#osmp s2 philza kin
trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
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saintpallis · 11 months
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Osmp philza stimboard!
🦌 🪡 🦌 | 🪡 🦌 🪡 | 🦌 🪡 🦌
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justanotherkinrequest · 6 months
carekit for osmp ! philza ( s2 ) !!
with roll-on perfume , small snacks , portable art supplies , trinket holders , fidgets , and accessories !!
leather thigh holster bag - $11
roll up brush holder ( can hold pencils as well ! ) - $10
pochade box - $6
roll on perfume* - $5
red bean dorayaki - $10
feather chewlery ( i recommended these in the last care kit , but they're so fitting in my opinion ) - $4
tangle fidget - $9
white feather ear cuff - $3
drawstring trinket bag - $7
*recommended scents ; angel & flowerbomb
there you go mate ! i found a lot of these pretty fitting for you , so i hope you enjoy them ! again , they're pretty affordable , just like the last kit , so hopefully you'll be able to get the things you want soon !
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citizenoftmrrwlnd · 1 year
hi! good to see you back with open reqs! could we possibly get a playlist for osmp!wilbur? he likes songs by the neighborhood, so possibly songs in their sort of style if you could? thank you!
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this was such an exciting request! i noticed your wilbur is a s1 origins fictive, so i made sure to keep that in mind while picking songs out. sending your wilbur a friendly 'hello' from a s2 origins philza kin!
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dsmpkinfessions · 1 year
collapsing onto the floor of the inbox. being a s2 osmp philza kin makes watching the qsmp a whole entire different experience. watching qsmp!phil struggle to keep those eggs safe...like— i've been there. i know the feeling. ugh the stress! i'm gonna get grey hairs! but at the same time it's been totally healing. the family content soothes my achy soul where my source's reset for s3 tore it open. it's making me so broody. ugh! /pos -osmp!phil (🌾🪶🍎🎶) (oh, and thank you guys for continuing to accept osmp kinfessions as well. i know this is a mostly-dsmp blog, so i genuinely just really appreciate it! gives me a place to breathe and stretch my wings.)
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To the others from the valley,
I know I'm likely not the Philza from your canons, your memories, but seeing your letters made me incredibly emotional— I can't help it, I'm sappy and missing you all very much! I miss being able to wrap my wings around you, miss being able to just pop my head outside and catch a glimpse of the chaos below. You all mean so much to me, even now, which is why I'm writing obviously. Do me a favor would you? Take care of yourselves. Stretch, hydrate, eat, and all that. Get some fresh air, maybe, if you've been inside a lot. I've been doing my best to take care of myself, I promise, even amidst the hard work I have to do.
From, (OSMP S2 kin) Phil | 🌾🪶
[Letter sent!]
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
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( x - x - x :: x - x - x :: x - x - x )
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
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( x - x - x :: x - x - x :: x - x - x )
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trenchcoatsbi · 1 year
heya! back again, this time to request a playlist! i’d love for it to have a really comfortable vibe, maybe with some songs similar to jack johnson’s work or, hell, stuff like the kingdom dance from tangled? indie folk music is good, too! anything you feel fits, go for it. take care! -🌾🪶
I went ahead and did this a bit ago tho I held off on posting cause i didn’t know if Tommy was working on one too or not. But uh I’ve thoroughly driven my friends mad with my ramblings while I was putting this together and I think they’d legit kill me if I didn’t post this at all. I didn’t want to put too much stuff on these cause after a bit it was just starting to really look like i copied and pasted MY phil playlist but yeah comfy music is my jam especially indie folk type stuff or like fantasy-ish instrumentals :D! I probably could've leaned more folksy but uh I mainly listen to folk punk and I have a feeling you wouldn't want that on your playlist haha. most of it isn't exactly comforting in the way I was going for with this one anyway
Art used on the cover can be found here! And uh I have rambling under the cut its some more music recommendations and me going bonkers
Hope you enjoy phil! -za
OKAY okay so home from the undertale soundtrack was added mostly on accident but it kinda worked and my friends bullied me into keeping it. pay back for me going bonkers in their dms and forcing them to vc with me so i could play music at them probably lol
I was gonna add Bruno Major his stuff felt too modern [if that makes sense] for the playlist so i didn’t add him but his music just is a vibe! Nothing and Home are some of my favorites from him.
The Head and The Heart got cut (along with a bunch of other stuff) because my friend said wow uh I think almost fifty songs is a bit much for a request playlist so uhm yeah. Honeybee or People Need A Melody are my personal faves from them, so uh give those a listen if you want.
Hollowcoves probably would've fit but uh I'll be honest I just forgot until like 3 seconds ago that it existed. uhm uhm uhm These Memories is good! Give that a listen if you want.
