#or somehow a 14 years old who is fawning over a cute boy
mygwenchan · 10 months
At this point the hate campaign against Build has really become somewhat of a weekly occasion, huh? They always come for him when something good is happening, like the magazine sales that are doing really well, the current donation event and his nice Japan trip. They really need to ruin the mood every time... Well, I can only laugh about these pitiful attempts to destroy his career and his life. It's just narcissist and stalker behavior from his ex, quite pathetic tbh. She and her minions can't even get creative about it. Like come on, at least leak the s** tape or something! lol But nope, it's always just chats that are either fake or should've stayed private or some irrelevant pictures. Nothing new here. Next!
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Karmiro Week 2k19 Day 1: “Missing Him/Missing Her”
I made this fanfic as quickly as possible! Happy Karmiro week!
Day 1: Confession/Future
It was a beautiful spring day in San Fransokyo, and Hiro Hamada was approaching the train station by way of Shimamoto street.
 To most, this was a normal sight: A 14 year old child prodigy with black as graphite bangs and a tooth gap that made all the girls squeal.
 Quite why they did that still boggled Hiro, but there were some things even a child prodigy couldn’t figure out.
 Girls, am I right?
 Oh, yeah, sorry.
 Anyway, Hiro was walking down the street, looking a little chipper than he had in a few months.
 6 months to be exact.
 6 months, 4 days, 4 hours and 23 minutes, to be precise.
 Not that he was keeping track.
 Not that he had been keeping so much track that Go Go had to put the power dex on to wrestle him out there one night.
 Moving on.
 The sky was clear, but Hiro’s thoughts were not.
 This was a normal occurrence, as an SFIT Student/Superhero/Teenager, but Hiro had, for once, different thoughts on his mind.
 He would have LOVED to be focused on villains, homework and what he was going to do Friday night.
 She was coming back.
 SHE was coming back.
 She was coming BACK.
 Granted, for a short visit of a weekend, but…
 “Your heartbeat is growing in a rapid state and your hormones levels are rising…”
 Ah, I knew I forgot something. I guess I’m just used to him being there, I forgot to mention him.
 It’s kind of obvious, no?
 What do you mean it isn’t? He’s always there!
 Whatever, just let me finish the story! Jeez, everyone’s a critic!
 “Baymax, not the time!”, Hiro said, his head turning left and right, hoping no one overheard the medical analysis.
 “I diagnose you with… Happiness. But… A sad happiness.”
 Great, he was doing the finger pointing thing. That usually meant he was right.
 “…Look, buddy, I’m just trying to find the station, ok?”
 Hiro was approaching it now, but his mind was such a mess that he had nearly taken the wrong turn.
 “I’m not usually like this…”, he thought, not liking this lack of control.
 Hiro was used to being totally in control.
 With a push of some keys and the writing of some programs, he could upgrade Big Hero 6’s armor just like that.
 Give him a few nights and a couple dozen bags of gummy bears, and he could build incredible nano technology.
 Even at the worst of situations, a good plan and Tadashi’s guidance was all Hiro needed to keep San Fransokyo safe.
 But if there was one thing Hiro didn’t know how to control, it was his emotions.
 And right now, they were running in every single direction, driving him insane.
 Feelings of loss, longing, reunion, excitement, dread, joy, despair, anger, solitude, hope and even…
 Wait, no, not that, definitely not that!
 But whatever it was, it was making Hiro’s heart practically leap out of his chest as he neared the station, his brain constantly going “Any minute you’re going to see her!” “Any moment you’re going to see her arrive!” “ANY MOMENT, HIRO, WATCH OUT FOR THAT…”
 …That lamp post.
 Hiro fell to the ground and rubbed his nose.
 He felt embarrassed already, and she hadn’t even showed up yet.
 Great. Now his face was even redder.
 This couldn’t get…
 “You have fallen.”
 Never mind.
 “On a scale of 1-10, how would you…”
 Hiro clambered up, getting his balance back.
 “Buddy, seriously, not now. She’s almost here and… You know what? Can you give us some time alone?”
 Hiro didn’t like sidelining Baymax, but this was sort of a personal and private affair.
 He did NOT need Baymax to spout out some puberty stuff.
 Though it could make her laugh.
 …God how he had missed that laugh.
 He had heard it here and there on the webcam conversations, but he wanted to hear it face to face.
 Her face.
 Her incredible face…
 No. No.
 Stay focused.
 “If it improves your condition, I will gladly move aside, Hiro.”
 Hiro couldn’t help but smile at that.
 “…Thanks, Baymax.”
