#papadile and croctots alternate au
crownedcrowrow · 9 months
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(Posting this for now till school slows down and I can draw ask responses)
Recently people might have noticed I'm drawing LH and the babies for Papadile and Croctots very differently. That is just me me being silly and having fun designing stuff. For the main story they look how I usually draw them. The only reason I made these alternate designs is because I heavily restricted myself for story purposes because neither LH or the bois have any markings in 2003 and for the fic to fit into canon more. And I love markings so I kept it limited. For this alternate version I pretty much branched out more so this is what they all would have looked like with an original backstory story/ designs withough those restrictions. I might do something with them in the future but idk ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Ill probably talk more bout them later...
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