#ok back to working on the next chapter for zenith of stars now haha
yuesya · 8 months
Just imagine Shiki configuring canon!Satoru's body to look like how she would look if she had her own body. Then when the Satoru(x2) and Twins!Suguru show up to get Shiki, they see her "in the flesh" for the first time and her brother and boyfriend get a little emotional at seeing Shiki with her "own body". Alll the while canon!Satoru is like "what did you do to my body?! Are you able to reverse this? Hello?!"
And the other canon characters are equally confused and wary, but at least this weird female Satoru is able and willing to kick Sukuna and Kenjaku's collective asses (along with Megumi, sorry Megumi.)
I just want to make a note that this ask was sent before the snippet for twins swap AU v2 was written. Anon here has excellent story-senses haha.
Suguru doesn’t know what he’d expected, upon traveling to a parallel universe. Probably a world not entirely dissimilar to their own –albeit missing many people who had all ended up passing on over the years. Gojo’s voice when he’d talked about the subject had been casual and unaffected, but Suguru is familiar enough with his own Satoru to read between the lines of what remained unsaid.
It was… disquieting. Unsettling. What happened to Satoru and Shiki was a tragedy that should never have been allowed to occur, but in a world where Shiki had been completely erased… it was frightening, to hear how events might’ve played out.
(“He’s not me, Suguru. He’s not us. What happened in that world will never happen here, I guarantee it. Shiki would promise you the same, if she were here right now.”)
Still. For all the various differences in the people that Suguru had been prepared to face… it had never occurred to him that they’d land in a world that looked like it came straight out of a post-apocalyptic film instead of a normal city.
Suguru has exactly one second to register the sprawling landscape of destruction, the debris and ruin stretching as far as the eye can see –and then, his attention is drawn to the young woman standing across from them.
“Shiki?” Suguru’s breath catches in his throat, because there’s no doubt about it. The body is different, but he recognizes her, down to the depths of his very soul. Shiki. It’s Shiki, standing before them as a normal young woman, in her own body. Was this what she would’ve looked like, had she not been killed by her father shortly after birth?
White hair, long and flowing, brushing just above her ankles. Cursed blue eyes, dark and abyssal but oh so familiar. Pale white skin, smooth and–
Belatedly, his mind catches up with the unexpected sight before his eyes, and Suguru can feel the blood rush to his face.
“Why aren’t you wearing anything?”
Suguru all but rips off his own outerwear in panic, leaving him in nothing but a thin undershirt. That’s still better than Shiki, though, who’s standing there with a silly little smile on her face, completely naked and utterly unconcerned about it–
“Suguru! Toru-nii!” Shiki launches herself at her brother first, grabbing him in a tight hug. Satoru returns the gesture just as fiercely, and it hits Suguru that this is the first time that they’ve hugged each other. The first time that the twins are holding each other in their arms, and the thought makes his throat tighten with emotion.
Then he steps forward and finally wrangles the girl into actually wearing something and covering herself up.
… It turns out that his shirt is far too large for her. What served as a normal-sized shirt for Suguru turned into a loose, baggy dress that barely brushed her thighs, but it’s better than the alternative. It’s better than nothing, for heaven’s sake–
Shiki bounces, doing a curious little twirl to test her movement, which does… interesting things, to the curvature of her body.
Suguru has about half a second to realize that actually, Shiki wearing his shirt is a Bad Idea, before he catches Satoru smirking at him.
Oh no.
“Shiki, Suguru here could use a hug, too!”
… And that’s how Suguru promptly finds himself with an armful of soft, giggling, mostly-naked young woman pressed tightly against his body, doing his best not to expire on the spot while Satoru is of absolutely no help at all.
“So you do like female–”
“Not. Another. Word,” Suguru mutters. Satoru acquiesces easily to the demand, smugly gracious in victory.
“I missed you,” Shiki tiptoes up and whispers simply into his ear.
This is it. This is how Suguru is going to go out: Spontaneous combustion from acute embarrassment, because neither of the Gojo twins have any sense of propriety or restraint when it comes to teaming up on him together.
But even so…
“I missed you, too,” he murmurs back, squeezing her around the waist before he can think the better of it. Then, Suguru steps back and coughs awkwardly, avoiding her eyes. “A-As did Satoru! He’s been stuck with Gojo –the Satoru of this world– all this time. You would not believe the arguments they got into –wait a minute.”
A sudden thought occurs to him.
Suguru turns back and peers down at Shiki suspiciously. “… If you switched places with Gojo… then… what happened to his body?”
“Oh… that.” Her response does not inspire any confidence in him. Neither does the way she looks askance evasively, “… Technically it wasn’t me who’s really responsible for this–”
With a sense of impending doom well-honed over the long years spent with the Gojo twins, Suguru resignedly reaches out and flatly tips her head back towards him with his fingers. “Shiki. What did you do.”
The young woman pouts. “… It was an emergency, I was fighting Sukuna! And I can’t fight properly with his body, so I… made a few adjustments…”
Suguru’s jaw drops open at the implications, while Satoru openly bursts out laughing.
“You mean this is his body?” Suguru gapes. “You turned this world’s Gojo Satoru into a woman??”
“I reconstructed his body so I could actually use it!” Shiki pouts, flipping a long lock of hair over her shoulder huffily. The young woman sniffs, “Besides, I’d say it’s an improvement over what he had going on originally.”
Hunched over and wheezing from laughter, Satoru slaps Suguru’s knee a few times. “Man, this guy’s reaction is a riot. He’s asking if you can turn it back.”
“Mm… yeah, I can probably revert the changes. I think I’ve got the hang of reconstructing this body now. But… really? Is he sure?” Shiki gestures towards the full length of her form, “At this point, I’m pretty sure my cursed technique is already carved into this body, with how much power I was throwing around while fighting Sukuna, so it’d be a bonus for him to just take over like this. Is it the face that he’s averse to? Does he want it to be prettier?”
Suguru covers his own face with his hands at the utter trainwreck of the twins’ particular brand of chaos, groaning. “… Shiki, no.”
“Shiki yes!” Satoru and Shiki chime immediately in perfect synchronicity, then burst out laughing together.
Suguru slowly shakes his head, fighting a helpless, reluctant smile.
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