 Baymax was a machine, so he couldn’t truly express emotion, but Hiro swore he heard affection in the words “Always, Hiro.”
But Hiro had to think of other things now.
 Like how she’s almost here.
 She’s almost here.
 She’s almost here.
 She’s almost…
 The sound of train tracks click clacking reverberated in his ears as a bullet train sped down, so fast it was that Hiro could barely register it.
 But he saw the number on the door.
 He had memorized that number: 99.
 He could say it in his sleep.
 According to Honey Lemon, he had said it in his sleep once during one of the gang’s sleepovers, so that wasn’t an exaggeration.
 So there!
 I guess.
 Hiro didn’t even know what to say, his heart beating so hard he could barely hear the doors open.
 His mouth felt dry and his breath short.
 Would she look different?
 Would she sound different?
 Would she… Be different?
 Would she smile?
 Did she miss him?
 As much as he had missed her?
 Hiro had been kidnapped by supervillians, yet this was somehow scarier.
 After what felt like an eternity, she stepped out.
 She looked the same, but there was some clear dampness on her cheeks.
 She had been crying.
 Her eyes hadn’t located him yet, a crowd of people still blocking him from her sight.
 She was also looking to the wrong direction, left, then right, searching…
 For him?
 He hoped.
 Suddenly, her eyes locked with his.
 His eyes locked with her, how could they not, what else was there to look at?
 They locked eyes with each other…
 “HIRO!”, Karmi screamed with joy, practically running at the robotics expert.
 Hiro smiled, but for some reason, what had been a shy smile turned cocky…
 Karmi leapt at his feet, tears of joy running down. “I’VE MISSED YOU SO MUCH, MY DARLING!”
 Her voice was different, almost like she was being voiced by someone else.
 And it wasn’t just Karmi’s voice that was different: Her whole body seemed to turn small, cute and anime esque.
 What’s the term? Chibi! Yes, that!
 Hiro was also different, adopting massive abs and a cleft in his chin.
 He was also 12 foot tall.
 So there was that.
 “Oh, hey Karmi. Didn’t see you there.”, he said, his long flowing locks blowing in the wind.
 Kamri, heats in her eyes, leapt up to his face excitedly, a wild and loving grin on her face.
 “Oh, Hiro! All this time away from you made me realize how much I love you, you gorgeous, genius hunk you!”
 She fawned over him, her giant eyelashes batting.
 “You’re so smart and hot and cool and kind! Even Tadashi is proud of you!”
 Karmi then held his face in her hands, magic in her voice.
 She then planted a huge kiss on his lips, and there was a parade of musicians, and it rained gummy bears, and everyone agreed that there was no one like Hiro, and Professor Granvile did the cha cha cha.
 “And that’s how your mother and I got together!”, an older, now grown up Hiro proudly announced, sinking back in his chair.
 He was still dressed about the same, but his hair was a bit longer, his body more defined, and he had a Big Hero 6 jacket on his shoulders.
 But that twinkle was still there.
 It would never leave.
 “Daddy, did that really happen? It sounds kind of… Wrong.”
 A little girl, Tamashii, with a ponytail and an adorable tooth gap, wearing a T-Shirt with Big Hero 6’s members on it, sat on the floor and gave her father a quizzical look.
 SURELY none of that had happened!
 Hiro smiled that smug grin of his and lifted his leg over another, not noticing the figure approaching him.
 “Oh, it SO did happen, my koibito.”
 “Oh, really?”
 Standing over Hiro, towering over him as ever, was Karmi.
 A taller, even higher Karmi, with her hair down and her lab coat confidently placed on her shoulders.
 She looked most the same, but there was peace in her heart, something she so sorely lacked in the past.
 She was also better at taking jokes, as she smiled at Hiro with a questioning grin.
 Hiro sheepishly smiled back. “Oh, Karmi! I didn’t see you there!”
 He pointed at Tamashii, who was enjoying the entertainment before her.
 “Oh, Tamashii here was just asking me about when we confessed our feelings to each other.”
 Karmi cocked an eyebrow, still taking it all in good humor. “I heard.”
 She then knelt down and playfully ruffled his hair. “But I get the feeling that you’re misremembering some things, Genius boy.”
 Hiro rolled his eyes, a flirtatious grin on his face. “Will you ever stop calling me that?”
 Karmi cockily grinned. “Well… No, since it’s meaning has changed since we first met.”
 She blushed now, and Hiro now smiled at his favorite sight in the world: His wife smiling.
 But he was going to enjoy his joke as much as he could.
 “Well, my light, can you do a better job?”
