#oh boy you accidentally barked up the exact right tree to join the fleet
knavestrolls · 11 months
It's nixce txo mexet you Nixxie! Yoxur naxme ixs reaxlly prextty! It's alwxays bexen mxy dream txo bxe a memxber oxf the fleet but I was toxld mxy temperament ixs txo draixning!
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⧖ I got told that a lot as a wriggler too. ⧖ ⧖ I think we end up being the exact right amount of draining.⧖ ⧖ For the correct side. ⧖ ⧖ Do you have any training? ⧖ ⧖ What's your education like? ⧖ ⧖ Why not give me a resume? ⧖
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