#ok i miss b.i.g so much tho
ebarbs95 · 5 years
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Tagged by @kpopiseverythng thank you 💕
My lockscreen is this really pretty pic Woojin from Stray Kids posted that I fell in love with immediately..i feel like its subtle enough that I can use it as a lockscreen and not get questions if someone sees it lmao my homescreen is probably my fave pic of Yunho ever, an oldie but a goodie..speaking of old but good the last song I listened to is Aphrodite by B.I.G!
I’m gonna tag @lmaojeongin @noir-deserves-better @fullsunhyuk @okj-ess and @burgundy-seonghwa only if you want to tho ❤️
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kebinwooo · 4 years
tagged by @theyoungflexer again! i’m gonna be honest: i am an old soul who only just made a spotify a few months ago so like most of the music i listen to isn’t even in my playlist yet LOL so the following songs only show a small portion of my music taste but still, hope you enjoy!
put your playlist on shuffle and expose the first 10 songs
Control Me - Colde
Shoot Me - Day6
Destroyer - Monsta X 
Dance Dance - Day6
Fire - 2NE1
Easy Love - SF9
Aphrodite - B.I.G
Betting Everything - Royal Pirates 
Chrysanthemum Terrace - Jay Chou 
Tomorrow, Today - JJ Project
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keunakool · 7 years
Lots o’ Fun tag
I was tagged by @ayo-jin ♥ I hope things are going well! I’m sorry for not having responded in a while ;;
Are you named after someone? - kind of but not rlly?? ehh ya’ll rdy for the most morbid story of ur life. so before i was ashlyn, i was gonna be named jenna beth bc my grandma wanted it that way right. but like,,, some time before i was born my mom was watching the news and saw that a baby got sUper rekt by a babysitter and suffered a horrible death #rip smol bab but anyways that baby was named ashlyn and i am now living the legacy that baby should have
When is the last time you cried? - @plsinx when we started that dumb elf/human angst whenever tf that was
Do you like your handwriting? - I do! But only when I’m taking notes. I tend to write better when I know it’s for something important.
What is your favorite lunch meat? - Deli sliced turkey tbh. I kind of live off on it sometimes.
Do you have kids? - Only the worst best cat in the world  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? - It depends on if I was still the same and not someone with another personality because tbh finding friends like me is a stRUGGLe and I need more. But if I was someone else entirely, prooobably not. I think I’m kind of hard to talk to sometimes and that I come off kind of cold and distant.
Do you use sarcasm? - Not really.
Do you still have your tonsils? - Yee.
Would you bungee jump? - I want to say yes, but that’s probably easier said than done haha. I don’t mind heights, but I mind the whole falling aspect, so yikes.
What is your favorite kind of cereal? - ppl think im wrong for liking plain cornflakes but come on guys it’s so good
Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? - Nah. You just pull ‘em off and go.
Do you think you’re a strong person? - this one is actually hard to answer. i’m weird when it comes to handling things.
What is your favorite ice cream flavor? - It’s a tie between raspberry and mint chocolate.
What is the first think you notice about people? - Body language and hair tbh. 
Red or pink? - Pink. 
What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? - My skin. I have a lot of acne scars and scars just in general. I also have a lot of freckles and blood spots due to me always scratching at my skin. It’s just not a good look lmfao.
What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? - I’m actually barefoot rn, but I have black pajama pants on with a red and white plaid pattern on it.
What was the last thing you ate? - Like two packs of those cheddar crackers with cheese or peanut butter in the middle. I have no self control.
What are listening to right now? - 1.2.3 by B.I.G ;; it’s literally on repeat i love it so much
If you were a crayon, what color would you be? - One of the crayola crayons that has glitter in them
Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? - I think it was my pappaw. He asked me what time he needed to get me for school because my mom was away at the time.
Favorite sport to watch? - I’m not big into sports tbh, but I don’t mind soccer.
Hair color? - It’s brown now! Now that I’ve grown it back to it’s natural hair color, I’ll be able to dye it fun colors ;A;
Eye color? - Blue.
Do you wear contacts? - Nope! I think I look best with my glasses.