 “Oh, Hiro…”, Karmi said, pulling him out of the chair and sitting down.
 “I most definitely can!”
 The train arrived at the station, and sitting on the seat was a 16 year old bio-tech major with earplugs in her ears and tears running down her eyes.
 6 months, 4 days, 4 hours and 33 minutes.
 Had it been so long ago?
 She was taken advantage of the day before.
 She was turned into a monster the day before.
 She nearly hurt her… Friend the day before.
 But somehow, despite all that, she remembered it with painful fondness.
 How could she not?
 It was the day she got her first real friend.
 And she hadn’t forgotten him.
 She hadn’t forgotten his words.
 His hug.
 It couldn’t be that.
 No way!
 And she was definitely not hoping he was so that she could tell him that she definitely felt the same!
 No way!
 Karmi rested her head on the back of her seat, feeling a slight headache.
 “I hate feeling like this.”
 She felt so many things.
 She was sad that she had to leave.
 She was angry that her parents had forced her to.
 She was happy to be back, even for a weekend.
 But mostly, she…
 She missed him.
 She missed him so much.
 She laughed quietly, a fond smile on her face. “I would never have thought I’d feel that in a million years.”
 But it was true.
 The train finally stopped at her station, and Karmi rose out of her seat, trying her best to ignore “Accidentally in Love” ringing in her ears.
 As she saw the doors open, her body entered panic mode.
 What was it going to be like?
 She had never even had friends, let alone stayed over at their houses!
 She had never had friends to miss, and talk to, and wonder how they were doing, and longingly stare at pictures of them, and wish you could see that precious smile of theirs!
 She had never had that!
 Karmi’s heart pounded like a jackhammer and her eyes darted wildly as she searched for him.
 Where was he?
 Had he forgotten?
 No, he had sent her at text that he was going to the station, he definitely remembered.
 But had he missed the station?
 Had he…
 Had he decided to not come?
 Karmi sighed. “I guess it’s what I deserve.”, she thought as she kept looking for him, only seeing strangers..
 “I never treated him well. Why would he…”
 “KARMI!”, Hiro suddenly screamed, turning Chibi and handing her roses.
 Karmi smiled smugly and accepted them. “Why, thank you, Hiro! It’s pleasant to see you too!”
 “More than pleasant for me, Baby!”, Hiro said, planting a large kiss on her lips and going down on one knee.
 He took her hand and, with his other hand, he retrieved a diamond ring.
 “Karmi… Will you marry me?”
 “THAT did not happen!”
 Hiro now had an annoyed expression on his face, as Karmi innocently smiled back at him.
 “Oh, whatever do you mean, Hiro?”
 She was using that sing songy voice. Hiro didn’t like that!
 “Karmi, you know that I didn’t propose then!”
 Tamashii laughed, enjoying her parents silliness, but she was getting impatient.
 “Mommy, Daddy, why can’t you just tell me the real story?”
 Hiro and Karmi looked back at their daughter and laughed nervously.
 Perhaps they should just tell her the real story.
 “Sorry, Tamashii, Mommy and Daddy just like messing with each other.”, Karmi apologized.
 Hiro laughed. “It took us a long time to actually realize we should just be friends.”
 Karmi lifted Tamashii and kissed her on the forehead, making the girl giggle, and she then placed her on the now seated Hiro.
 Positioned on Hiro’s lap, and staring directly into her mother’s sparkling eyes, Tamashii once again asked how it had happened.
 Hiro and Karmi exchanged blushed looks.
 It was a little different to their previous stories, to say the least:
 Just like before, Hiro watched the people leave the train and just like before, Karmi got off and looked around for him.
 Unlike before, they had something to give each other.
 Unlike before, the reunion was… Different.
 “Where is he?”, Karmi thought, searching and searching.
 Hiro couldn’t say anything: His body was still frozen.
 All he could see was her.
 All he could hear was her.
 All he could feel was her.
 Finally, he got enough strength to say “….Karmi…”
 Karmi, hearing this, turned and…
 They stood in front of each other, hundreds of strangers passing by them, dozens of sounds playing off their ear drums, but all they could notice was each other.
 Ladies and gentleman, writing romance! It’s easy!
 Hiro and Karmi blushed and smiled at each other, Hiro’s hand instinctively rubbing his hair and Karmi’s hands instinctively protecting her body, as if she had to close herself even from him.
 For a while, they couldn’t say anything.
 It was just incredible to them that the other was even there.
 It felt like a dream after the nightmare of the last 6 months.
 He had… Missed her so much.
 She had… Missed him so much.
 “…How was the trip?”
