that God Jehovah said just today when I said it loud &  clear about it’s in the Bible but they turned & walked away. God said this to Jesus His son; Don’t give this child up for me to say I don’t want her to do this anymore I have way too much fun with her on the pickleball court but she gets mad so lets give her an easy going temperament to say; Whew that was a great shot good job you guys. Okay that is not what I was  thinking I was going to hear but I’m glad because God says I can have  that & I can have the other to if I want. I want but it’s up to God’s Will for Glory. I’m good with me here. No one can be with God all of the time but I can have fun not getting mad like I do if I start to get to a point I’m doing all the wrong shots. Okay God says it will be up to Him to decide if He says yes to getting more people to say they will write for God like this only theirs will make sense & mine won’t. I think this one makes sense but the story is not being told in completeness because it might make someone mad or upset if I use names but I like what God says here He still has a great following more then any place else for now. God says that will change &  I won’t be the only one online doing this but I have another way of saying this to me. I’m here for God it’s for me alone I’m good with that. Okay I  will say it won’t be long for someone to get the hang of just saying it fast but it will be different for God. That’s another gift I don’t have. That is for them to have by themself for God’s Heart to say it better then I can here for God. I don’t have the text book Bible memorized but I can say it the best for God’s Heart with people who will see this site as fun but not much into God’s word with Scriptures & lines of it’s meaning in definition of God’s word in the Bible Alone. Okay I’m good with that but I don’t know if this site will ever get off the ground. The other person will be a Pastor but not into  God’s Heart much until they see this site & realize it’s the Holy Spirit giving them the words to them from God Alone. He will see what I’m doing but not get it so he will say go to my site but God will say to him plain & loud some day; Don’t say that ever again. My child puts her time into me & you  don’t ever say thank you & she says it all of the time for things in her life that don’t even have any baring on this life here for her but just to be with  God Jesus as God Alone. This man will say I will say thank you more but God will say go to this site & get one of her PRAYER THOUGHT’S & get into your life with her PRAYER THOUGHT’S she knows to read daily  because it’s from God Jesus to her to God again. Her life has changed & I’m watching her grow with God daily something Pastor’s do not do right now or haven’t done in years of generations of living the good life with money & she does it all for free. She said God’s word is not for sale & she will be at the top of her game with not much money but boy can she play a good to fun pickleball game & a really great game of pickleball is  coming her way soon now. She is really taking to God’s Heart like a stick of gum chewing it all the way & saying this to God as she types for Him like crazy for Him to hear Him say; Your picklball game is getting better & your temper to. She is always saying no to some of the good stuff about God’s Heart with another person only because she has a life & they both know it’s about to end but they both say it’s okay to have another friend in God Jesus but it’s all about time for all around them both. God says that will change to. I have to say I’m interested in Bible studies but not with  anyone who says I can’t be with them more in & through The Holy Spirit.  I know it’s their Bible study so I say that’s fine with me. I know I wanted to do more times there but it’s not easy for me to say yes to something I want to do to & I want to type for God Jesus & I have a life with other things going on. It’s about time for all of us who say maybe it might happen & maybe not. Okay that’s it for now. God says I have to say this before I say I’m done for now. God says this one person a Pastor will not be saying all of this to me or anyone else but he has said this site is the best site he has ever read & laughed to the point of tears about Goldie & Angie being in Harry’s cave with Kurt babe. You know Goldie’s babe from tv, movies & in  real life. He will not say it to me because he hasn’t really read any of these blogs yet but when he does it will be pandemonium in his I Church when he says one time about God’s blogs & that the person who says Harry’s cave is  in some place we will call the woods. People will laugh until they can’t move anymore & then he will say; I have her for a guest for us today & everyone will go nuts to hear more about Harry & Goldie but not in Church it’s God’s time there. Then he will say put your seat belt on she has God’s Heart with  her like we all do but when she talks to you, you know it’s God all the way to Heaven & she is telling me how to get closer to God. I’m in how about you all here in Church to have her come out now with God in her life to say  whatever she will say but when she says it be prepared to be stared at  & looked at & her knowing God will tell her if you are Saved or not. Or if you deny God here she will be in your space the whole time. I’m telling you all now don’t get up or leave the room she is back here now with her face smiling for the first time for God Jesus Sermon for her to be here in her very first time with God Jesus being with her & you will know she is  with God by the way she talks but you decide if there is something else to say God is with her like no one on this earth & she says He is with all of us the same but she is with Him so much it shines out of her very being to know God is with her to. Okay here she is for the very first time. God  says to give her a hand because she has said to God no applause for me you are the one to applaud so give her a welcome applause here tonight because God told me to make sure that happens. She say no God says yes. God wins so here she is for now. Okay that is in time but not now. I’m here to say I’m here for God but so is a lot of other people. It’s in God’s time for me to be there for God’s Sermon for Him. Bye for now. 
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