Roland Faunte’s stuff is good but it’s sadder and idk didn’t know if you’d like that stuff on your playlist. I recommend listening to Brick by Brick (I linked to my favorite recording of it the acoustic extended version :D)
Danny Schmidt's music is pretty neat! This to Shall Pass is what I'll recommend, but his music is pretty varied and all of it is good in my opinion
I haven't listened enough to Defiance Ohio to properly give them a full hearted recommendation but I really like You are Loved! You might like it too
Amigo the Devil is dark folk not the vibe for this playlist but one you might enjoy if you don’t mind talk of stuff like murder and that darker type of subject material. Different Anymore is my favorite that's my recommendation
Also uh warning for darker material and its like barely even related to your playlist at this point but American Murder Song is a folk band! They write murder ballads (i think thats what its called) and all their stuff is related to american history! Lullaby is the song stuck in my head rn, they definitely have catchier songs though. damn im really out here like yeah there's catchier songs about murder out there. uhm augh sorry I just wanted to talk about them I can't get my friends to listen to them with me :/
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trenchcoatsbi · 7 months
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O!Tommy stimboard for Vale/🌾🪶anon [@2ea2on]
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trenchcoatsbi · 10 months
helloo! i’m in a silly goofy mood and riding high off a fit of insomnia from excitement for my plans tomorrow (going on a bit of an adventure out in nature!), so could i get a moodboard with shitposts/memes and the like that fit me? i dunno if i need to specify themes on this one, but family, adventure, and assorted chaotic vibes are encouraged haha! -🌾🪶
p.s. this blog cameoed in a dream i had during a nap i took today so congrats for worming your ways into my subconscious i guess lmfao
yippee I guess our silly trenchcoat disguise worked we have successfully snuck into ur dreams lol
this took forever sorry lol. I had an whole zero amount of ideas when this came in but luckily I managed to piece something vaguely fun together. hope ur doing well and also hope you like the silly photos i have gathered for you -za
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justanotherkinrequest · 6 months
ayup! if it's not a bother, i'd love to request a care kit for an osmp s2 philza kin— for clarity, that's the one with the white robes and antlers on the wiki! maybe some roll-on perfume, snacks to carry in my backpack, stuff to carry trinkets in, small/portable art supplies, fidgets, and some accessories? i'm lookin' for a thigh/holster-style bag so if you can find a good one that'd be pog— would be great if it was leather! snackwise i'm real big on stuff like dorayaki, pumpkin bread, apple newtons, apple chips, and granola, and fidgetwise i really enjoy tangles and chewelry. hope that's enough info, let me know if i need to provide more! saw my source was whitelisted by mod 🍎 and got so excited haha! -🌾🪶
queued !! ( will post on ; sunday )
ayup vale !!
i already did one for you here , but since there ' s some new stuff on the list here , i figured i'd go ahead and do another one ! hope you like it mate , from one phil to another ! o7
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justanotherkinrequest · 8 months
ayup! hope you're well! was wondering if i could bother you for some comfort and a carekit for an origins smp s2 philza kin? would love the carekit to include some roll-on perfume, bar soap, small snacks (big on pumpkin, apple, carrot, seeds/granola, and sweets), small accessories, and maybe some stim toys? not picky though, so go wild and include anything you find fitting. not to get too heavy but i've been stressed out of my mind lately, dealing with massive academic-burnout and feelings of inadequacy in my friendships, so some stuff to help me feel a little less shit would be great, y'know? thanks! -🌾🪶 (or, since mod🍎 knows the trenchcoat blog/server, vale haha!)
🍎 Queued!
Hey Vale! Sorry you're so stressed out recently, I hope it gets better for ya mate! I also hope you like the carekit! I think I chose some good items for ya ^^
From one Philza to another, I hope you enjoy, and I hope things work out for you soon! :D
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trenchcoatsbi · 9 months
OH on a totally different note, all this talk about canon-divergence with the tallulah (kinsidering) anon has me thinking about how much it annoys me that being canon divergent makes it so darn hard to find any content that matches my own canon. s2 of origins smp was over SO fast because it was made in a snapshot version of minecraft so there's already just a tiny bit of content for my season and add onto that my noncanon flock member/cousin??? auuuugh.... AUUUUGH! it makes me really curious if literally anyone else remembers crowley or if it's Just Me lmfao.
it took me so long to figure out my kintype because of all That. doesn't help that so much of my kin memories/related feelings were broadly elytrian! i spent so long going "am i a dragon? am i an angel??? am i a crow?????" no. no i'm just osmp s2 philza and elytrian behaviors & culture were never covered in my source material. collapses. /lh
anyways. we canon divergent kins gotta stick together. we are all in the same little boat of "where the fuck is everyone. what the fuck is happening." haha! -🌾🪶
nodding nodding. I do not have much to add because yeah you said it pretty well. us canon divergent kins are all 🤝🤝 in where are they and what the fuck is going on with these memories fr
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justanotherkinrequest · 6 months
hii! inbox check ?
inbox check !!
in inbox
-jayfeather stimboard - egg a1 id pack 🍎 ( i'll start working on it like , right after i'm done writing this lol ) - simon petrikov stim headcanons - gamzee recipe kit - oc kin recipe kit - tavros pyrope stimboard - rodya raskolnikov carekit - astragalus sprite edit + pronoun recs ♠ - homestuck oc kin sprite edit - captain barnacles name recs - mituna ( ? ) recipe kit - betty grof transmasc name recs - rinne emagi playlist - alternate ! bob names - blue ( character ) playlist - simon petrikov name + pronoun recs 🐦 - daiba nana fashion kit - victor saltzpyre fashion kit - mituna name + pronoun recs 🐦 - knurv playlist 🐦 - betty grof transmasc name recs - lloyd lowell sketch 🐦
in drafts
-crying child and cassie replycons 🦜 - etho titles 🍎 - mangle replycons ♠️ - bill ciper replycons - fruit bat stimboard ♠️ - michael fictive replycons 🍎 - cinnamoroll replycons 🍎 - aradia medigo sprite edit ♠️ - betty grof replycons ♠️
note ; mod ♠️ / spade is on break , and is planning on returning sometime after january 2024 !! please be patient with them ^^
in queue
-house sparrow moodboard ( posting on ; sunday ) 🦜 - carekit for osmp s2 ! philza ( posting on ; sunday ) 🍎 - betty grof replycons ( posting on ; monday ) 🦜 - frutiger aero / old tech names ( posting on ; monday ) 🦜
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