#oh yeah that sexy grumpy x sunshine trope strikes again
patrophthia · 1 year
ASAP | theodore nott (plot bunnies)
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theodore who doesn’t really have any real interest in relationships, he’s not actively trying to find anyone but if something happens then it happens
theodore who is slightly short tempered and impatient and is blunt and honest
theodore who can always distinguish whether someone has good manners or a good heart
theodore who isn’t the most fond of sickeningly sweet and affectionate relationships
theodore who, if the time comes, wants an s/o who’s just like him, or at least has similar liking/way of thinking as him
and you who was the direct opposite of him, you whom he partnered up with because you were the only person left without a partner
you who was always a few minutes late just you could grab a snack for him whenever you had to work on a project
you who got him hooked on baked goods, hooked on sweet things that leaves him feeling thirsty
you who would get him water to help him out and would always dote on him even though he wasn’t your friend —in his opinion, in yours, he was your friend
you who’s unlike him but knows his heart well
you who made theodore wonder what it feels like to be loved by you, to be held by you, to be taken cared of by you
and you who did exactly that without any labels
you who randomly appeared in front of his eyes and who he hopes won’t ever disappear from him
you who he’s kinda just a little bit in love with lie, the guy is whipped for you and is kinda willing to die for you
you who said yes when he asked out on a date with a straight face (he was giggling and kicking his feet as he recalled the events to his friends after)
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— from bee: prob will be writing these more because i have so much song inspo for each character i write but never have the time and these are short and sweet!! please let me know if you enjoy reading these and would like to see them more!
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