#or how to use whatever type tool may exist in procreate
accirax · 6 months
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i heard there was a river in the empty sekai
(credits for inspiration and the original go to rice as part of this mv!)
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yeleltaan · 3 years
What are Cayin's thoughts on reproducing? Would he ever be interested in having biological children? (Can he have them?) And if so, what kind of partner would he seek to procreate with?
Extremely good question. So much so that I’m not entirely certain, surprisingly enough it’s not something I’ve thought about all that much lately. Because of this, what I write next isn’t completely sure and is subject to change.
Cayin’s thoughts on reproduction are almost nonexistent at the time most of his threads take place. He’s possibly wondered about the concept of having a family here and there, but for the most part it hasn’t crossed his mind beyond fleeting moments imagining what it would be like, most often as he watches someone else spending time with theirs or talking about them.
When it comes to producing offspring, there’s two different paths to take into consideration: the reproduction of his eldritch self and that of his human self. When it comes to the former, my guess is that he likely can do it, as Yig would have little reason to limit his son in such a way. It’s even possible that he may be able to have a descendant on his own without the need of a partner, as such is not unheard of in the various versions of the Lovecraft pantheon, though I think it might be a bit early for him (not that his age prevents it per se, but for an entity like him that essentially lives to serve his father’s purpose I believe it would require more centuries and perhaps millennia before his eldritch side would begin to care about his own possible progeny).
It’s in his human side that things become more complex. Can he have children with another human? Most likely*, and said child would be no different from any other human (aside from possibly a few minor traits like a greater perception of the eldritch?) unless he purposely made it to be otherwise. But Cayin doesn’t believe he would make good parenting material: though he could no doubt show great love and care for his family, he would also be away a lot of the time, travelling the world (or worse yet, attending to matters beyond this plane) to any location his duties call him to, and he wouldn’t be able (and I do mean, literally wouldn’t have the mental capacity) to put his love for his family first. And getting to a point where he could comfortably express his love for someone and seek a relationship with them (which is the only reason he would go so far to have a child, unless Yig needed it for whatever reason but that’s unlikely) is tough enough on its own. In the end, you never know how things progress and what circumstances he may find himself in, so it’s not impossible by any means.
*As a little note, before the making of this blog I did consider for an extremely early version of Cayin if he might be infertile. Especially back when his “walking ‘healthy’ corpse” aspect was more emphasized, and the nature of his revival was a little different. But ultimately Yig’s flame is a tool for rebirth, not for some kind of necromantic puppetry or unholy reanimation, but the creation of genuine life. Cayin lives, undeniably.
And then there’s the question: would he have a child that inherits both his human and eldritch selves? For starters, Yig could surely make it happen but would probably have little interest in it, and I’m not so sure Cayin could make it happen on his own (well, and his partner). As for Cayin’s interest, it might be the least likely option, and would likely require his partner to be of similar (dual) nature to him, as the existence of being not human, not eldritch, but somewhere inbetween is something he wouldn’t wish on a new child. It’s worth noting that Cayin after his “last birth” retains much from the human that would later be made into him: his education, his instincts interacting with other humans, his emotional intelligence, all of that he learned prior, losing a few bits and gaining some from Yig giving him that information. He didn’t have any formative years, not as who he is now. Social bonds and involvement with society are extremely important things in a kid’s formative years, and Cayin’s children would face extremely heavy challenges that he never had to, and find that they’ve been born into a universe that just... isn’t fit for them.
Though Yig cares for his son beyond his usefulness, Cayin was born as a tool, to some degree. He was made with a purpose, crafted for that purpose, and his mind operates differently even from many of his own kind- the cosmic or reptiles. He’s completely at peace with being born into that role because that’s the way he was made. Cayin wouldn’t have children to make them serve a purpose, and they in turn would have a much harder time dealing with their outcast nature.
