#or i may just end up screaming in the DMs to Emily and Brooke
fortysevenswrites · 2 years
As I head off to camp in the morning, here is a semi-comprehensive list of things I’m about to lose:
My goddamn mind
My own bathroom
Good water pressure
My body’s ability to handle dust
My closets
The ability to easily do laundry (hence why I packed like 20 pairs of black leggings, and see AR*? My overpacking is a SMART thing)
My old Camelpack backpack (currently in exile on my balcony because holy shit yo something DIED in there)
My four-legged roommate who is staying with my sister (but I have a baby monitor so I can check in on her whenever I want)
My ability to watch the summer’s Formula 1 races live, because there is no way in hell I’m waking up at BFE while also running a summer camp/serving as an unwilling babysitter for an adult manchild
And did I mention my sanity? Because that’s gone as soon as I’m at altitude.
*AR will never see this post, because he is not on Tumblr.
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A date with a Ghost (HoBM x TF) pt. 3
Book(s): The Freshmore Series x Haunting of Braidwood Manor
Summary: After My Classmate’s (Ghostly) Girlfriend, Hannah (HOBM MC) and Eleanor decided to have a double date with Kaitlyn and Emily (TF MC). And things get weird.| While going through a walkthrough of the Hall of Mirrors, Eleanor’s past takes a reflection. (Edited)
Rating: T
Genre: Crossover
Paring(s): Kaitlyn x TF MC, Eleanor x HOBM MC
Tags: @kennaxval @almogchoices @jbzxls @brooke-1515 @mfackenthal @helentwombly
Parts: 1, 2, 3 (You are here!), 4, 5, 6, 7
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“That sound fun.” Eleanor took Kaitlyn’s suggestion to check out the Hall of Mirrors. 
Kaitlyn locked her arm around Emily’s and ran to the attraction. “C’mon, let’s go!”
“Ah! Slow down!” Emily cried.
Hannah and Eleanor looked at each other and laughed. It was funny to see Kaitlyn was the energetic and would do anything for the sake of fun and Emily being the one who takes everything one by one. They joined with them. 
The Hall of Mirrors’ exterior was black and purple building. The sign was in yellow with a funky font.
“It looks smaller than I thought.” Hannah commented.
“I heard it’s bigger in the inside.” Kaitlyn replied. The girls submit their tickets get inside.
Inside the Hall of Mirrors was massive. Though many people believe any Hall of Mirrors would have body size mirrors and different shapes of them at a number of places, but in case almost every mirror was attached on walls and ceiling. 
Emily whistled, “Wow!”
Hannah nodded, “I guess I underestimated it.”
Kaitlyn smirked. “Bet Em and I get out first before you guys.” Emily rolled her eyes. “Kait...”
Hannah crossed her arms, playing along. “Oh, really?”
Kaitlyn chuckled, “Really. Race you to the end!” Kaitlyn took a fast pace while Emily sighed and went to catch up with her.
Hannah shrugged and took Eleanor’s hands, and took their time. 
If there was one thing the girls didn’t take note about the attraction, it was made to be a maze. While Kaitlyn and Emily were wherever, Hannah and Eleanor were struggling to find directions after turns and hitting dead ends. 
“Okay... This might take a while.” Hannah sighed in annoyance.
“Hannah, are mazes suppose to take long to get out of?” Eleanor asked. Her hands were getting clammed up against Hannah’s.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. Maybe it’s just nerves.”
“Don’t worry, I got you.” Hannah kissed Eleanor and she kissed her back. Hannah pinned her to one of the mirrors and engaged in making out. Eleanor took her in as her hands were running through Hannah’s hair. In their session, Hannah kissed her on the lips, down to her neck while she ran her hand up Eleanor’s skirt. 
Eleanor pulled away, blushed, and laughed. “Now I feel better.” She spotted Kaitlyn and Emily in one of the halls. “There they are!”
Hannah turned and grabbed Eleanor’s hand. “Let’s go!” The girls were on the search to find a way out. With the turns, in each direction, Eleanor was losing her grip from Hannah’s hand. When they let go of each other, Hannah was ahead, yelling Eleanor to hurry up.
She lost Hannah in their chase. Eleanor was searching for Hannah. She made turns around the halls but no luck. The feeling of a sharp pain in her head, Eleanor tried easing it by rubbing her temples. 
Somehow, she remember something. In her blurry, Eleanor could make out to notice that she was in a room with her family. 
“Wha...?” She questioned herself. The pain kicked in once again.    
Eleanor in her teens, was in the family room with her family. She was awing her newborn baby brother Simon in his mother’s arms.  Clarissa was getting writing lessons from her father William while he was teaching Thomas the piano. 
“Very good, Clarissa.” William commented her writing, “You’ll be an excellent writer in no time.”
“Thank you papa!” She smiled.
Thomas was four years old at the time. He was sitting by the piano and began to play random keys. William sat next to his son and played a piece. Thomas’ face lit up.
“Did you like it?” William asked him. Thomas nodded excitingly. “Hopefully soon, you could play the piano as well.”
