#on another note schooling system in aot needs some explaining
vero-icon · 1 year
Many people headcanon Levi as illiterate when he lived in Underground.
If that was the case, then what are those?
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Yes, it does look more like Farlan's corner, but I don't think that while Farlan could read, Levi couldn't. Living in a house with so many books and not being curious what they are about? Nah.
Reading and writing skills are useful and I really believe Levi would like to have any advantage in the Underground.
Theory 1: it’s possible that Levi learned from Farlan. 
Theory 2: he learned by himself.
You can find literate people in the Underground here and there. Look at that pimp charming businessman at the brother where Kushel worked:
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Does he strike you as a guy, that went to any school at all?
Maybe reading and writing is just something you somehow... pick up to make a living?
Merchants definitely must know how to read, write and count. How would you keep a business without that skill?
Theory 3: his mother taught him. When Kushel died Levi was, what? Around 7 - 9 years old maybe? Even children as young as 3 learn how to put letters together, so Kushel had time to teach her son something before she died.
Theory 4, not delulu at all: Kenny taught him.
I was looking for anything that would indicate people in Underground know how to read: newspapers floating around, even as trash, but there are none. No signs on the buildings.
But there are labels! Bottles have labels!
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Imagine tiny Levi, sitting at a table with Kenny in some suspicious looking bar,  pointing at a label on a bottle and asking "What are those little signs?"
“You don’t know how to read, boy?
Levi gets curious and keeps asking, whenever he encounters some writing, much to Kenny’s annoyance. "What does it say?"
Then Levi steals a book. "What does it say?" asks Levi pointing at the title.
Kenny comes to a conclusion it's a skill worth having. He's not a patient teacher and does not spend much time on it, but it wouldn't be very difficult for a kid smart as Levi to learn even with limited guidance from Kenny.
The last evidence proving my delulu that Levi learned to read in the Underground. Reading a label, ha!
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