As for what kind of partner he would seek to procreate with? Leaving aside purely cosmic creatures (those are a bit more complicated to explain, as that would mostly involve Cayin’s alien lizard side and... I really couldn’t tell you how that goes), first his partner and he need to have genuine love relationship (or close enough in the case of potentially complex relationships), and what’s his type? That’s a topic for another time. But with that out of the way, next comes overcoming Cayin’s concerns about how he may not be there at times for his family. If that is true, his partner would need to be independent, show Cayin that they’re strong enough to handle themselves for that time, to be patient enough to wait for him, and of course to express that they’re willing to go through with it knowing Cayin’s issue.
An alternative, perhaps less common but quite possibly better suited for his circumstances: go with him. Have no ties preventing you from staying alongside him, travel the world with him, open yourself to his realm, have the insight to see what he and his master are and have the mental strength to not go mad. Forgive him for being a little less present in Autumn, it affects his mood and he doesn’t want to be unreasonable or unfair to you, he will try to make it up to you and your children. Even better, join his cult (though depending on the situation he may either push you in that direction or be unconvinced that he wants you to step into that world), become an agent of Yig alongside him! That’s where having an eldritch/human hybrid child is most plausible, for sure. Having a bit of eldritch side yourself helps in this situation as well.
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cyberpunkonline · 4 years
Are you increasing your productivity?
Are you increasing your productivity? Being the best employee or creative you can be? Are you maximising your work by telecommuting from your home whenever you can? Are you forcing those 10,000 words a day from your burned out brain? Feeling soulless? Are you pushing yourself to become skilled in areas you really have no interest in because it makes your life “easier” day to day? Are you boasting about your skillset? Are you truly… agile?
Yes? Then you are a fool.
Let us start with the elephant in the room – the easy stuff; let us clarify something from the get go as an easy “in” to this overall message…
The reason business… any business… really wants you to work from home, or indeed do anything at all in relationship to them, is that it in some way increases their profits. Everything else is a careful lie. Who you really are, behind the front of your career, or your skillset, means nothing to business or indeed even art. Business nor art have feelings of their own – they are concepts. Treating them empathetically is a nonsense. These concepts have goals and agendas built from the constructs of society which they serve, but they do not care about you, they are not capable of doing so. You are a tool. A robot – they are part of the larger program.
In many instances institutions also make such options as we are discussing appear privilege or perk – even going so far as to financially pay less to those who do not want to be present in the place of work day to day, as if this is some kind of freakish desire, and not a wholly natural inclination toward actually living a life of an individual’s own choosing. It’s all a classic and ancient scam – and one led by a machine built into the fabric of our society. People are recently concerned that AI will enslave the human race… process, or perhaps “artificial dumbness” already has. That horse bolted many centuries ago. The fear mongers, and worried intellectuals of 2020 are hugely late to the worry party here. Too late by half.
Crossing the streams of work, which our society demands due to economics, and so called “home life” (and let’s be clear once more; this is your actual life we are talking about, the time you get to spend being alive and conscious, which is being sucked from you by the machine every waking and sleeping moment) is not going to help you “be a better you” (if that is even the goal, which it isn’t, but it is a good place to begin…) in the vast majority of human cases (although it may give certain types a kick in the right direction, granted…) – it’s certainly not going to help balance you – nothing so contrived will ever actually do that.
It is going to help you discharge your self-assigned responsibilities more efficiently while you wait to die. That’s it.
Is this uncomfortable for you to read? Is this your life being described?
It never has to be. You may live in a vast prison, but the key to the door is, always has been, and always will be easily within your reach if you have the courage to take it.
Society has brainwashed entire generations into valuing skills which only serve to transform them into flesh robots (which is probably a good place to start, before you start to see what is really happening you may have to become nothing at all, and that’s all you are as the programmed rat in the rat-race maze); you are sustaining your own spiritual incarceration through denying your human nature and celebrating doing so by masturbatory glorification of having done so – if you didn’t go to work ever again, what would really change? If the answer is absolutely nothing (on a big picture scale) then there is nothing to celebrate here – you’re just going through the motions as programmed, and your delusions of grandeur are a crutch for you to lean on to make this grotesque reality bearable.
Here is an example this construct prevalent in the plans and lives of billions:
Are you saving for your retirement before you can have some fun and freedom?
