#omg imagine me making Nancy call Steve bullshit in this au too and Steve knowing that there's no universe in which he isn't bullshit
flowercrowngods · 1 year
*breaking down doors to yell about the time travel au*
steve distracts the demogorgon from will, then stays by the byers’ house to make sure he’s there yo hear screams or movement, just there to help. and then he stays there because ne needs to see will be alive and well and here in the morning.
and he is.
and steve’s been awake for over two days, hasn’t slept because first there eas Vecna, then there was Max getting cursed, then everyone was busy dying, and everyone died, they died, and now he is here and everyone’s alive and he needs to make sure they stay that way, and he’s not sleeping, he’s watching over a boy who doesn’t even know him here yet.
and then he realises that. that. he needs to go to school. he’s in his junior year of high school. it’s been 3 years. he doesn’t remember shit. but he can’t fail. so he goes to school, because there’s nothing else to do
and he finds nancy and the last time he saw her, she was dying. she wants to kiss him and he pulls back, and the last time he saw her face fall like that, it was because she died!
and she likes him so much, she looks at him with those pretty eyes and that kissable pout, and steve can only stare because he realises he has to break up with her, or barb will die tomorrow, and nancy never really liked him anyway and he cant do this again, cant get his heart broken again, and he cant even look at her without seeing all that blood, without hearing her screams that turned into gurgled promises that it was all going to be okay, that steve should stop crying, that she loved him, always did, but never like that.
and steve breaks up with nancy in that hallway on that blasted monday morning, and she doesnt understand, shes so angry, shes trying to hide the tears and so is steve, and she tells him he doesnt look good, shes worried, but steve just says ‘forget it, nancy wheeler’, and his heart hurt and his head hurts and he’s nauseous as barb pulls nancy away, telling her he’s not worth it. and she’s right, he isn’t. he isn’t.
steve spends all of first period throwing up in the gym, because no one will find him and his very bad panic attack there.
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