#okay gonna finish this article check out the assignment requirements then go to sleep maybe
nyhne · 7 years
11 new things
Well, you probably know the drill by now. Tagged by @lordsardine thanks! C: 
1) Do you have something (like a pillow or a stuffed animal) you can’t sleep without? Nothing that I can’t sleep without, but I’ve had this handmade blue whale that I got from a friend (she’d made it for a school project lol) in high school. Since I’ve had him he travels pretty much everywhere I go (for extended periods of time), but he mostly just chills in my bed. Right now I also have a Pusheen plush that was uh my makeshift pillow this summer because literally didn’t have a pillow lol
2) What’s your greatest regret?
Damn dude okay well one of them is definitely that I didn’t learn Mandarin when I was younger (like a child/kid-younger). Part of this is on my parents for not pushing me to do it more (which of course could have come to mixed results lol) but it’s also definitely regret on myself. Although I definitely acknowledge that my angst about wishing I had learned it comes more from like...my own self-induced societal pressures? Such as feeling very self-conscious about the fact that I’m ethnically Chinese but don’t speak Chinese or have a significant connection to my “root culture.” For honestly 97% of the time, my adoption isn’t something that bothers me or even comes up in my considerations, but on matters about my Chinese heritage it’s a huge source of self-consciousness. So while I definitely think knowing Mandarin would be super useful, I also acknowledge that this regret is influenced by a lot of other factors that aren’t about actually wanting to. 
3) What piece of media holds the most nostalgia for you? Hmm probably my DS or my Gameboy SP? Definitely lots and lots of memories of playing them in the car, in the airport, at home, late at night, ect. Especially with the SP, there’s a bit of a stronger muscle memory associated with it.
4) Were you ever in the superwholock fandom? Just the Sherlock fandom lol I actually was interested in getting into Supernatural, but I’m straight up lazy about watching TV, so I never bothered. I also got out of the Sherlock fandom after the second season lol
5) What was your dream job when you were a kid? I never had any super big aspirations, but when I was in middle school I did go through a phase of wanting to be a chef lol Which I’ve always been interested in cooking, but I do think that period influenced some of my love and mentalities about food and cooking today.
6) What was your first ship? Maybe Zutara? Just because that was like the first “non-canon ship” that I actually pursued fanmaterial for
7) What is something that’s happened to you that sounds made up but isn’t? There are some experiences in Europe that still sound dreamlike to me (in a fond way) even now- like sitting on top of a fortress with friends in Luxembourg or spending New Years in Vienna. But if you want an actual answer (and this is actually somewhat relevant to you because it happened at school lol) I’ve had a few odd experiences with the neighborhood/streets behind my university, which I’m somewhat convinced is a liminal space. The school is in a very wealthy area of DC and behind the dorms are a lot of multi-million dollar homes (many owned by diplomats). So in some ways it’s a very nice, safe area, but even during the day it’s always had an eerie feeling. Especially when I lived on campus, I liked walking late at night, and I’ve had a few experiences back there when I was with a friend that we’re both convinced was something not natural. I won’t elaborate here since this is already long but yeah, that’s like my only “ghost story” I’ve ever experienced in life. 
8) Favorite meme? I honestly don’t even know where to start there are just SO many good ones. Maybe in terms of usage, one I like using a lot is the Emphasized Points(tm). I use that all the time lol it’s probably obnoxious 
9) If you could become fluent in three other languages than what you’re already fluent in, what would they be? German, French, and then beyond my talk about Mandarin from earlier, Spanish. I don’t know if I’d ever be interested in learning Spanish “institutionally” (unlike with German and French where I really do enjoy sitting down looking at the mechanics of it) but there are so many Spanish-speakers in the US that it almost feels ignorant to not try and learn it. Especially at the restaurant, where the kitchen staff is all Hispanic (even the German chef lol she picked up Spanish at some point which is honestly so cool) I honestly feel kinda ashamed that I don’t know how to speak their language? So I’m trying to make more of an effort to pick up stuff there.
10) Favorite video game? Cop-out answer, pokemon lol specifically Ruby or Mystery Dungeon Blue. Oh wait, honestly Star Fox Adventures will always have a big special place in my heart. Damn the signs were all there when I was younger that I’m furry trash lol
11) When I was in elementary school, this kid named Sam, who I barely talked to, one day came up to me and told me that since all the stupid squirrels were being hit by cars, by processes of natural selection, a master race of smart squirrels would arise and take over the world. Thoughts? I honestly laughed so hard at this. It made me think of the guy who was my drivers ed teacher who was like I don’t feel bad if I hit birds when I’m driving because they have the whole goddamn sky and they chose to drive in front of my car five feet off the ground that’s natural selection at work 
Tagging @erengelion @eunnui​ @gummyboots @lithugraph @niniel-kirkland @theonecalledcris @the-plague-doctors​ C’:
1) Do you like giving/receiving flowers? 2) Is there a particular, niche thing in your field of study (or outside of it) that you’re really interested in? The biology of male seahorses in August? American consumerism trends in the 20th century?  3) What are some of your “go-to meals”? This isn’t meant as a shaming or comparison, but when you run out of new ideas what are your favorite go-to’s? It can literally just be ramen (but which kind) 4) Name at least one animal you’re passionate about and why 5) Do you believe and forgive and forget? Both, neither? 6) What is one thing that makes your home feel complete?  7) Give me a favorite band/song and why because I need new music lol 8) What is one thing you take for granted? 9) Do you think you are becoming your parents? How do you feel about it? 10) What is one “hip trend” that you feel like you were doing before everybody else?  11) What are you supposed to be doing right now instead of this quiz?
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