Yes? Then you are a fool.
When you retire you will be old – only the older understand how this change creeps; only those who live in the moment are free of this burden. You will not want what you wanted in your younger years – not even remotely. You will want far less. The opportunity to be free will have passed you by as you clock-in and make yourself an excellent robot each day until the day you are no longer the person you once were. The time to do what you want to do, fulfil your desires or explore yourself is not by any measure when you retire an embittered shell after fifty or more years of “increasing your productivity” programming.
Life is right here. Right now.
Every moment you waste not being joyful (and you can be joyful in moments of great stress and pain, it is not the same as happiness; you can take joy in simply existing in whatever state you find yourself) is a moment wasted – all life is in reality is a series of moments. That’s all you ever have. This moment. Take this example. This moment when you are reading this; being enlightened, offending or confused! Probably all three! Life!
Everything else is utter delusion – constructs and chimeras of fear conjured to ensure you do as you are bid. The worst part is still to come; it is you, and your like, that conjured these process jailers, not some external nefarious conspiracy to keep men down. There is no one to blame. Nothing to fight but the mundanity of the fear of actually “being”. A fear which makes it easier and more comfortable to ignore your nature and to conform to the constructs which surround you from the moment you are born. Constructs which have evolved slowly over time to be the slave masters of human consciousness.
Become the robot, be productive, procreate and then die.
Despite your socialisation, which has been manufactured by this vast unconscious machine to propagate precisely this confusion, this is not the natural order of things. It is upon any critical analysis… ridiculous.
The natural order of things is far simpler. It is the chaos of the moment. The right here right now.
So when you prepare for whatever it is you are doing today… ask yourself the only question you ever need really ask of anyone; what do you really want?
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allwicca · 7 years
Understanding sex magic
What Is Sex Magic? First, let me explain what sex magic isn’t. Sex magic isn’t some sort of kinky parlor game. It’s not intended to jazz up a lackluster love life or increase your chances of getting lucky on Saturday night. The main purpose isn’t even sexual enjoyment or procreation. Having said all that, however, its quite likely your intimate relationships and sexual satisfaction will improve as a result of practicing sex magic that just isn’t the primary objective.
Sex magic is a means to an end, a way to mobilize the amazing creative power of sexual energy to generate the desired result. Basically, you do sex magic for the same reasons you would do any other type of magic: to cause something you desire to happen. Your goal might be to promote healing or attract money or achieve spiritual enlightenment. When you add sexual energy, you increase the intensity of a magic spell. It’s like adding more octane to gasoline.
Given the preponderance of love spells and evil-yet-seductive witches in pop culture, it’s understandable that sex magic is so often misunderstood. But according to those who practice the erotic craft, it’s just another form of magical manifestation. “You have an intention, and you’re using orgasms or sex as a tool to achieve that particular intention, ” explains Cat Cabral, a Wiccan priestess who managed the East Village occult shop Enchantments for more than a decade. Bri Luna, the owner of The Hood Witch, agrees with this characterization. “We’re not talking about how to be sexy or have an enhanced libido. We’re getting down to manifesting, talking about harnessing sexual energy to make very real results, ” she says. “Sexual energy is just energy. It’s neutral.”
Uniting Mind and Body Sexual energy is life energy. Its nature is to create. In the most rudimentary sense, the union of male and female spawns a physical child. However, every sexual act creates a “child” on the spiritual plane, regardless of whether a flesh-and-blood baby is produced on the material plane. During sex, you plant “seeds” with your thoughts into the fertile “womb” of the cosmic matrix. You impregnate the matrix with what’s known as a magical child.
Your thoughts and emotions are the hammer and chisel with which you carve your reality from the raw material of the universe: energy. Twenty-five hundred years ago, the Buddha said, “With our thoughts, we make the world.” In essence, what this means is that everything we experience in our sensory world evolves from our individual and collective thoughts. To successfully perform magic of any kind you need a focused mind and sex really focuses your attention. “Orgasm, by its very nature, requires your total participation, ” writes Margo Anand in The Art of Sexual Ecstasy. During orgasm, you’re utterly present, completely in the moment. And when you do sex magic you kick things up a notch. You throw another log on the fire and fan the flames. Sex magic propels you into a mind-body-spirit experience. Your mind creates an intention, your body provides the fuel, and Spirit guides the result.