Favorite food to eat? - hit me up with that subway tho
Scary movies or comedies? - I am much too anxious for horror movies, so I’ll take a comedy. The last time I watched a horror movie, I think I actually ended up crying later that night because I was so afraid to sleep pft.
Last movie you watched? - Free: Starting Days.
What color of shirt are you wearing? - It’s a bright blue. It doesn’t match my pants at all lol.
Summer or winter? - Winter, but I prefer autumn overall.
Hugs or kisses? - //sweats where’s the option for a good fist bump bc i prefer neither
What book are you currently reading? - Invision by Sherrilyn Kenyon. It’s been a while since I read the last book, so I don’t remember like the 2039203 characters, plus the dialogue in this one is a whole lot cringier than I remember the last books being. Disappointing, really, since it’s one of my favorite fantasy series. But it’s ok because Caleb is still best demon boy  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
Who do you miss right now? - @ithemighty i miss my boys ok do u kno how often im listening to the frame series (honestly take a shot every time i promote them)
What is on your mouse pad? - I don’t have one omfg. I use my books and notebooks since I use my laptop.
What is the last TV program you watched? - Diners, drive-ins, and dives omfg (support my one true love @ guy fieri)
What is the best sound? - @fluffyjihun u ever heard a smol pretty boy whimper
Rolling Stones or The Beatles? - the wiggles
What is the furthest you have ever traveled? - Texas lmfao. I only stayed for two days.
Do you have a special talent? - not really, no. i’m told i do a good magikarp impression tho
Where were you born? - Ohio. Like, a few cities away from my town.
i’ll tag some of my friends and recent followers ♥ || @batl7 @fluffyjihun @756cm @knkruinedmylife @plsinx @akatsukinoito @imleavingonatrain @btshietue @fairyim @vixxeroni
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ayayayayouch · 7 years
rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20
tagged by: the lovely @callhimyoungk
im tagging:  
YOU! lmao jk i tag anyone who wants to do this
last 1. drink: water 
2. phone call: from my manager lol  
3. text message:from my sister lmao 4. song you listened to: everything you are by ed sheeran 5. last time you cried: i can’t remember tbh 6. dated someone twice: none 
7. kissed someone and regretted it: none 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yes :( 10. been depressed: not diagnosed but sometimes i feel depressed 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah, i rarely drink...
3 favorite colors 12. green 13. pastel colors 
14. prussian blue
in the last year have you 15. made new friends: yep
 16. fallen out of love: nah 
17. laughed until you cried: yes 18. found out someone was talking about you:
 lmao my parents.. they trashtalk behind my back :\ 19. met someone who changed you: not really 20. found out who your friends are: idk, i don’t think i can really know who my friends are.. but we’re solid  21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: nah
general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: like a hundred of them lol (ok there’s no number twenty-three) 24. do you want to change your name: funny thing is, i hated my name back in hs i thought that ‘joanna’ is kinda posh... but now that i know what it means.. and now that i’m all grown up, i love it now.. it sounds so fierce and elegant. so no. i don’t want to change my name. :D 25. what did you do for your last birthday: worked lmao i just don’t really feel like celebrating my birthday anymore tbh
26. what time did you wake up: around 8am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: lmao washing the frickin dishes fml 28. name something you can’t wait for: having a career and living my life to the fullest 
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: today 
30. what are you listening to right now: the clicking sound or is it tapping sound of my keyboard lol 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: nope
32. something that is getting on your nerves: so my job requires me to have a great customer service skill and damn lemme tell you about the types of people you’d frickin encounter... and this is basically the things that gets on my nerves: rude people, those frickin people who frickin complain a lot about trivial things, racists, judgmental people, those people who frickin gets angry in an instant like damn pls don’t throw a fit be calm... omfg i could go on and on but imma stop here.. basically, those people who can’t be a decent human being get on my nerves.