 “…Good. I liked seeing all the buildings out of the train.”
 This wasn’t supposed to be this awkward.
 Was there a way to…
 “You must have really missed me, eh Genius boy?”
 There it was!
 Hiro actually laughed this time, though, and it sent Karmi’s heart a fluttering.
 Had he always had such an amazing smile?
 It was a smile that made her feel like…
 Like it would all be ok.
 He was here.
 Hiro stopped laughing and smugly grinned.
 “I see you haven’t changed a bit.”
 “Thank god”, he thought.
 “Still as perfect as ever in your eyes?”, she asked, continuing the banter.
 Hiro shrugged. “That’s a funny way to say pain in the butt.”
 Once, Karmi would have shouted at him for that insult.
 But today, she could see the humor (and lie) in it.
 So she laughed.
 And Hiro wondered how he had ever lived without it.
 As she stopped laughing, she suddenly noticed that Hiro was taking something out of his backpack.
 She quizzically observed him as he looked up at her, a shy and… Scared look on his face?
 That was new.
 He seemed a little reserved as he picked whatever it was up.
 What could it be…
 “I… I kind of… Made you something.”
 He immediately backed up. “I mean, like, it’s stupid, it’s just a silly gift, it’s not what it, you know, this is stupid, I shouldn’t have…”
 But Karmi had managed to see what it was.
 And oh, did she see.
 Over the time they had known each other, Hiro had done many surprising and frustrating things, but this had to be the height of it: He had managed to somehow make a plushie of Captain Cutie…
 Giving her a rose.
 Specifically, the rose she had made that had helped heal the virus all the way back then.
 Hiro blushed wildly, wondering what insanity had taken over him to do this.
 “Honey Lemon helped me make this, I just thought that I had never really given your invention the credit it deserves, and I know you like cute stuff, so…”
 Karmi took it and, with awe struck eyes, looked back at him.
 She smiled that smile he so loved.
 And after taking a moment to register that, he smiled back.
 “…You’re welcome.”
 Karmi then looked very flushed as she took her backpack out.
 “Um… This is going to be a little weird, but…”
 Hiro couldn’t help but smile (albeit with a massive blush) as Karmi began to take her present out.
 “Great minds think alike, huh?”
 Karmi couldn’t help but blush at that.
 No one…
 No one had ever been like this to her.
 It felt…
 She finally gave it to him.
 “Is… Is that?…”
 A small robot that looked a bit like Hiro’s bot from his bot fighter days shook his pinky and gleefully showed its gift: A heart locket.
 “…A heart locket?”
 Karmi nodded, now feeling very shy.
 “I… I just thought that… If you feel lonely…”
 She then added quietly “Or if I feel lonely…”
 She looked away, blushing. “You can look at this and remember that my half is safely with me… And that we’ll be able to join them together the next time I visit.”
 Hiro took this all in…
 And he closed his eyes…
 And smiled.
 “…You’re welcome.”, Karmi said, happy that she did it despite her fears.
 Suddenly, both geniuses realized something:
 “You missed me?”
 And then, they both answered at the same time:
 “…Yeah. I did. Every single day.”
 Emotions took over them, as finally being able to see each other after all this time led to…
 A big, squeezy hug.
 They buried themselves in each other’s light, and, overcome with relief, they gazed at each other.
 Suddenly, the two blushed, realizing they were making a scene and showing…
 Gasp! Affection!
 That didn’t stop them from doing the next thing.
 Their breaths stopped cold, their hearts stopped cold, and their eyes locked as…
 They kissed.
 It wasn’t perfect. In fact, it was quite the small kiss.
 But as they kissed, all the feelings of longing spilled out, the masks finally off as the two were able for the first time to truly show how they felt about each other.
 As they parted, still feeling each other’s warmth, they grinned.
 “…You better not tell any of your friends that we kissed, Genius boy.”
 “As if I would dream of bragging about such a disgusting thing!”
 They laughed and hugged again, now almost slowly rocking each other.
 “I’ve really missed you, Hiro.”
 “I’ve really missed you too, Karmi.”
 And finally, all was right with the world.
  Later that evening, after Tamashii was put to bed, Hiro was overseeing some upgrades to the gang’s armors.
 There were rumors of Momakase (how was she still out there?) planning a bank robbery too, so he may have to head out.
 The rest of the gang was busy, though, so it seemed like he would be the only one going tonight.
 He and Baymax of course.
 He was feeling a little lonely though.
 It was going to be a long night, one that he would spend in the skies instead of his bed.
 With the love of his life.
 Pretty sucky.
