#omg i got carried away w this skldfjksldjf
blackhairedjjun · 26 days
violet 🥺 tennis partners with jjuni but he’s in denial about his feelings and swears on everything he only sees you as a coworker and nothing else. yet the night you call him at 2am crying, he’s on your doorstep in five minutes
OH MYYYYY MOON IM SPIRALING JUST THINKING ABT THIS. like i keep daydreaming abt tennis player yeonjun... it's real bad
you two have incredible chemistry on the court: together you keep every inch of the court defended, help protect each other's serve, set up the perfect point - everything you do, you do in sync. and if anyone wonders how, all they need to do is to see the subtle ways the two of you rely on each other during the match. yeonjun keeps a hand on your back as you whisper a strategy to him, as if to keep anyone from getting too close to you, and after winning a set you hug him a little longer than usual in relief. he carries your bag when you switch sides of the court, and you let him have first pick when the ballboys hand you a fresh batch of towels.
rumors swirl that the rising star doubles partners are secretly dating, which yeonjun denies a little too quickly when asked - you're his trusted partner, nothing else. he's built up his chemistry with you through hours of practice. but even as he says it, he can't help but steal a glance at you while you pretend to wipe your face with your towel to hide your growing smile.
but then it's the night before the finals of your tournament, and you're staying at a hotel close to the venue when you receive terrible news from your family. everything falls apart right then and there, the tournament doesn't even matter anymore, and you're crying so hard you can't even breathe. you call the first contact you think of - yeonjun - and ask him to come over. he doesn't need to know why for him to rush from his hotel room to yours.
once he sees your state he wraps you in his arms and makes you sit on the bed with him. you sob into his chest and he holds you close, one hand rubbing your back, letting you cry it out for as long as you need. when you separate from him he cradles your face in his hands and wipes away your tears, asking if there's anything you need, what he can do, if you're feeling well enough to play tomorrow - and yes, he would withdraw from the finals just to make sure that you're okay. you don't know what to do yet but you let him hold you, feeling safe in his arms even with all the pressure on your shoulders.
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