#oh also she said she wanted to make a couple cosplay with her gf
zumpietoo · 5 months
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Him tagging her/interacting with her for the first time in nearly 2 months is "couple things"? That's even better than how you persuaded yourselves Cole and Reina at Goodwill was "a date".
Again, zero doubts PP still wants him (if for no other reason than to cosplay Cole for her/doesn't want to be a dumped loser, yet again).....so there's mommeee looking to control it.
And "all their friends and family"? Really? Did you include all his friends who hate her? Didn't know (excepting his sister and maybe a Vulgar Girl---post fucking----) any of them bothered. And PP only has two friends....
Plus PP still creepily stalks Cole's friends and his GF, so, you know....(and ofc both halves of CabanaPee endlessly cosplaying and copycatting...)
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And I thought that merely proves you're trying to hide things so you can cheat?
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Ummm.....CB has met PP's mommee, once. That's it. He hasn't met Dan and she hasn't met his 'rents....even tho they're in close proximity to NYC....sooo....no (and I agree with the top anon....)
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As I said, maybe a tentative reconciliation, post 2 month break up tracks moar clearly. And who knows even how remotely serious it currently is....
Also, why would being single (especially if it translated to recognized SweatBoi's a jackass Walmart Cole and it's all super unhealthy) make PP "a loser"? Oh right, cuz that's your sad mindset.....
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bigpeepee · 5 years
LISTEN let me tell you about this girl I have a humongous crush on, then I'll delete this post and probably won't mention her again bc she might fins out my blog tomorrow and she MUST NOT KNOW
But I have to talk about her at least once bc i've never had such a big crush on anyone
I met her at a piano course, it's like a group lab in the place where I study singing. And the moment I saw her I was struck. I'm not gonna say "love at first sight" because love is a big word, but there's an expression in Italian (I don't know if it's used in this sense in English as well) which means "thunderstruck" and it's quite fitting.
It wasn't just attraction (though goddamn was she hot) but I had this feeling that there was something about her, and that she was going to be important. I don't know, it was a strange feeling, I had never had it before. By the end of the lesson I was almost in shock because
She was hot. Like, it's not the most important or interesting part but she was. Androgynous, sidecut, tattoo on her arm, lip piercing... Ashsgshdhh god help me and my gay ass
Great music taste, and it's not easy to find a girl that's into similar genres as me
She D R A W S. That day I only found out she had a drawing tablet, but later I found out she's studying at the comics academy. And also that I love her style A LOT
Now, she gave me MAJOR gay vibes, but the fuck do I know, I didn't know any other gay person irl so my gaydar is practically non existent. And I HAD TO find out. While I waited for her to say something or at least for a chance to drop a hint to the fact that I like girls I get to know her a bit more. Which is great and awful at the same time because damn she's amazing?? And I still don't know if I have a chance??? Nice
And then she says it!!!! Except, she says "my girlfriend". So after a moment of oh my god she's gay i realised oh fuck she has a girlfriend.
So yeah, no hope for me. But they're actually kind of adorable as far as I can tell so it's been easier to accept it. And to be honest, she's so amazing that I'm just glad I got to meet her. Do I wish we could be more? Yes. But knowing her and being friends is more than enough luck for me. Which we kind of are (friends, I mean) though not close yet but hopefully one day?
It's just, we have so much in common and I can be 100% myself. She's the one who dragged me back into bagginshield hell. We send each other bagginshield gifs and that's almost all we've been talking about lately and she's the only person I can talk about this kind of things. Like, ships and stuff... I was soooo scared of mentioning fanfiction because I had never admitted reading ff to anyone before, and I was like what if it's too much even for her, but she got all excited and begged me to send her the links to the fics I was talking about. And she's making some fanart and showed me a couple of sneak peeks and I can't wait to see the finished results bc they looked so good I could cry. Is she even real?????
So yeah, I felt like talking about her bc maybe some of my old friends here might be interested, and also she's basically the reason I'm back on tumblr, and also she's just so amazing that I wanted to gush about her a bit.
It's kind of weird that I'm talking about her on valentine's day but istg it's a coincidence, it's just that she might find out my tumblr tomorrow (I actually lowkey hope so) so I have to delete this before then. But yeah. Gonna shut up now.
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