 Karmi suddenly showed up behind him and, her arms around his neck, lifted her part of the heart locket.
 “Feeling lonely?”, she whispered, caressing his face.
 Hiro smiled back and held his part of the locket, connecting the pieces together.
 “…Not anymore.”
 It had been 10 years, 4 months, 8 days, 5 hours and 6 minutes since they had gotten together.
 They didn’t feel lonely anymore.
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zhonglino · 6 years
Rules: Tag twenty blogs - Thanks for tagging me, Andy (@cuhuy) !! I’ll keep it under a read more~
Nickname: Tuki! It was given to me by my best friend at the time in 4th grade. I never would’ve thought that it’d become a huge part of who I am now that I’m older ^^ Any other interesting nicknames I have are just variations of Tuki so~  Two of my closest friends also call me pup since I’m like a puppy, and I really, really, really like it ;3; it’s so cute so it makes me happy when I get called it.
Gender: Female
Sign: Gemimi~
Height: 5′3″
Time: 8:40PM
Favorite Bands: WHOO WHERE DO I BEGIN. Well, to keep it short, BAP & BTS are the ones that I really follow the closest and they’re the ones that have made  very special impacts on my life. So, I’d say those two are probably my all-time favorites. But BAP is the number one in my heart, forever and always. <3 
Favorite Solo Artist: Uhhh, I’m going to cop out and just say Suga !! I’m sure there’s probably some actual solo artist that I’d consider my favorite but I can’t think right now and I’ve been crying over Yoongi/First Love all day so, Suga ^^ 
Song Stuck In My Head: I just listened to Produce 48′s Pick Me song so~ It’s so, so cute and catchy, and it’s a feels-good song and and and !! Also, love and support my bby Sakura Miyawaki, pls and thanks
Last Movie I Saw: Infinity War. T3T 
Last Show I Watched: My brother and I started watching King of the Masked Singer so
When I Created My Blog: I think my anniversary just passed, actually! May 10th, 2010 - Has it really been 8 years ??
Last Thing I Googled: SF9′s member profile because I was wondering how old Zuho was, lol
Do I Have Any Other Blogs: *sweats nervously* uhh a few, yes. I have a sideblog for: 
TSM/Doublelift & Bjergsen
BAP x BTS Interactions 
All the Minhyuks in K-pop (which hasn’t been updated in forever since it still says that Rocky’s yet the debut oh god) 
other personal things ^^; 
I really shouldn’t have all of these blogs though since I’m in pharmacy school which means zero time and I’m just a lazy person in general who forgets to update things. I think a bunch of them don’t even have proper themes because I didn’t care enough to go find one LOL
But there’s my shameless self-promotion~ I’ll just put links for the ones that aren’t too messy. but feel free to ask for the others
I really want to make one where idols wear green too since my favorite color is green and idk some idols just look really nice in green alsdkfajls I need to stop.
Do I Get Asks: I told myself that I wouldn’t reblog asks unless I somehow got a decent amount of followers with curious enough people to ask stuff so, no. There’s a lot sitting in my drafts though so if you’re ever curious, *finger guns*.
Why Did I Choose My URL: Sigh, it’s an old username that I came up with when I first made my twitter in 8th grade, so I pretty much used it for everything. But I’m tired of it, and I changed my usernames on both my twitter and instagram so maybe one day I’ll finally change my tumblr one, too. I wanted to use my League IGN but it’s taken so :( 
Followers: Like how many I have? A decent amount, I’d say? I don’t know how  many of them are truly active, but I do see some people from time to time. I think they’re mostly my friends though. 
Average Hours of Sleep: OOF okay so during the school year, I was doing pretty well with sleeping relatively early and getting about 7-8 hours of sleep in. Now that it’s summer though... >_> 
Lucky number: 7 !! It was my lucky number in the board game Life and since my birthday is June 8th (mark your calendars), it’s cute because 7 is between 6/8 ^^; 
Instruments: I was honestly tempted to link Yoongi’s First Love here since I relate so much to it. I’ve played the piano since I was in 3rd grade? So about 14-15 years? I’m no Mozart or anything, but I enjoy playing it from time to time. In the more recent years, I’ve started kinda composing my own songs as well. I even bought a little music book to write down notes instead of just recording them in my phone ^^; But yeah, I love the piano and honestly, the lyrics of First Love really capture my experience with piano. 
What Am I Wearing: A nightgown and a light robe since it was freezing when I woke up from my nap before dinner. Nightgowns are the best, guys, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. 
Dream Trip: To keep it short, I’ll just list a few countries I’d like to visit/go back to, because it’s kinda hard for me to describe what my dream trip would be without it sounding weird and vague.
