#or Lisa and Jean buuuut haven't gotten around to making aesthetics for them yet
breezy-cheezy · 2 years
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I kept telling myself I’d do more but also kept not doing it. Also I need to advertise my fic. SO. Some Genshin Daemon AU aesthetic/edits, from my Daemon AU fic in particular!! I posted chapter 4 recently, this is the FURTHEST I’ve made it with a multi chapter, huzzah. Still lots more to go. But we’re GETTING there :D 
Crepus’s daemon is a Gyrfalcon named Clarimonda (meaning “Intelligent Protector)! She is just as loving and doting as her human counterpart. 
Diluc’s daemon is a a Norwegian forest cat named Ailihannah, which is an amalgamation of Aili, Irish for “Light” or “bright one”. This is merged with Johannah, which means “God is gentle, kind, patient and merciful”. Essentially “Bright one from God.” The link is to the domestic cat analysis, but as usual I picked out a specific breed that matched. Norwegian Forest Cats are. BIG. Very athletic and fluffy too. Anything that doesn’t quite match I’ve chalked up to severe trauma ahahaha ✨ (surprise I give another of my faves a cat KJHSDLJKF)
And Kaeya’s daemon is a Cross fox named Tikvah, which is Hebrew for “Hope”, but in the sense of hope that binds, or an expectation for something. His is especially fun because foxes are technically a very successful invasive species? And the Cross Fox is a rare mutation in red foxes, which matched very well with some differences I could see in her to signify differences with Abyssal daemons :)
ALSO a different version of Diluc’s aesthetic but with some mean foreshadowing in it. Can you spot it? ;P
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