#one of these days i'll actually draw him in armor good lord
stoshasaurus · 14 days
casually adopts iron lord felwinter as my own oc
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he drives me INSANE i fucking love him sm. here are some design notes. felwinter is often described as not being as expressive as other exos. something about not having the same "modifications" (i don't have the exact lore excerpt but it goes something like that) so it seems like he doesn't have the same plates that most exos do to emote. so a static faceplate seemed like a solid bet. i use a lot of similar shapes in his face that I do for rasputin's exo frame, especially around the jaw area, and the same shade of red in the eyes and mouth. he is, however, described as having a "black skull", so his frame is black instead of white. i think it's an interesting contrast; if one were to look at both side by side, they are obviously associated with one another, but also opposites. the static faceplate and dark color palette also adds to felwinter's cynical and impassive demeanor. (iirc, he is directly described as cynical) a dark appearance suits such a personality in my opinion. i mean, he took over a whole mountain, he's described as being less inclined to show mercy. surely he's a bit more intimidating than the average fellow.
anyway, i hope y'all enjoy. i've been oc-ifying him for a while now but was kind of nervous to share it considering how relatively new i am to this fandom, and how little i know about the game and much of its lore. still finicking with him, of course, but i've been enjoying the journey.
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askfreddiemercury · 6 years
Echo of Man 5
I think I'm losing the plot of the story again. Welp.
As soon I came back into the house Jim asked me how everything went.
Freddie: I'm never leaving the house!!
Jim: What? Why? What happened out there?
He chuckled a little.
Freddie: There's some crazy bastard out there and he's obsessed with me! I'd be ok with it if he was just a regular fan, but no! He's a guard and he basically loves me to death! He even draws markings on his face like mine…
Jim: I see.
Freddie: It gets worse. He calls me Princess.
Jim: Well, you do always have me and Terry to protect you when you want to leave the house. Lord knows what that man can do as a guard.
Freddie: He's also the guy who surgery on me a while back, no wonder the scar hurts all the time. Can you just come back to bed with me?
Jim: Of course. I'm all done here.
Why didn't I just stay in bed? I can't stop thinking about that guy anymore! He freaked me out so much!
Jim: Mmm… Freddie, ignore him…
I must be shaking again to have woken him up, but his soothing deep voice did calm me down. All I need to do is focus on Jim, he's always here to protect and love me when I need it the most. Wonder if the others met Jake yet? He seems to like the band a lot if he's obsessed with me. I need to tell the others about my plan tomorrow.
Roger: Freddie that sounds stupid.
Freddie: I knew you would say that, but you have to really think about it!
Brian: We don't have to, we just know it'll get us killed.
Jim: I told you.
Brian: Do you even have a way for us to escape?
Freddie: Ever met a guy named Jake Mcleod?
They thought about it for a minute and surprisingly Brian was the only one who knew him.
Brian: I've had a few run-ins with him. He's quite fond of you, he's asked me a lot of questions.
Freddie: You told him where I live then!
Brian: Sorry about that. What's wrong with him anyway? Seems like a nice guy.
Freddie: You just said he's fond of me!
Brian: Yeah, like most fans are.
I just want to strangle him! Why does Brian always do this kind of stuff?
Brian: But I'm guessing you want his help so we can escape. He's gonna want something from you in return you know and you clearly hate him a lot.
Freddie: As much as I don't want to go need that man I think I'll have to. I didn't see any other way for us to escape.
Roger: How about we don't then? No one’s forcing you to go near him.
But I can't stand this place anymore! I want to go out into the wilderness and live my life in peace, not worrying about guards all day long. I look over to Jim and he seems to agree with Roger. Damn it! Fine! I'll go by myself if I have to!
Freddie: Darling please, why can't you see the good of this plan? We don't have guards to worry about and we can even go outside at night. Can't you see it's so much better than living the rest of our lives in captivity?
Roger: No one else thinks it's captivity but you Freddie. It's just because your not a fighter like the rest of us, you actually fear things that we don't. You fear normals.
Freddie: I'm not scared of normals! Just the guards…
Roger: Haha, you're scared of normals.
He said in a mocking tone as he continued laughing at me.
Brian: Roger, stop laughing at him. He has a good reason to be scared.
Roger: I can't! It's too funny, he scared of normals. We can handle them even if they have armor on, all we gotta do is tap them a little and down they go. Why can't he do something as simple as that?
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Brian: You know Freddie doesn't like seeing people die, especially in front of him, what makes you think he's gonna hurt anyone?
Freddie: If you don't like the way I am then I don't need you in my life. I don't need anyone in my life who’s just gonna laugh at me and say I'm nothing.
Roger: Woah Freddie I was only joking.
John: A very hurtful one.
Why is he being like this?! Such a fucking heartless git! I'll give him a piece of my mind! I pull my arm back and punch Roger right in the chin.
Freddie: Who’s scared now?!
Jim quickly pulls me back.
Jim: Why can't any of you go one day without trying to kill each other?!
Freddie: That fucking prick started it! He just doesn't know when to stop being childish!
Roger was now laughing even harder now, but he just stood up and slightly rubbed his chin. I don't know if I should happy that we can't kill each other or not, but I'm certainly going with not.
Freddie: Get out of my house Roger.
Roger: I’d be glad to, I'll see you whenever.
After Roger left I continued to beg the rest to agree with my plan.
Jim: It's just too dangerous Freddie, plus I've heard there are guards on the outside too. What will we do if they catch us?
Freddie: Like Roger said all we have to do is tap them a little and down they go.
Brian: If only it was that easy, those suckers take more than a tap to get them to go down. Especially the ones with the heavy armor.
John: Yeah, like the ’Rhino’ guy I keep hearing about on the news. They say he can handle just about any abnormal that comes at him.
Freddie: Can anyone even hurt him? I've read he has the stronger armor around, but he's usually never called until things get really bad.
And that's all anyone knows about this ’Rhino’ guy when he's called you know it's bad news for everyone. Wait a minute! This is supposed to be about my plan!
Freddie: Does anyone agree with my idea?
Brian: If you can get that Jake guy to help us and we’ll see what happens.
Jim: Don’t worry Freddie, I’ll be right there with you when you make the deal. He better not ask for anything crazy.
Freddie: Have you been paying attention to that man at all? He's going to ask for something really crazy, just wait for it.
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