#only for the cops to show up half an hour later to repossess the computer and lock him back up
corellianhounds · 5 months
Concept: Peli Motto’s ex-husband. He’s a rascal, scoundrel, and general ne’er-do-well, landed himself in prison more times than she can count, and the last time he got put in she left him there. He’s not too happy about that
They’re both terrible to each other and with each other, arguing and sassing in a non-stop stream of consciousness dialogue between having nasty passionate sex on any available surface, kind of like Ron and Tammy 2 in Parks and Rec. They also have so much dirt on each other that threatening to turn the other in for [insert crime of choice here] is only a semi-valid deterrent because they know the other would immediately start spilling the beans and they’d both land in jail
He’s a loud-mouth braggadocio with big promises and a lot of attitude, a taste for the fun things in life and with basically zero sense of responsibility or drive for honest work. He was a barber who spent most of his time playing dice and cards in the square with the other men in town instead of cutting hair, and his general defense against being caught pickpocketing/cheating/conning is that “heeeeeyyy, I’m just a little guy, c’mon it’s my birthdayyyyy—” bit, which pretty much never works
He and Peli got married by drunken mistake in Mos Espa one night out on the town but if you were to ask Peli why she stayed with him (even for as short as their whirlwind time was), and if you were somehow able to get the truth, she would say “Because he makes me laugh.”
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