South Korea
Nationality: Vietnamese-American
Favorite Song: Another loaded question, ahhhh. I don’t know if I have a favorite kpop song, but for American music, I always say that Lost Stars from the movie Begin Again is my favorite. I’ll be honest and say that I’m not always 100% in the mood to listen to it, but I do listen to it when I’m feeling down and it’s helped me sleep on a few occasions, lol. I also always sing it during karaoke too, so there’s that. 
Last Book I Read: Oof I honestly don’t know +_+ I’ve been meaning to re-read the Series of Unfortunate Events books though. For some reason, when I was younger, I read 12 of the 13 books. TWELVE. AND I NEVER FINISHED IT. I have no idea why, either. aldsfkjalsd so yeah, I’d like to re-read those again someday~
3 Fictional Universes I Want To Join: oh boy
Fire Emblem Awakening’s universe because I trust all of them with my life, I’d make an awesome Grandmaster and plus my husband, Lon’qu 
Akagami no Shirayukihime’s because I, too, am a prospective pharmacist so I’d like my own Prince Zen fawning over me and rescuing me from bad guys 
BTS’ HYYH Prologue because they went to so many places with pretty water scenery and sometimes you just want to run away and be adventurous with your best friends
Thanks again, Andy, for tagging me !! I’ll tag @jibaby, @youretheairibreathe, @whenitfallsthrough but you don’t have to if you don’t want to lol. And then anyone else that wants to/does do it, please tag me because I really want to read your answers ;3; !! 
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southsidedrake-blog · 6 years
through the dark.
The day everyone else must have learned what 'being in love' really meant, Spencer must have been out sick. (A rarity in and of itself). The very notion made her skin crawl; the words always felt hollow, empty. Alex saying it to her meant nothing - she felt cold inside, as if an ice bath had been thrown on her. How could this boy say he loved her when he turned around and slept with her twin, someone bearing the same exact name? How narcissistic was it that they both engaged in that?
And how could she trust what 'love' was in the first place? If Mary had ever been serious about a man, her daughters had never known it. Cece's father was reportedly a kind man, someone she couldn't bear to destroy with the news of an unplanned pregnancy. "A man of the cloth," she nodded once, as if Alex and Spencer could understand at the age of 10 what that truly meant. And their own father was only spoken of in angry fits, drunken tirades; "you want to know about your family? About your father? Why don't you go ask your Aunt Jessica about him!"
As if either of them were willing to do that. The Dilaurentis family wasn't any better than the Drakes. It seemed as if the bad blood ran through all the women in its fold, from Mary and Jessica down to all four of their combined daughters.
Spencer had the most chance at getting out. She wasn't a fool, she played her cards right. Cece was content to stay in Riverdale, manipulating the rest of the Serpents to her whims and demands. Faux power, really, getting off on the mere fact that others fawned over her. And Alex - there was something wrong with her, Spencer knew that. She knew how close Alex tried to mimic her, that she went around pretending to be her despite the fact that they were both too old to think it was cute anymore. Her intentions weren't pure - and maybe they never had been - but once upon a time, Spencer had wanted nothing more than to think she had a built in best friend.
It was fairly obvious by the age of 18 that that was just never going to happen.
Instead, her best friend was a boy, someone whose heart she was dragging through the ringer every day. While Spencer didn't know what it meant to be in love, she could only assume it was something like what she felt around Caleb; a little bit happier, a little bit freer. Someone to confide in, to be around. They argued and they fought and they kissed and made up and no one made her feel half as safe and warm as he did.
But Spencer, being Spencer, fought against it every step of the way.
She'd be leaving in less than six months, and while she'd only be an hour train ride away, the distance already felt like so much. Caleb would never leave Riverdale, or the Serpents. He was even more a legacy than she was; while her mother and aunt had been through the same initiations she and Alex and Cece had all been through, Mary was hardly a leader. Caleb, however, was the next rightful leader. Jamie Doyle, a theif and a drunk and a liar, had somehow managed to charm the Serpents under his own rule, and Caleb, one day, would probably follow suit.
(It was a terrifying thought, sometimes, the idea of being a Serpent forever. The ink on her hip proved her place in the fold, showed that she was just as strong as any other female in the gang, but this was temporary for her. The southside, the gang, even Caleb - everything was temporary. It had to be.)
