#omg imagine like. instead of his sword he's just got a comically large calculator or smth instead
amegeddon ยท 1 year
Been playing a lot of the FFVII remake lately and I've been wondering something...
Do you guys think that somewhere, in another universe, there is a version of FFVII in which Cloud is actually a business man who's entire thing is being so utterly autistic about business that he literally cannot fail, and the whole plot of the game is Shinra attempting to sabotage his business by chucking Sephiroth or someone at it as like,, a mole or something and Cloud realises that Shinra's started doing stuff his business was gonna do so he ends up having to figure out who the mole is through a series of probably wacky and zany events and it turns out that Sephiroth is not only the mole but also BUSINESS FAILURE GOD who, as the name suggests, literally only exists to make businesses fail. But Cloud's business know-how from god knows how many days and nights spent reading about running businesses n crap like that ends up banishing him to Shinra, causing them to fail instead, probably ending with Cloud watching some of a news article on Shinra going bankrupt before returning to his usual CEO routine.
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