#ooh you are so right. welt would be such a gentle and fun ler fr
ghastigiggles · 22 days
can i request for ler!welt and maybe a lee!trailblazer? (not romantic)
the prompt is "Here comes the tickle~ monster~"
(we dont get enough of ler grandpappy)
thank u :D
Mischievious Prompts [Still Open]
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“Mr. Yang! When did you get back?”
Welt looked up from his book as March and Stelle re-entered the passenger cabin, smiling softly as he slid a bookmark in-between the pages and shut it to set aside for the time being.
“Awhile ago. It sounded like you two were having fun, so I didn’t want to interrupt.”
March flushed, and Stelle chuckled, plopping down on the seat next to him with a nod. The pink girl huffed, but breezed over the comment with a tilt of her head.
“Did Dan Heng come back with you?”
“No,” Welt answered, shaking his head; “He and Himeko are still out taking care of something. I was assured that they’ll be back soon enough.” 
“Aw, man…”
Pouting, March plopped down on Stelle’s opposite side, resting her chin on the Trailblazer’s shoulder. Welt tilted his head at her despondency, even as Stelle gladly leaned back into the touch with a content smile.
“Is something wrong…?”
“Well – it’s just that Dan Heng was going to bring something for me, and I was hoping he’d be back by now. It would’ve been the perfect timing.”
“Yeah,” The gray-haired traveler snorted with amusement; “You don’t have to be subtle about it, March, I know you asked him for help getting revenge. You dropped it in the group chat by accident.”
“Hmph! Well – saying things like that just digs a deeper hole for you!”
Pouting more aggressively, March hugged one of Stelle’s arms while her companion snickered, turning her gaze upon Welt – though her annoyance quickly turned to a glimmer of mischief when their eyes met, and the older man sighed, already knowing where this was going.
“Mr. Yang can help me instead! Right? You used to do it all the time when it was just me and Dan Heng!”
Stelle snorted; “Mr. Yang would never, he loves me too much! Right?”
Welt chuckled softly, lowering his head just a tad so the reflection of his glasses hid his eyes. March grinned, and Stelle tensed, her own smile growing a tad more unsteady and nervous as she realized the threat was actually tangible. The kids never really change, do they?
“Normally, I’d let you sort out your grievances on your own, but…”
“Hah! Let’s go!” March jeered, quickly shifting to wrap her arms around Stelle’s chest to keep her from running, and Stelle yelped, her voice already tremoring with anticipatory giggles as Welt scooted closer.
“Wahait – wait, Mr. Yang…!”
“Here comes the real tickle monster!”
Stelle was a hiccuping mess in seconds, but like her friend, she could hardly complain.
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