#omg yeah ur gonna have me thinking abt dia bein a decanter for a while
frenchfrywrites · 1 year
I was just thinking about Diavolo and I think he’d actually be really cute as a human (demon?) decanter. You fill him up and the poor baby is definitely so excited that he leaks a little almost straight away. He’s just squirming in pure delight at this new experience.
We always talk about him having a kink for you being the royalty and him being a servant but being your decanter feels like taking it one step further. Sit on his throne and make him fill up your glass and I bet he’d start humping your shoes/legs, staining them with whatever wine dribbles out. (Make him lick it up)
OHO thank u for bringing Dia into this bc I'd not thought of Dia at all until you left this very fun ask in my inbox, and now he's all I can think of sgdahgskg!!
He'd be sooo eager to be your lil decanter, whether he's the one that brings it up to you or you bring it up to him, he wants to try it asap!!! I love the idea of him being really bad at holding too, he's all whiny and pouty because he wants to be good for you, but he just can't help it! Idk maybe he has a tiny little bladder (which would b so cute imo. big guys w small bladders is !!! very good!!!), or maybe he's too just too excited. Either way I love the image of wine dripping down his thighs and making him sticky because he can't hold it all.
ALSO yes yes yes dia loves role reversal and roleplay! It'd be shocking if anyone found out just how easily Dia falls to his knees and calls you his "majesty." And ahhh I just love the idea of him getting so aroused by the scene that he can't help but jerk his leaky cock against you. He'll be apologizing while he does it, but it's not until you grab him by his hair that he stops. Just say the word and his face is on the floor, licking at the small puddle that spurted from his cock when you tugged on his hair a little too roughly <3
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