#orihime was taken by her brother at age 3 bc their parents were so abusive & then he died
ofdreamsanddoodles · 1 year
it’s interesting to me that ichigo canonically has so much reitsu that he can increase abilities of the people around him, if he spends enough time with them, which is why chad & orihime have powers (or at least, the ASSUMED reason since chad’s really a fullbring) but both of their abilities have to do with like, having more soul than everyone around them, basically, which is a power ichigo himself was born with
like chad says that he feels the power of his abuelo dwelling in his right arm & that his own power is in his left, while orihime’s power is having six different spirits that are supposed to represent her soul. canon describes it as being like a shiginami’s sword, which makes sense, because they all, like, are housed in her hairclip, there’s still more variation just one weapon one power (an oversimplification, i know)
there’s no real point to this post, i just think it’s fun that out of everyone ichigo could have met, he gravitated towards the kids with powers closer to his
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