#ohh checking back my wip tag hashtag i think i Did do this one before! oupsiedoodles
lilolilyr · 2 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
I was Tagged by @die-schwanenkoenigin... Two months ago? Thanks! And feel tagged again right back, I'm sure you have a new wip by now :D
You tagged me with smut, I have a smutty wip too, though the last sentence I wrote isn't very explicit:
Only when she has almost reached her goal and turns it flat for Madeleine to feel the length of it against her skin does she realize what it is, and she sucks in a shocked breath, recognizing the wood and leather of Florence's favourite dagger.
It's from the idea I had about Floreleine being turned on from combat stuff and incorporating things that happened in battle into their bedroom activities :} I think I talked about it over in the kink channel of the @gunpowder-milfshake-discord
...and I am not gonna tag that many people. Mayhaps that's a sign that I should cut that sentence in half somewhere xD anyway I like to tag ppl in the fandom the wip is from and I don't think I even know half as many GM fic writers o.o but maybe some artists also want to share a wip?
@blossom--of--snow @danisnotmyname @verbumproxen @kaorimaxwell-blog @team-turtleneck @cxsmic30 @sourb0i x @hereforamediocretimenotalongtime @thesevenwondersofawitch @lavoixhumaine
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