33. most visited website: tumblr, youtube, facebook lol 
34. hair color: black (just like my soul lol jk) 35. long or short hair: mid-length hair haha 36. do you have a crush on someone: you betcha! and his name is brian kang lol 
37. what do you like about yourself? ooh this caught me off guard.. i guess i like that i’m stubborn lol i don’t give up easily bc of that, and i like that i am aware of the people around me like i can tell what they’re feeling so i can adjust myself when i’m with them and give them an extra push if they need it.. physical-wise tho, i love my eyes and a lot of people do say i have a nice smile :) (there’s no number thirty-eight ??) 39. blood type: idrk lol
40. nickname: jojo  41. relationship status: happily single lmao  42. zodiac: taurus (ya know jae and i would prob get along as he is also an earth sign plus tauruses are compatible with virgos so jae hi lmao also my frickin crush is a virgo.. i also have a virgo best friend...and i frickin read somewhere that sag and taruses are least compatible hahaha brian is a sagittarius and yeah they’re really adventuruous.. i also have a frickin sag crush haha he’s too much for me lol sorry about the zodiac ramblings and before y’all label me as crazy, i do know that the zodiac signs are just guides in our lives and should not only be the one to consider when doing something; i’m just fascinated and interested okay) 43. pronouns: she and her 
44. favorite tv show: hmm fav tv show?? maybe csi:miami  45. tattoos: i don’t have one 
46. right or left handed: left 
47. surgery: nope
48. sport: badminton lol and i’m interested in ultimate frisbee  
49. vacation: i really want to visit south korea, england and australia  
 50. pair of shoes: i have comfortable ones idk if this is the right answer to this question hahah
more general 
 51. eating: nah 52. drinking: nah 53. i’m about to: write a draft for a story i’m working on 54. waiting for: the president to end his term lmao if y’all know who i’m referring to  55. want: a frickin career and stable job 
56. get married: maybe someday, if i am destined to be a wife lmao bc brah srsly i’ve been single my whole life 
57. career: i want to work in either a laboratory or something graphic design related
which is better
 58. hugs or kisses: both but it depends who the hug or kiss is from lmao
59. lips or eyes: the first thing that catches my attention is the eyes ngl 60. shorter or taller: taller
 61. older or younger: older or we have the same age lol 
62. nice arms or nice stomach: idk as long as the person is healthy
63. hook up or relationship: brah i’ve been serious since the day that i had an idea about such things so definitely relationship 
64. troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker? idk my logical explanation is... if someone’s a troublemaker that means he or she is acting his or her goals and being hesitant means thinking too much that sometimes results in not doing anything at all.. 
65. kissed a stranger: nah 66. drank hard liquor: nah  
67. lost glasses/contact lenses: no
68. turned someone down: yes 69. sex on the first date: no
70. broken someone’s heart: i don’t think so
71. had your heart broken: yes T-T 72. been arrested: nope 73. cried when someone died: yes T-T my grandpa and one of my closest friend died on the same year, just a few months apart and lemme tell you that it frickin sucks :( it still feels like it was yesterday i miss them so much 74. fallen for a friend: i really don’t know the answer but there’s this guy friend... sometimes i feel jealous if he’s with other girls.. but idk if that’s bc i like him or bc i just want to hangout with him like the old times back in hs so idk
do you believe in 75. yourself: i try my hardest to 76. miracles: yes 
77. love at first sight: nah 78. santa claus: no, i’m sorry!! :( 79. kiss on the first date: idk 80. angels: yes
other 81. eye color: black (just like my soul lmao i’m joking again) 82. favorite movie: matilda, harry potter and the sorcerer’s stone, harry potter and the chamber of secrets, the edge of seventeen 
83. lust or love: love 84. favorite item of clothing: my style is vintage but anything very aesthetically pleasing to me 85. favorite song: bruh i have a lot but since this is a kpop blog imma answer with kpop songs: congratulations, dance dance, be lazy, i’m serious, what can i do and bad boy (their cover) by DAY6.. silver spoon, 21st century girl, spring day, boys in luv, blood, sweat and tears by bts.. growl and kokobop by exo.. knock, angel heart and u by knk.. breathless, hide and seek, polaris and baby by astro.. hey girl by b.i.g. (I AM MAD THAT I CAN’T FIND AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF THIS SONG!!!! IT HAS BEEN A YEAR!)
and that’s about it heheh
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