#obviously if you like paint a picture to hang on ur wall or smth then u are the audience
cruelsister-moved2 · 1 year
this is coming from a musical background but i hate the false dichotomy of “art has value because people like it or the powers that be decide that its good” or “you should just make whatever you want for yourself that makes you happy” like it doesnt have to be capitalist consumption or individualist babying... for me the two poles are actually “art is something you do in order to benefit from the process rather than the end product” and “art is an experience you share with other people with the end goal of enriching their lived experience in some way”. i just think there is so much creative narcissism on this earth but actually making art should be the humblest thing in the world because you’re willing to wring out your whole psyche in order to painstakingly create something that you hope will benefit someone else in this intangibly meaningful way. acting like its like shallow and selfish to care how others perceive your art is such weird liberal nonsense and literally your art as a product has no purpose if youre so indifferent to its audience... the process is for you to enjoy and its also acceptable to stop there but if you are going to ask for others to spend their time indulging it then i think u should actually care about how it benefits them..sorry
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