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The most notorious sex magic practitioner in recent history is Aleister Crowley, a famous 19th-century British occultist who viewed sex as “the supreme magical power.” A high-ranking member of the secret society Ordo Templi Orientis, which uses sex rituals heavily in its initiation ceremonies, he went on to write several books on the use of erotic magic. His views were extreme, as was his desire to experiment with new forms of sex magic. In Sex and the Supernatural, Walker writes: “In seeking to enlarge his tantrik-oriented experiences, Crowley advertised for females of all kinds, deformed women, dwarfs, hunchbacks, and as he put it in his characteristically unfeeling way, ‘freaks of all sorts.'”
Contemporary witches dismiss much of his work. “It veered on the more racist and sexist and just really weird, ” says Luna. “I feel that a lot of his work, for what it was, was very self-serving and low vibrational.”
In Wicca, for example, the Great Rite involves either ritual sexual intercourse between the High Priest and High Priestess, or a ritual symbolic representation of sexual intercourse. In the symbolic version, the High Priest plunges the athame (or ritual knife, the male symbol) into a cup or chalice (the female symbol) filled with wine and held by the High Priestess. The Great Rite symbolizes creation in the union of the Maiden Goddess with the Lover God, and this is also considered a fertility rite, and is often performed during the festival of Beltane.
In Wicca, however, individuals can practice sex magic, just as they would any other type of spell or ritual.
Set a goal
What exactly do you want to achieve with your magick? Your goal can be any material attainment, like a new job, prosperity in business affairs, a pleasant house, whatever.
Deeply desired wishes create the strongest magick!
For example:
Your goal can be the healing of yourself, another person, mother earth… Your intent can be the improvement of an existing relationship or attraction of a new one. You may wish to (further) develop several qualities in yourself, or create an excellent artistic piece. You may wish to embrace the inner lover, and establish a stronger connection with your higher self. You may wish to charge an amulet, talisman, or magical tools, etc…
In this article I’d like to offer a practical approach to Sex Magic so you at home can explore via solo or partner practice as you see fit. The steps I am suggesting here for your sex magic ritual apply to both, doing the practice by yourself or with your partner.
Here we go: 1. Create a space where you are undisturbed for an hour. This is a time is for you to cherish yourself and your partner. Make this a sacred ritual: set the room up with candles and flowers; have your favorite music playing supporting a serene and meditative space.
2. Come into conscious breathing in a sitting position. The breath allows energy to flow effortlessly throughout your body and between partners. The breath assists in channeling your sexual energy in the sex magic ritual. (To learn more about conscious breathing you may want to check out TantraNova’s Foundational Practices CD). If you are with your partner breathe together in a synchronized way.
3. Set an intention! Reflect on what you’d like to create in your life, work, family, intimate relationship with yourself or with your partner. Give yourself time to become clear. Listen to each other intentions if you are sharing this experience with your partner. Acknowledge any concern, fears or discomfort you may experience. By acknowledging what’s there for you often lessens the charge. This allows for a sense of being heard and feeling safe.
4. To raise your energy lay down and come back to conscious breathing. Breathe your energy from your sexual center up to your crown center on the inhalation and back down and out again on the exhalation. Touch yourself or each other to arouse your senses and energy. Keep listening to yourself and to each other. Keep breathing while circulating your energy within yourself as well as with your partner.
5. Let the orgasmic energy flow without climaxing. While riding the wave of orgasmic flow and joy call in your intention of what you’d like to create in your life. Imbue your intention with your orgasmic life force energy. Stay in that flow as long as you like and can. The ritual is particularly powerful if you don’t climax. This way the energy gets channeled into your creation.
6. Slow down! Come to stillness! Keep breathing and circulating within or with your partner.
7. Upon completion acknowledge to yourself or share with your partner how you feel and what’s shown up for you.
from Understanding sex magic
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