xxcelestelovelyxx · 9 years
Killing Time || celeste + adrian
Celeste was bored out of her mind. She didn’t really know what to do with herself and she was starting to get stir crazy. She had been having trouble making friends lately. Which honestly disappointed her, she wanted friends. Her current friends all seemed to be too occupied with this or that to pay any attention to her at all. Other than Greyson she wasn’t sure she really had any honest to goodness friends. Maybe Ace, but even that she was still not certain about, she half though that the young girl found her hard to handle. Celeste sighed heavily as she pouted and rested her chin in her palm. 
That was when she noticed some one. She instantly perked up and looked over towards them. Her mind didn’t have time to think because impulse was taking over. She darted over towards them and stood in front of him with a warm smile. 
“Oh hey! It’s you! Well I have something to ask you, and I know it will sound weird but just hear me out okay?” She asked as she held out her hands and took a deep breath. “I want more friends. I am lonely and I’d like to have more friends. Would you at all be interested in being my friend? We could go bowling or play darts or something. Then after you can decide yes or no.” 
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guycandymaddox-blog · 9 years
After Work Special || Adrian & Maddox
With all of the guys on the Guy Candy app, and there were a lot, Maddox found himself making plans with several guys - whether it was platonic or just for a quick fuck - and one of those that he had met was Adrian. While he didn’t necessary think a stock-broker would be fun company to keep, the guy was good looking and he had held his interest enough over the app that he didn’t mind conversing with him. Maybe that was what prompted him to ask him for a coffee - which turned into drinks and then dinner - and after receiving the name of the restaurant in question, Maddox made the quick drive there.
Almost as soon as he was inside, all eyes fell on him - it wasn’t because of his celebrity status, though, it was because of his height, and he chuckled as he found the male he was meaning to meet. “Ya must be Adrian. Gotta say - ya look smaller in person.”
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margaret-avery-blog · 9 years
A Para || Maggie and Adrian
Maggie held her bag in front of her, mindlessly playing with the straps while she wandered through the street. With no classes she felt no need to stay at the school. After a few minutes she found herself sitting at a small cafe. She got a cup of tea, something fruity and sweet, and absentmindedly began to write in it. There wasn’t much on her mind, at least nothing that seemed important enough for her to write down, but Sienna’s words were sitting strangely in her mind. The woman had a way of getting exactly what she wanted, something that Maggie hoped she one day had the skills and confidence to be that way as well. She wasn’t sure what she felt at the moment, Sienna seemed so sure that she could just arrange a marriage for her and Maggie still hadn’t completely comprehended what she was saying. It was all just confusing her. While the idea of marrying Adrian didn’t seem bad per say, she also didn’t want to jump for joy that Sienna mentioned it. 
She stayed lost in her thoughts, writing down some of them, paying little attention to the world around her. The quickly changed when she saw a shadow fall over her. Maggie jumped, looking up at the figure and giving a quick laugh as she saw who it was. It seemed only fitting that it would be Adrian to walk up to her. “Oh... Hi.” She said while she closed her journal, automatically smoothing out her dress and sitting up a bit straighter.
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doe-adeer · 10 years
If in doubt bake a cake- Dorcas and Adrian
Dorcas turned around before she moved in the kitchen, it may have been a large kitchen but the house elves were far too easy to trip over, she felt awful when that happened. After checking that her pathway to the cupboard was free she started looking for the flour, the house elves were good at the cooking but atrocious at putting things back where they came from. Not that that was exactly Dorcas' forte, her part of the dorm was the messiest, It was clean but still, everything was everywhere. 'Organized chaos' she ensured Igraine. She was about to get the eggs out when she realized she had forgotten to put an apron on. Leaning over she pulled one off the pegs and tied it loosely around herself.
    She wasn't exactly sure why she had even offered to teach Adrian how to bake, it was a spur of the moment sort of thing. Avoiding Slytherins was something she did frequently, after the incident with Lucius Malfoy.. she tended to steer clear of the dungeons and run when she saw an emerald tie. He seemed nice enough, he hadn't make any rude comments about her being a halfblood and he hadn't gone for the general 'little lion' jeer. Dorcas leaned down into another cupboard and pulled out a box of eggs, opening the carton she checked that none of them had gotten damaged. Satisfied she smiled at the ingredients she had got out, they weren't weighed yet though.
    She heard a ping behind her and turned around with a start, laughing at herself a little when she realized it was only the buns she had put in earlier. Hastily shoving on a pair of oven gloves she opened the door, letting the heat pour out before she reached in and carefully removed the tray avoiding the edges of the oven, Dorcas had burned herself too many times that way to let it happen again. She put them on a cooling rack before turning round, "Oh" her eyes widened as she saw Adrian stood in the doorway. She pulled the oven mitts off and smiled "You been there long?