But while Jamie could prove himself to be a decent leader, he was a shit father, and repeatedly kicked Caleb out whenever he so desired. Sometimes in the middle of the night, sometimes in broad daylight, sometimes while Spencer was right there grabbing Caleb's hand and pulling him out with her. He always sobered up, always let Caleb come back, but Spencer knew - one day, he wouldn't. One day, Caleb was going to have to find a place of his own.
But for now, they could speed through the night. The winter air was sharp on their skin, Spencer wrapped up in her own leather jacket as she hid her face in Caleb's shoulder, her legs tight around his waist as she held onto him, a backpack full of clothes and essentials strapped to her back as they left Riverdale far behind. He didn't stop driving for nearly three hours; the gas light yelled at them, and a $20 got them a small room in a shitty motel for a few hours sleep at least, the two of them curled up under a threadbare blanket before they hit the road once more.
They ended up in Vermont, a small town with nothing more than a gas station and a struggling pub with some spare rooms above for rent. It was the perfect place to hide away for a couple of days, and Spencer footed the bill knowing they'd manage their money back before the end of the weekend.
Sure enough, Saturday night brought in a few more biker types, an older bartender who had no qualms about serving them Jack and Cokes whenever Spencer leaned far enough for him to see her fuchsia bra, and some old country music on the jukebox. Together, they could con anyone; they were young, they were hot, and Spencer could play dumb better than most. Enough to pretend to lose all their money, at least, before ponying up one last big bet - "If I win, you owe me $500," she countered, the biker laughing as she trailed her fingers against his bicep, standing on her tiptoes as he asked what he'd get when he won. "If you win, I'll let you bend me over the bathroom sink and fuck me til I scream."
It was enough to hook them in for one more game, Caleb sitting on a stool with a beer in his hand as he watched. And while her competition was surprisingly tough - enough that she almost worried about having to make good on her promise - she had always been creative, and as she won, Caleb laughed, spinning her around until the room spun around them, the alcohol and scent of his soap making her dizzy as the old man paid up their tab.
"God, you were amazing," Caleb muttered as they stumbled up the stairs to their room, his hands already on her hips and his lips pressed against her shoulder, biting down against her throat. "They all kept trying to see up your skirt, you know."
"I don't care," she murmured back, dragging him towards her for a kiss, open and wet and needy as she pressed her chest against his own, their feet trying to make their way to the door. They had to admit defeat for a moment, breaking apart enough for Spencer to turn around to unlock their room, Caleb's hands immediately traveling up her shirt as she did, pressing his hips against her ass as she let out a shaky breath. It took her a moment to actually manage the door, but when she did she dropped everything they had in the doorway, Caleb kicking it closed behind him as she took his hand and led him towards the bed.
"I want you," she whispered, kissing his forehead, his jawline, nipping at his ear. "All of you."
Caleb didn't hesitate; he dipped low to kiss her stomach, biting the skin near her hip as he pushed her shirt over her head, hands exploring her bare skin. In the past few weeks, she'd finally let them touch more, to see skin against skin, to make the other fall apart against themselves, but there had always been a line she couldn't cross. Part of it had been Alex, sure, not wanting to sleep with more than one guy at a time. But most of it had been her own insecurities, wondering if Caleb would leave her the second she put out, if he only stayed because she kept him at bay.
How she could have ever thought that, she didn't know; Caleb adored her, in ways she didn't even know were possible. If she didn't already have her acceptance to Columbia, if she didn't have a chance at making something of herself, she'd tell him they never had to go back, that they could change their names, hit the road, hustle pool all over the country and fuck in every state.
(A part of her still wanted to give him the choice.)
Everything felt so much bigger than it ever had before; it wasn't as if Spencer was a virgin. While she had waited longer than both of her sisters - Alex had been the  youngest at 12, while sex still felt foreign to Spencer and uncomfortable to even fathom, much less with an 19 year old like Alex had done - she was still only 14 the first time she tried her hand at it, giving herself to Toby, a nice junior at school who didn't understand the way of life the Serpents really led. And by the time she had her own initiation - only a year later, at 15 - that was another four she had to sleep with, all while her sister experienced twice as many right next to her. (And the jealousy that had curled up inside of her when Caleb's name was drawn for Alex instead of her, Spencer knew that she'd hold him at bay for months for that. He had no choice, not really, and his eyes had stayed focused on her the entire time, but - still. It was never supposed to be Alex, not with Caleb. He was supposed to be the one thing that was exclusively Spencer's.)
But she and Caleb had never crossed that threshold together. And there would always be a little part of her that kept him at bay, her fear of what he felt for her, her fear of what acknowledging it would truly mean, but she was tired of fighting. Of fighting herself and what she felt, at fighting him off when she wanted him as bad as he wanted her, at fighting Alex and her attempts to steal Caleb away from Spencer.
