#obviously u want toiletries and supplies and your clothes n stuff
mueritos · 10 months
Is this ur second time living in the dorm if so what do u recommend are dorm must haves as a first dormer or trans guy? Also what if I’m trans and go to uni who do I tell I wanna be call a certain name?
it is! i lived in a dorm during undergrad for one semester, and i'll be dorming this entire yr in graduate housing. You generally have waaay more freedom in graduate housing because rules are looser, but undergrad dorming usually means there's RAs who will regularly do room checks and depending on who your RA is, they will either care or not give a shit. If you're on HRT, i recommend getting a container that locks or can be hidden away to store your supplies. I never did this because I dormed in singles (so no roommates in the same room), but it might be useful if you don't know your roommate and to prevent people from getting into it. It woud be fucking odd if someone tried to get into your HRT anyway, but it can be useful to ensure nothing happens to it. Other than that, I can't think of anything else that is trans specific for dorming (besides the trans flag to salute to). If you mean must haves in general, I find I really love 1. decorations/pictures of loved ones, 2. an appliance like a keurig, water heater, or rice cooker (if possible/can hide it from ra), 3. a step-stool and a folding grocery cart (if you do your own groceries or for laundry), 4. something cozy like a blanket or stuffed animal, 5. something fun :) I usually brought my guitar with me (didn't for grad housing unfortunately), but don't be afraid to bring card games, board games, video games, a TV (if it fits), books, etc and etc :)
if you want to change your name in your uni registration, I would either contact your school's LGBTQ center to see if they have someone there who does that already (in my undergrad, it was our queer chaplain and they helped people change names and gender markers in the system). If you don't have an LGBTQ center, try reaching out to registrar to see if you can put a different name. I would also email your professors ahead of time (if you're worried) to let them know you go by that name and that if a different name shows on the roster to refer to the one you gave.
hope that helped!
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