#ok those are like the main three. this is 905 words and me writing whatever my brain will let me
hallowed-nebulae · 1 year
simply a conversation
Honestly, these past few days have been exhausting. You're not sure why. But they feel like they've been long, days stretching into months into years.
Oh well. It is what it is. And you at least have a cane! It's a very pretty cane. Your knee hurts less when you walk with the cane, too, which is always a bonus. (To be fair your one leg hurting isn't too much compared to your back and chest always hurting, but the cane at least helps. So. Score!)
Vanitas is talking with Xehanort (your Xehanort, with their Nightmare Chirithy, not the other worldline's Xehanort who's taller and has longer hair). Terra is standing nearby, even if you're not sure what he's doing. There's Ruse, and her world's Xion and Xehanort, who are also nearby. Which is fun. But most importantly Vanitas is talking with Xehanort, who is currently being held in the arms of a tired-looking Sephiroth.
Hey wait a second.
Ignoring the existence of consequences, you run and leap and launch yourself at Sephiroth. Fortunately, he's Mako-enhanced more than you are, so even though he stumbles he doesn't fall over. Unfortunately you're still pretty Mako-enhanced (at least as much as a SOLDIER Second) so he does get the breath knocked out of him by your tackle-run-hug. Oops.
Teal, cat-slit eyes blink at you, slowly. "Hello, Ven." He sounds amused. "You seem to be doing well."
You squeak at him in response. The best way to reply, of course. Squeaking and chirping and making little noises might as well be your own little love language or something. (You can't talk to Sephiroth, but that's okay. You can talk to Terra sometimes, and you could talk to Genesis or Cloud sometimes, and you can talk to Vanitas all the time. And that's what sign is for anyways.)
You can't really sign at Sephiroth now while you're in his arms, but that's why Vanitas is the best, 'cause he can just talk for you when you need it. The best part about being telepathic with your twin. "Ven wants to know if you're being healthy, and if Genesis is being healthy, and if Cloud and Zack are being healthy too." He says, clicking his teeth together after every other word in a little rhythm.
"No questions on Angeal's health?"
You hiss at Angeal Hewley's name. That's answer enough.
"Not to interrupt," Ruse says, tapping her one foot on the ground, "but didn't we have something to do?" She's annoyed. The prickly and sour taste of it sits behind your tongue. It's not a very fun emotion to feel. It doesn't even have the familiarity that wrath has to make you used to it.
"We were wanting to ask if you'd be willing to come with us to our worldline for a short while." Terra says, before anyone can snap at anyone else and a fight can break out. Conflict resolution! See, this is why Terra is a good dad. (You're not sure if Terra or Genesis is the better dad. Both of them are good dads, even if they have their own ways of being a dad. Terra gets more points for being your dad longer, but Genesis also gets a lot of points for being very committed to his new status of dad and making sure that you and Cloud are doing okay. Even if Cloud seems to be more of Genesis' little brother than a kid. But still.)
"For what reason?" Sephiroth asks. Always unbothered, like nothing is a surprise. You're probably to blame for that. You and Cloud caused a lot of chaos. Oh well.
"Ven has Mako enhancements, and we're not sure what exactly that entails." Terra answers. "It would be helpful to know how it affects metabolism, health -- things like that."
Sephiroth dips his head in a shallow little nod. "A wise course of action. I will go with you to your worldline, then, for as long as is necessary. I assume time passes as slowly as it does in all dreams?"
It's Xehanort -- the one with the Nightmare Chirithy -- who pipes up this time. "That's how it works!"
"Come on, let's go then!" Vanitas grabs at Sephiroth's sleeve and starts tugging. He doesn't get very far, 'cause Sephiroth is Mako-enhanced, but the effort is put in. "I'm tired, today has been so long."
"If you Insist." And so, still carrying you and your worldline's Xehanort like potato sacks (or, more like small children who don't weigh very much to him), Sephiroth walks to. . . somewhere or other. Oh! A portal that Xehanort whipped out and made. Cool.
Back to your worldline, then! To finish that medical checkup and then eat (because you are hungry) and then nap!
Today has been so long. (Hmm. You should also probably make some smaller Unversed. That way your back will be less itchy when you wake up. Oh well, you'll get to it eventually. A nap sounds really good right now.)
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