Caleb was hers. And she was damn sure going to make sure he knew it.
She pushed him on his back as she slipped her own shirt off her head, unsnapping her bra and letting it fall to the side as his palms immediately kneaded her chest. She bent over to suck the skin on his collarbone, biting down enough to leave a mark, her teeth indented in his skin as she lapped gently at the mark as if to seal it. He groaned, his hands moving up her thighs, pushing her denim skirt up until he could see a flash of the red lace underneath, his fingers pressing against it to make her squirm. A touch she still wasn't used to, but one she knew she could become addicted to; he teased her through the fabric for a few minutes, Spencer rocking her hips against his hand, grinding against his hips as she felt the tightening in his own jeans that told her he was as turned on as she was.
"Take it off," he growled, and she didn't have to be told twice; she rolled off of him to wiggle out of her remaining clothes, Caleb working his own clothes off, tearing his shirt off over his head and kicking his jeans off before hovering over Spencer, placing almost chaste kisses across her shoulders and chest as she spread her legs for him to settle between. Her hand reached out for him, thumb sweeping over the head of his cock before she stroked him loosely, enough to tease, to torment, his strength waning as he fell to his elbows, trying to keep from crushing her.
"Caleb," she whispered, bending her knees to cradle him between her, "I want it. I want you. Please."
He looked as if he might question her, but instead she swallowed whatever questions he had with a kiss, angling her hips so that she could brush her own clit with the head of his cock; a brief thought of a condom ran through her mind, but she didn't bother. She didn't want anything between them, just wanted to feel the two of them connected as one, wanted to feel him spill inside of her, have him feel every inch of her cunt wrapped tight around him.
When he finally did slide into her, letting her hand guide him to her, her back arched and her breath caught. The only guy she'd been having sex with was Alex for almost two years; to finally feel Caleb was completely different, his girth bigger and she needed a moment before she could finally exhale again. "You okay?" he asked, though she could tell it took everything in him to give her that space, that second to adjust. So she kissed him in response, digging her nails into his shoulders as she hissed at him; "move," and he did as she asked, pulling out enough to feel the hot drag of his cock slipping away from her before he thrust back in, Spencer groaning aloud as he did.
"Fuck," he croaked, and Spencer chuckled as best she could, wrapping her legs tighter around his waist, pulling him deeper inside of her and it was his turn to groan, Spencer biting down on his throat as he did until they managed to find a rhythm that worked for them both. He tried to hold himself over her, but she could tell how strained he was, especially when she directed a hand between her thighs, pressing his thumb against her clit and demanding him to rub it, telling him she needed it.
"Please, Caleb, just a little - " she shuddered, biting down on her own lip as his fingers tweaked her clit lightly, her hips arching farther than they had before before she could finish her sentence. "I want to scream for you, make me scream."
"Don't have to ask me twice," he laughed, and the sound was enough to make her vibrate inside and out. She could feel her skin tighten, but the edge she wanted was still just too far away, and she had to push him off, both of them groaning when they separated until he realized what she was doing. He willingly laid back on the bed as she straddled his hips, grasping him in her hands before she could slide down, her head falling backwards when she did. She needed the control, to move her hips as fast or slow as she wanted, and with one hand on her clit again and one reaching up to touch her chest, twisting her nipples and kneading her between his fingers, she could feel it coming so much faster.
"Just like that, baby," she choked, her body tightening up as her stomach twisted, her cunt closing as tightly as she'd ever felt it before. She had to stop moving when it hit her, her nails digging into his abdomen as she held herself upright; his name came out in a whimper, her voice carrying through the hallway she was sure, but he kept going, holding out on her and riding through it until she was able to focus again, his hips still moving them until she was rocketing towards another orgasm.
"Come with me," he managed, his own voice hoarse and desperate, hands moving towards her ass as he moved her on him, pulling her when she was too shaky to move herself. "C'mon, babe, you got one more in you. I know you do."
She nodded; it didn't take more than another minute, tops, until she could feel him start to explode inside of her, triggering her own release. And this time she did let out a small scream; her head falling back as she tried to let everything she was feeling come out. It was so much more intense than she'd felt before, and when she collapsed on top of him, she was sure she could hear the blood rushing through his veins as well as her own.
It took a few minutes before they managed to catch their breath, his cock still buried inside of her as he managed to brush her hair out of her face, her chin propped up on his chest as she smiled at him through her daze.
"Worth the wait?" she teased, and he laughed quietly, running his hand over his own face before nodding.
"You're always worth it."
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