#or researchers riddle and darling who are getting closer during work shifts and (from the confines of his tank) azul is not happy about it
merakiui · 1 year
So what if...you're dating Riddle. You have a perfect relationship, he's very doting and always trying his best to be a good boyfriend. But then Azul sets his sights on you. He wants to have you but how could he get in between the couple that is without faults? So he starts stalking you, watching your every move, trying to find anything he could use against you. This ends up with him watching you suck off Riddle semi-publicly (he was against it but he couldn't fight you for long, so now he's all red, biting into his hand and praying no one sees you-) and while this isn't exactly what Azul was searching for, he takes some pictures for blackmail. If there isn't any loophole for him, he'll make one himself. He sends you one of the pictures with a note that if you dont distance yourself from Riddle, these pictures will be seen by everyone. As you're contemplating what to do, Azul would weasel himself into your company, becoming your good friend and even offering you his services... Isn't there per chance anything you need help with? Oh there is? Someone is blackmailing you? Oh how unfortunate, he'll look into it dont you worry. So now he's trying to win your favour while faking his attempts at helping you, all that so you could grow closer. Will you tell Riddle what's happening? Will you comply with whatever the letter asked you to? Will you for fall the new friend Azul who's been nothing but kind and supportive to you? (=me wanting to simp for both Riddle and Azul at the same time)
Azul seeing a perfectly healthy and happy relationship: I must ruin that. >:(
It's mostly envy and obsession that fuels him. He'll force his way into your life, using that silver tongue of his to charm you into a friendship. You might be wary of him considering he has a very dubious reputation at NRC, but how can you possibly think straight when your entire relationship with Riddle is currently compromised because of some sly blackmailer! You're not on your best game when you accept his offer to help in exchange for a week's work at the lounge, a surprisingly cheap price to pay for him to do some detective work.
Azul knows how much Riddle cares about his reputation, considering he's meant to be seen as a diligent, no-nonsense Housewarden. If his peers knew he was spending valuable studying time engaging in indecent, semi-public acts, they would certainly view him in a different light. Azul wonders how much Riddle would hand over in order to keep those photos from being leaked—in order to keep his image squeaky clean. But with the way he has you in the palm of his hand, he might not even have to threaten Riddle. It's obvious you're trying so hard to keep things normal, to shoulder this burden so that it won't disturb your happy relationship with Riddle.
Azul will pretend like he's found leads to this mystery blackmailer, and he'll invite you to the lounge after hours to make a plan to catch this villainous person. It's really too easy. He almost wonders if you're acting this oblivious in order to catch him off guard. Surely you're not this naïve. Surely you don't actually trust him and his faux sincerity. Surely you've considered that he (a man known to be sneaky) is the one blackmailing you.
Riddle may be inexperienced with romantic relationships, but that doesn't mean he isn't perceptive. When you seem to be acting more secretive and evasive than normal and he learns from Cater that you've been visiting the Mostro Lounge far more than you normally do, he begins to fear the worst. Perhaps you're stuck in a contract. Perhaps those no-good Octavinelle students are forcing you into something you don't want to do. Perhaps you're—and he really hates to think about this option—cheating on him with someone from Octavinelle. He wants to refute this unlikely idea, but when you struggle to provide a clear answer to some of his questions regarding your odd behavior he starts to think it might be quite likely, and that really pains him.
Your perfect, faultless relationship with Riddle begins to crack, and with the rising tensions comes the distrust, the blaming, the arguments... You're trying so very hard to fix this without dragging Riddle into it, but when he thinks you're being unfaithful it only adds to your stress. You're trying to catch your blackmailer, salvage your relationship with Riddle, and pay Azul back. It's too much to handle all at once.
Luckily, a certain octopus will be here to welcome you with open arms when you come crying to him after Riddle's threatened to break up with you if you don't admit the truth.
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