#ofccc I agree with you on that matter
ladychlo · 2 years
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tokio-motel · 10 months
and i love you too baeeee and dw idc when you finish this😘
whole band headcannons seperate ofc with there bf(or gn reader if you cant include much but if you can include a little thats chill idc) who is so fucking stupid
like karen from mean girls stupid. for example if someone asked him if he was top or bottom he'd be like "oh bottom! top bunks make me nervous." like💀💀
and another example is if he cooked something and it's hot he'd only say careful its hot AFTER you choke on how hot it is😭
i feel like they'd love him so much but sometimes he's just real fucking dumb💀💀💀
also you don't have to use the first two those are just examples ofccc i love youuuuu
hi bb! ilym 😋🙏 i hope this is good enough cuz recently my work has been iffy...........
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・He finds this shit funny bro
・Can't help but smile whenever you say some dumb shit.
・He feels like he's dreaming if you tell him late at night
"... Why do we need farmers if we have grocery stores?"
・If you say that shit at 2AM he'd spend the rest of the night thinking about it.
・He gets headaches from how hard he thinks about it
"M/N..how do you even conjure up this type of stuff.."
・He can't tell if your genuinely confused or just fucking with him.
・He doesn't care though, he loves you and your stupidity.
・Actually finds himself asking you more and more questions just to see how far your imagination goes.
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・this cunt will laugh at you
・Let's out a few chuckles when you said something dumb for the first time
・He then realised you weren't joking and were actually serious 💀
"Why doesn't earth just..fall? Why are we floating?"
"M/N..- what the fuck is wrong with you."
・Sometimes he just agrees with whatever your saying and encourages you to go on, seeing how long he can go without chuckling
・He's not judging you- he actually really loves this about you.
・He will NEVER admit it but his heart melts whenever you say the dumbest shit.
・He tries not to correct you for the sake of your ego 🤷🏻🤷🏻
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・He's like a dad with a dumb kid in this situation 💀
"Georg- does carbonated water have carbs?"
"Not exactly, M/N. The reason for this is....."
・He'd explain everything to you bro 😪
・Very unlike Tom.
・I feel like he's fine with whatever you say but like physical things get to him
・Like for example if you just mopped the floor and he comes in, stepping into the room as he nearly slips and grabs onto whatever piece of furniture will secure him.
"Oh by the way, Georg, the floor is wet. So be careful going in the room!"
・He can't help but chuckle to himself
・He nearly sprained his ankle but he didn't really care- he finds it cute how oblivious you are.
・You make him happy and thats all that matters to him.
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・His brain stops processing for a minute.
・Stares at you for a minute as he thinks of something to say back.
"I'm so confused... Is an egg a fruit or vegetable?"
".. Good question. Why don't you look it up?"
・Like Tom he cant help but let out small guffaws and chuckles
・He has a few small burns on his fingertips from cooking with you.
"Oh Gustav can you check the pan?"
"Yeah sure, M/N...OH FUCK! -"
"Watch out, the stoves on!"
・At the end of the day he doesn't really care
・He love you way to much, like it's actually concerning how much he loves you.
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