#one of them being that sam says *bucky we've been married for 10 years*
saryasy · 2 years
Here's a little snippet from a WIP I'm working on:
This is going to be fun, Sam thinks. “Oh, you’re high high.”
“Am not!” Bucky pouts, and for a moment Sam is stricken by the vast contrast between the man sitting in front of him, and the man he read about in half redacted files in dingy motel rooms. He’s more open nowadays, smiles easily, talks endlessly. And yet, sitting here, in a hospital bed, the harsh neon lights reflecting off his face, he looks young in a way that makes Sam ache. And suddenly, he can see that little boy from Brooklyn, being shipped off to the unknown, with no idea of what the future was holding for him. Suddenly, there was no Hydra, no Winter Soldier, no brainwashing, or torture. Nothing but him.
Nothing but Bucky.
“Sammy.” Bucky’s voice brings him back to the present. “I’m gonna tell you a little secret,” he says in a hushed, conspiring tone.
“Okay..” Sam says, drawing the word out.
Bucky takes a deep breath, steeling himself. He stares right into Sam’s eyes with the determination of a skilled sniper. He’s wearing a serious look that Sam has never seen off the field before, and his heart starts beating wildly. He doesn’t know why, or what sort of secret Bucky might be keeping from him, but he is suddenly scared.
Bucky finally breathes out. “I love you,” he says with the same deadly focus still on Sam. It’s a weird contrast to be told such soft words while looking at the expression of someone who’s ready to fight a war.
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