#opp: evette
neverfalling · 2 years
LOCATION: A gazebo in a park. TAG: @scllyoursoul​ / evette
“Ah, there you are.”
Admittedly, the hunter put up a fight. She’d expected no less given her lineage--no sister of Antoinette Roberts would go gently, and it would have been an incredibly boring evening if she’d proven Loveday otherwise. Getting her to consume the blood before she passed was another challenge, one made more difficult by the trace of vervain in the hunter’s veins. Even now she could smell it on the residual blood on her hands and clothes. Now that she was awakening for the first time in a sort of half-life, she was excited to see how she might convince her to complete the transformation.
“I gave you your heart back, if you’re wondering,” she said nonchalantly as she began to rifle through the oversized purse set at her side. A moment later she produced a flask, this one filled with blood rather than liquor, and placed it on the floorboards of the gazebo between herself and Evette. “And you’re hungry, I’ll assume.”
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444names · 1 year
french and khajit names + the entire gnomish dictionary
Abizul Acqueta Adransarw Afast Aille Airjestre Aise Aitamhirob Aivre Alants Alult Amducy Amnangete Amnis Amélin Annimps Anson Apthaza Araehd Arbicheras Archeba Asmorcyrie Auzument Avourd Azagrin Azshing Bakle Ball Bals Balthim Bantmeau Barow Barzit Beaux Benaur Berd Bereanter Berlet Beront Berst Bizarthon Blainiftni Blalasi Blon Boata Boathang Bome Bong Boored Bour Bourdlye Breau Brely Brestougan Bualow Bucape Buifithers Buir Bujo Buran Byrearey Cagrimings Cair Calum Carana Caray Cavielwin Celleshava Cervareau Chazo Chea Chebertan Cheh Chera Chey Chrince Clesel Clier Clin Clock Clool Clota Cols Cong Cont Cottear Cottesha Courres Couse Coustr Crone Cros Cugane Cuna Cyrocath Céph Cílois Daine Dars Debour Delanep Delavoch Delthra Demacellog Demondly Demonvie Dennie Depar Deremplefo Derree Desticaux Detubew Deunaba Deux Devalet Dimo Ding Disharged Dombasse Domuzin Dracir Drice Drobi Drue Duaya Dubet Dubi Dulbous Dups Duris Dwacher Eile Elailexce Elaname Elash Elums Endrivery Enibin Enstance Enwibalty Eshama Ette Evett Eviliver Exce Excele Exisoud Fabilt Fagult Faist Falf Fank Faymeh Fellen Fellet Felvante Fila Fimaumlin Fired Fisg Fittetted Flisiout Flom Florm Fohiefuenc Font Foomben Forn Fortho Fracoul Frette Frevin Frot Fule Gadeu Galissour Ganny Garmatelwi Gashi Gasrin Gebargon Geng Gion Gliler Glir Glisin Glon Golilivel Gorvere Greara Grep Grier Gril Grosie Groyethris Grundand Gualleshli Guint Gwampind Gwan Gweda Gweepy Gwilbizo Gwille Gôth Hadradi Haing Hallen Hathoney Hazizbi Heretheang Hinth Hiyya Horoat Hotte Hump Hurimog Hussact Hymen Hymil Hyscith Hôdaucthed Imarceau Imert Indrathra Ings Irgal Ismecha Javressel Jeani Jostled Judasta Jushosy Kant Kastretha Kaza Khableg Khalehn Khalingin Khannetard Kharadum Khill Khul Kien Kievembrin Kimon Kion Kulhoreed Kuzaki Kuzh Labanam Lacheyne Lale Lalegans Lantholion Lard Lardhaur Lasuchmu Leaudhr Legly Lessoorta Lethr Likhhandly Lirefont Lite Lithe Lithee Lochal Loisharboe Lonthlize Lovali Lownwed Lult Magile Maher Maity Mallucha Mands Mant Marbangau Marp Marte Masha Matanes Matarth Mazo Minathle Minnatbely Mohron Mojoussath Moni Morets Mormilweg Mottemy Muger Muste Muth Naberacith Naivong Nang Narwenney Natha Natuethe Nigle Ning Nomeau Nudran Nuierip Nusbi Nutrantma Oblemace Oderclowzy Ogodang Onama Onier Oppely Orte Ozing Pard Parim Patra Perne Picabbi Pleps Polnesson Pomin Poospele Porkh Poromp Poue Pridess Primp Prineger Purs Raeant Raeatcher Raka Rame Razah Reau Rictaist Rierta Riflour Robiegros Roostrini Rottorose Rour Sage Sahbreau Salle Sancernabi Sardecth Sards Sass Sathi Savile Saya Senos Sezaree Shajansier Shand Shbidor Shine Shoseg Shost Shur Shurze Sighima Silth Sinoya Sintearly Siolapde Slin Slizi Smarissins Snar Sperming Spien Spirr Spunth Stetteify Stra Sufouggod Sulaeg Supon Surn Swed Swett Tabac Taihrie Taillner Tain Taliong Tammure Tard Tase Terrie Thaigia Tharage Thareb Tilbeor Toldrog Tonious Toolette Trandorn Tsaimp Tuette Twir Udin Uibhinst Uiti Ulamot Ulis Undir Unjani Unomson Uphothuss Vadayrinet Vastrion Vichadwait Viecuni Wanigince Whahuion Whony Winussog Wira Wornit Wrellip Wrocher Yahettord Yenosar Yeur Zahant Zaher Zahorg Zakunfayna Zaldri Zames Zancouibi Zard Zebbel Zoakine Zunzarrad Élin
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