#ouch ouchie oh gosh ow
bookiedoodles · 2 years
I don't think they'll pull an oblivious Luz 2.0 in regards to Willow's feelings around Hunter bc she's way more observant than we think when she caught onto Amity's crush back in Wing It like Witches. I feel like she's chalking up Hunter's awkwardness due to his neglect of hardly experiencing love and affection his whole life; meaning that he definitely has to make the first move if this ship is ready to sail.
Oh I can totally get behind this. Willow is VERY observant and it's not exactly a secret that Hunter is a neglected and abused child. Her seeing him acting uncomfortable and sweaty and weird when talking to her wouldn't be an unusual thing to see for someone who has... a LOT of baggage like he does. And, I mean, it is definitely part of the reason. He does have his uncomfortable moments and he's a VERY awkward person, because this is all new territory for him. He doesn't know HOW to react with unconditional love from many different people and healthy friendships.
But it does make it harder when he realizes his feelings for Willow and she just.... doesn't understand. And, honestly, even if she DOES have feelings for him back, she still doesn't see the reciprocation because she just can't separate his awkwardness from his terrible past. It's honestly a mess, really.
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yikes-cancer · 5 years
owwy ow ooh oow ow ouch oooh ow oof *dancing around your kitchen waving my elbow around* oow oalw oh gosh owww ouchie ouch ouch oooh
baby what'd you do
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