Rose began to craddle Simon soothingly as he was about to go to sleep. Eleanor gave a small smile towards her baby brother, “May I hold him, mumma?”
“Of course sweetie.” She slowly pass the baby off to the oldest. “Hold his head.”
“I will. He’s so tiny.” Eleanor grinned. 
Eleanor snapped out of it.
In her mind, Eleanor tried to shake the memory of her past life. She clutched her head and repeated, “It’s all in your head.” to herself. 
Eleanor yelped a pain in her head as she remembered the day she and her siblings were murdered.
Clarissa was in her bedroom, showing signs of the flu. It hurt Eleanor to see her little sister in pain. Everything was no better. Thomas was vomiting in his bedroom and Simon was crying due to stomach pains. They got ill right after Rose served them some hot cocoa.
Ever since William went to war, Rose made sure her children didn’t go outside. Although she was a small woman, Rose had a fury which many wouldn’t go near. . One time, Simon tried to leave as he wanted catch insects, but Rose made an attempt to hit him from going outside if it wasn’t for Eleanor intercepting. 
 Eleanor was taking care of her siblings, she had to check on them but was hurt to see their health get worse. Rose was pacing back and forth in the parlor. She was muttering nonsense and she tried to get a grip of what she had done.
Rose turned to see Eleanor as she was going on her way out.
“What are you doing?” Rose spoke.
“I’m going to the doctors, maybe someone could help us by giving us medicine.”
“Why would you want to that?” 
Eleanor was bewildered of her reaction. “Excuse me? My siblings- your children are in their room, suffering from the flu. I couldn’t just stand there and do nothing all day.” As she was about to leave, Rose grabbed her wrist tightly.
“Mother, what’re you doing?! Let go!”
Rose took her to the kitchen. “Daughter- let me make you some hot cocoa.”
Before Eleanor could protest, Rose dragged her to the kitchen and forced her to sit down. Rose began to make her the hot beverage. Eleanor grew frustrated.
“Mother, I don’t want hot cocoa-”
Rose put the hot beverage in front of Eleanor. Eleanor pushed the drink away from her and got up from her chair.
“Eleanor... don’t fight with me.” Rose drop her voice to a harsh whisper.
“Mother, stop.” Eleanor retorted. “I am over here, trying to take care of my siblings who are ill while their mother has done nothing.”
Rose slapped her. Eleanor eased her cheek from the sting. Rose yelled, “DON’T YOU DARE JUDGE ME AS A MOTHER! HOW DARE YOU?” 
There was crash upstairs. Eleanor hurried upstairs and found Thomas in the hallway. He was on the floor beside a broken vase. He groaned in pain and cried, “Eleanor...”
“Thomas!” She ran and picked him up. “You shouldn’t be out here.” She took him to his bedroom. As soon as she tucked her younger brother in bed, she made extra precaution he wouldn’t get up by setting extra blankets on him.
Eleanor got in eye contact with Thomas and rested her hand on his head to determine his temperature.
She shushed him. “Thomas, don’t worry- I’ll be going to the Doctors to get you all medicine.”
She got up and turned to walk away until Thomas grabbed her hand.
“Eleanor... Clarissa isn’t waking up...”
Eleanor’s face turned white. “Stay here.” She told him. Eleanor rushed to Clarissa’s bedroom where she spotted Clarissa on her bed. Clarissa was pale. Eleanor placed a hand on her head and felt coldness from her younger sister. She feared the worst. Clarissa’s dead.  
Eleanor cried as she began to pray. 
Rose came into the room and placed a hand on her daughter’s shoulder. Eleanor looked to see her mother’s emotionless face. “Mother-”
“Eleanor. There was no option. They weren’t getting any better.”
“What?” She whispered.
“How could you say that?” Eleanor got up to face her mother. Rose walked away from the room without saying a word. 
Eleanor chased her mother to the kitchen. Once she found her there, Rose was reheating the hot cocoa Eleanor was suppose to drink. “Mother!”
“What on Earth did you say that?”
“Darling, please drink your hot cocoa.” Rose handed her the drink.
“No!” Eleanor pushed the drink, which fell onto the floor, breaking the cup.
Rose got into her face. “I have done everything in my power to keep you all from the outside after your father died. The world is horrifying, and this was the only choice.”
Eleanor realized something. The hot cocoa. Her siblings going ill. Eleanor’s face grew pale. They weren’t sick because of the flu. She slowly backed away from her mother until she was able to run away. She went upstairs to grab her belongings and made her way to stop into her brothers’ rooms.
In Thomas’ room, Eleanor made sure he was still alive. When she touched his forehead, it was starting to get cold. She moved onto Simon’s bedroom to see him whimpering in pain.
“Don’t worry Simon, I’m on way to help you and your brother. Just hold on.” She kissed on the forehead and left to find her mother in the hallway with a broken piece of vase.
Rose lunged at her with the piece pointing at her, and screamed. “I WILL NOT LET YOU GO!” 
