lix-ables · 1 month
omg I love p1h too. Keeho and soul have me hooked. Can you write about either one of them like shower sex smut.
if you can’t or r uncomfortable then you don’t have to
thank you 🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷🩷
aaaaaa this would be such a good idea to write honestly, but unfortunately, i write only for skz BUT tell you what, if i do decide to have a p1h blog, this is the first thing i write BUT THANK YIU FOR THIS IDEA REALLY
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shiroe-is-my-baby · 7 years
Since we're talking about your lovely wife, how about ALL the OTP questions for you and Asuna?
Who snuggles into the other’s neck before kissing them on the cheek?
Asuna does this all the time and it makes me so weak! I’m blushing so red and she’s a giggling mess.
Who puts on the other’s clothes and playfully pretends to be them?
Asuna will do this o me and it kills me. I already love it when she wears my clothes. But now I’m laughing like an idiot. She’s just too cute XD
Who starts to sing in the shower and who joins in singing outside of the bathroom?
I’ll start singing and Asuna will quickly join in. When we’re showering together we even do this, singing together. It’s rather adorable. She has the better voice, though.
Who likes it when the other cups their cheek in their hand?
Asuna loves it when I do it. She gets all read and smiling super wide. I love to do it when I’m kissing her or peppering her face with lots of kisses. This will drive her crazy and probably kill her though!
How do they emotionally support each other?
Asuna is stronger for me when I can’t be. we’re both shoulders to cry on when things get tough. we’re very similar in that way, where there’s more of that than balancing each other out.
Where do they go to get away from everyone?
Usually just staying in and not going out lol. Sometimes we’ll of course go online to escape reality for a little while. Maybe go off on our own little adventure for a little while!
What would happen if they had to babysit a child for the day?
Asuna would be caring and gentle. She’s do a great job, honestly! I feel like she wouldn’t be all that bad about babysitting. Me, though? I’m sure I have no idea what i’ m doing. But it’s great practice for when we bring Issy into the picture lol.
What is one experience that they had together that they will never forget?
The first time she and I fought together side by side. It was such a rush and we did so well together. I was amazed by her skills, practically in awe the entire time. But it was just a great experience over all to feel the blood pumping together!
Who puts their cold hands on the other person to get warm?
Asuna does this and so do I lol. I’m laughing at first, blowing into her hands and warming them up with my own. Calling her adorable and kissing her palms. Just about anything to help!
Who gets really lovey-dovey when there is a snow storm outside?
We both do omg. But I’m more. Grabbing a blanket and throwing it on her. Snuggling close to her and wanting to pull her close and never let her go. We like to drink hot chocolate and play video games with her in my lap or against my chest. It’s just… perfect
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