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its-kenzieemery · 11 years
Exploring China | Adrian & Mackenzie
Mackenzie had only just finally gotten used to her room in China before she’d agreed to go out to explore with Adrian. Granted she didn’t know him well at all, in fact she hardly knew him. She had spoken to him a couple of times and he seemed quite adventurous to her so she thought that he’d be a great partner in crime while exploring. That’s why when he was looking for some to go out with she leapt at the opportunity to go, while in Scotland he had encouraged her to go out and explore and she didn’t, missing that opportunity to go out, she knew she had to make the most of the amazing places she was going.
She quickly chucked on her favourite pair of jeans and a t-shirt, turning she ruffled through her bag until she found the camera her parents gave her before she left. They had told her to take lots of pictures of the places she went, she made a mental note to call them when she got back. Heading down the stairs she took a wrong turn, twice, but ended up at the front door nonetheless. She breathed a sigh of relief when she didn’t see Adrian, glad that she hadn’t kept him waiting with her habit of getting lost. Stopping to sit on the stairs and wait for Adrian.
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Apprehension || Adrian x Rose
Pulling to a stop in front of the apartment building in downtown Palm Springs, Rose turned off the ignition and sat staring into space for a few minutes, trying to put her chaotic thoughts in order. Her mind was racing, making her wish for the calm soothing effect of Dimitri's presence—but there was no way in hell she could have asked him to accompany her on this particular visit. It would be hard enough convincing Adrian to talk to her on her own—if Dimitri was at her side, the Moroi would probably refuse to open the door at all.
She looked in the rearview mirror, inadvertently wincing at the look of tension on her face. It was ridiculous for her to feel so apprehensive about confronting her ex-boyfriend—she wasn't the type of person to back down from a fight. She was always ready to battle, physically or verbally—but that was the problem in and of itself. She didn't want  to fight with Adrian. That was the exact reason she had waited several months, giving his anger a chance to cool down. She wanted to have a rational discussion, hopefully ending the ill will between them once and for all.
Exiting the car, she squared her shoulders and headed towards the entrance at a rapid pace. Enough time had passed, and she was tired of waiting.She wanted her friend back, and it was time to make that happen.
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themoroiqueen · 12 years
The List || Lissa x Adrian
The recent graduate, Vasilissa Dragomir, stared down at the letter in her lap. She recognized the Queen's looping script immediately, and glanced around. She had been taken earlier to this plane, set to go to a place she wasn't sure. But it was Tatianna's doing, so she was safe, right? The handful of Guardians on the plane helped, too. The last couple of weeks had been bittersweet for the girl. She knew Tatianna wanted her to marry her great-nephew, but Lissa had desperately hoped she'd forget, or change her mind. It wasn't so; Tatianna had commanded her to break things off with her current boyfriend, Christian Ozera. The man she truly loved, and her heart ached for him. That had been nearly a week ago, and each time they saw each other, they couldn't bare to glance at each other.
So here she was, on the plane. Staring down at the Queen's letter. Biting her lower lip, she took a deep breath, before starting to read it.
My Dearest Vasilissa,
You were handed this envelope as you got onto the plane. The final destination? Fairbanks, Alaska. You and Adrian are to live together as a couple, fiances, and blend in with your neighbors. Become friends with them, go to parties with the, and altogether act like you two are only months away from getting married.
This time of the year, the sun is hardly out, so it shouldn't be too uncomfortable for you two. But you will have to get used to a day-schedule like the humans. I have provided a feeder for you two to go to, a couple of streets down from where the home you both will share. 
Enclosed, there is a list of tasks the two of you will have to do together, as a couple, and document it in some way. You may not return to Court, or wherever it is that you wish, until all the items on here are completed.
Queen Tatianna
Lissa stared down at the paper in shock, before moving the current page out of the way, coming across said list. She looked over it, before giving a groan. Some of the tasks were so trivial. Cook dinner together, go shopping... And they'd have to do them all before they could go home? She saw a little added note at the bottom of the list. You may only mark off one task per day. 
She looked out the window, trying to look under the clouds. From what she could tell, they were over the ocean. They really were going to live in Alaska! She sunk back into her chair, giving a breath. Jesus Christ...
When the plain landed, Lissa stepped off. A few of the Guardians took her luggage, trailing it behind them despite her protests that she could carry it herself. In the small airport, she looked around. Adrian should be here too, should he? All she had to do was wait.
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