Eleanor dodged and she dashed her way out of the room. With Rose right behind her, she grabbed her braided ponytail. Eleanor fell abruptly on floor with Rose clutching her hair in her fist. Rose looked down on her daughter with such anger. She pulled Eleanor up by the hair and tightened her fist around the ponytail.
Eleanor felt a sharp cut on her throat. Her breath escaped as she fell onto the floor, just outside her siblings’ rooms.  
Eleanor fell onto the floor. She got up to her knees, covered her mouth with both hands and sobbed. 
“EL?!” Hannah called out somewhere in the hall. 
Eleanor began to choke up even more. She felt drowning as her cries continued more. 
“Oh my god El!” Hannah found her on the floor. She held her and shushed. “Shh, you’re fine, you’re fine...”
A teen in work attire walked into the hall. They spotted the girlfriends. “Do you guys need help?” 
Hannah looked up to the teen and nodded. The teen immediately turned all the lights on. They offered their hand, “If you two could come with me.” Eleanor looked at Hannah and nodded. She partly covered her face from anyone who was in the hall to avoid any embarrassment. She muttered a “sorry.”
The teen opened the nearest emergency exit and escorted them out. The teen then sat Hannah and Eleanor down on the nearest bench. 
Kaitlyn and Emily ran towards them. “Eleanor, are you okay?” Emily concerned. 
Hannah replied, “She’s not hurt, but she’s okay.” Meanwhile, Eleanor was gaining her composure from the incident.
The teen kneed down to Eleanor’s level. “Just take a deep breath.” Eleanor did her best as she inhaled and exhaled. “Good, Let’s do that again,” The teen grinned. Eleanor repeated. 
Hannah rubbed her back. “El, you’re doing great. How do you feel?”
Eleanor exhaled, “A bit better.”
“Do you need paramedics?” The teen asked. 
Eleanor shook her head. “I think I’ll be okay.”
The teen gave a small smile. “If you need anything, my name’s Jordan. You’ll probably find me around here.” Jordan got up and left to resume their work.
“I’m so sorry you guys, I didn’t know this would happen,” Kaitlyn frowned. 
Eleanor’s head shot up. “No! I’m fine, I think it was the overwhelming that got to me after being lost in the hall.”
Hannah put her hand on top of her girlfriend’s and kissed her forehead. “Thank goodness you’re okay.”
“I think we should walk for a while.” Emily suggested. The four walked to wherever as the fair was still going on. Hannah and Eleanor were so behind the other pair.
“El, what happened?” She spoke softly.
“I don’t know, I was having fun at first, but I somehow remember the day when mother and father brought Simon home after his birth.”
Hannah cocked her eyebrow.
Eleanor continued. “Then I had another one.”
“What?” Hannah asked, confused.
“It was about... my death.”
Hannah froze. “Are you serious?” 
“Yes Hannah, I am. I don’t know how it happened, but...” Eleanor sighed. “I felt awful about it.”
“About you enjoying this?”
Eleanor nodded, “I suppose so. I know you told me my mother couldn’t hurt me anymore, but I think somehow she got the best of me.”
Hannah frowned. She hated Rose for what she did to her daughter and her other children. Hannah couldn’t bear seeing Clarissa, Thomas, and god forbid Simon in this position. 
Kaitlyn and Emily were no different of what the other girls were talking about.
“I’m worried about Eleanor.” Emily stated.
“Not gonna lie, same here. What happened over there?” Kaitlyn agreed. Emily shrugged, “Who knows.”
Emily turned around to face Hannah and Eleanor. “Would you guys be down to get something to eat?” 
Hannah looked at Eleanor, who nodded. 
When they found a place to eat, Kaitlyn and Emily decided to order the food while the others found a place to sit.
in the food order line, Emily was eyeing on Eleanor as she was chatting with Hannah. “Hey babe.”
“Hm?” Kaitlyn acknowledged.
“Don’t you think this feels a bit off?”
“I, uh, what do you mean?”
Emily sighed, “Last time we saw them, they are all happy and cute, but now they’ve been acting weird.”
“Okay, I get what you mean, but I think the guys were right- it’s probably all the stress of the house. And besides, I think it’s something they have to deal with.”
“I dunno. Did Hannah ever told you anything about Eleanor when they got together?”
Kaitlyn shook her head. “I just thought they had classes together or something.”
They spotted the girls who were sitting together.
“Oh man, I’m so starving!” Hannah cried. The four ate their lunch as the fair still keeps going. The sun was about to set as Eleanor took it all in.
“You okay?” Emily asked Eleanor.
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine. I just like seeing the sunset.”
The rest of the girls looked as well. “Oh yeah,” Kaitlyn agreed.
“It’s so nice.” Emily commented.
“Definitely!” Hannah said.
Kaitlyn put her arm around Emily, who put her head on her girlfriend’s shoulder. Hannah and Eleanor hold each other hands, their fingers interlocking. The sun has set. 
“It’s been a while since I’ve seen the sun set.” Eleanor said. They resumed eating their lunch.
Out of curiosity, Emily decided to ask a question to the other pair.
“So, how did you two meet?”
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