#observations: it seems that the old asymmetric and symmetric dreamer theory still passively exists
ghostlyshoes · 1 year
Midnight Crew Extended Zodiac
After a plentiful amount of polling over a number of weeks, I can now reveal the tumblr-agreed extended zodiac signs for the Midnight Crew (with blood colours to match the trolls they are the exile of). If you have any strong opinions about blood colour, though, feel free to tag them. Jack Noir/Spades Slick - Cancen (Sign of the Nexus), Prince of Blood
58.9% Derse, 52.1% Blood, 44.8% Prince
Draconian Dignitary/Diamonds Droog - Arza (Sign of the Inevitable), Mage of Mind
71.4% Derse 32.4% Mind, 27.3% Mage
Courtyard Droll/Clubs Deuce - Gemino (Sign of the Condemned), Bard of Doom
72.8% Prospit 33.3% Doom, 31.6% Bard
Hegemonic Brute/Hearts Boxcars - Taurlo (Sign of the Extravagant), Knight of Heart
54.4% Prospit 87.5% Heart 27.6% Knight (but could also be something else)
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