#of envy. zim is defective and he can do whatever the fuck he wants bc nobody cares and he Cannot Be Killed. while they have
irkenheretic · 4 years
there is so much potential for tallest angst and it makes me sad that ppl dont really take advantage of it
like... theyre zims age! a lot of people talk about the horrors of irk using child soldiers with zim, but nobody talks about their child leaders. have you Ever been in charge of something Really Important? ok now raise the stakes.
these children are in charge of a whole empire. if they fuck up, millions could die. relationships with other planets could crumble. (and irk DOES have those- the irken/planet jacker treaty for one, and the agreeement btwn irkens and inquisitorians. also the past alliance with vort)
like.... no wonder they just sit around eating snacks all day! bc the alternative is Doing Something, and the empire is so impossibly large that its impossible to compartmentalize! you CANNOT predict what one little action could do to the Balance Of Things! like, of course red and purple just sit around and ignore all the shit they need to do. theyre KIDS with ZERO life experience!
and the fact that they were elites plays into this too. it was drilled into them to Shut Up And Take Orders. but now THEYRE the ones delivering the orders? best to just... leave it be.
(and lets be real, the tallest either get NO training for their new position bc of the belief that they intrinsically know how bc theyre Tall And Good, OR the training they do get is specifically designed to squash any desire to Do Stuff so theyre subservient to the control brains and dont do shit behind their backs)
I DIDNT EVEN GET INTO THE CONTROL BRAINS. its pretty much accepted that the brains run the show. the tallest answer to them. what if red and purple DID want to genuinely do something when they were appointed? they were ELITES for fucksake, do yall know how HARD it is to be a soldier? how demanding it is?? now think about how much worse itd be with super militaristic irkens!! these two are NOT lazy- at least, not back then.
what if when they were appointed, they genuinely wanted to DO stuff. but the control brains shot them down time and time again, so they just... settled. accepted its just a power play and lazed around and ate snacks. bc what else were they supposed to do?? why bother thinking up ways to strengthen the military or improve the economy if the control brains wont let them put those plans into action??
hell, maybe they want to change stuff but have no idea where to start because theyre young and the empire is INCOMPREHENSABLY HUGE. high school students have trouble writing a fuckin lit analysis paper, you really think the tallest can bring about any meaningful change??
its just... they handed power to two kids. they had to go through mutilation to be where they are. (the thumbs thing- even if they hid them in their gauntlets, that prospect... had to have freaked them out.) and then they were hit by the reality that they cannot do anything. the greatest position an irken could possibly have is nothing but a lie. good snacks and leisure in exchange for any real power.
like. no wonder theyre jerks. theyre young and need an outlet and werent raised with the be-nice-to-people values humans were raised with. theyre assholes to everyone, zim especially- and i LOVE zim, i love him to death- but despite that, i cant really blame red and purple. theyre just being jerk ass kids, who were never raised not to be jerk asses.
theyre kids. this should not have happened. if theres a horror in zim being a child soldier, then theres a horror in red and purple being child leaders, stuck unable to do anything.
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