#o segredo na floresta liveblogging
murky-tannin · 10 months
i've never watched or been in an rpg campaign before so I have no idea what to expect from them in terms of NPCs and danger and death and all that. Is it normal for a 16 episode long campaign that doesn't let players choose new characters to be murdering all it's players by episode 6 or is Cellbit just like this
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rabbit-harpist · 4 months
today i finished the last episode of O Segredo Na Floresta, the second season of Ordem Paranormal, and i never expected to get here.
i’m not okay over the characters and the story. it was an incredible episode and had some of my favorite moments from the entire season. i cried, and that’s really all i can ask from a story.
but! story reactions are not for tumblr (shoutout to the guys of the ordem server who let me liveblog my experience, you’re great). i don’t want to ruin any suprises for anyone if they decide to follow this path. so this is going to be a ramble of a more personal kind.
osnf is 15 episodes, about 3-4 hours each, fully subtitled in english and portuguese by the incredible equipe t. it’s a commitment. it was overwhelming to look at, especially when i started with my only experience watching ttrpgs being the two episodes of quarentena (which rewired my brain. i watched it live and loved it so much but the rest of ordem intimidated me). i had practically no knowledge of portuguese, and had convinced myself that trying to learn it would be impossible so i shouldn’t even begin.
adjusting to the subtitles was hard! i’m eternally grateful for them, but my brain just wasn’t wired to focus on them. i had no connection to the characters yet, and the first two episodes felt slow. it took me months to finish them, a chunk at a time.
the third ep was a turning point—i was invested. i cared about the characters now, and i wanted to follow their story despite the inconvenience. and so i continued, slowly but surely, enjoying it but expecting myself to lose interest at some point as happens with many things.
another change—i had to take a break from the fandom i’d been focused on, and in that time osnf became what i turned to to fill the absence, and then a love of its own. it never seemed to run out—i watched episodes, finding that i’d adjusted enough that i could draw while watching. i lived with the characters, and i listened to them talk, and i discovered that i was understanding more and more.
like! not everything. not much. but some. i could turn the subtitles to portuguese and know what was going on for minutes at a time. it wasn’t much, perhaps, but i’d thought my sadly monolingual self couldn’t even make a start. any progress was exhilarating.
i committed to portuguese duolingo. i started portuguese busuu. i recognized the words and rules i was learning in the episodes. today, the day that i finished osnf, i have a 31 day streak. i’m not used to being able to keep a commitment this long—i used to struggle to get a week on duolingo and my history is littered with half-finished projects. amazingly, this one stuck. i’m proud of finishing all 16 episodes, and i’m proud of the things i’ve learned.
can i understand everything? absolutely not. can i understand more than i used to? yes! and i want to keep learning. osnf was a great experience as a story, but it also opened my eyes to so much more that’s out there.
i’m grateful to cellbit and the team who created ordem, obviously. i’m not over that final episode and i don’t expect to be anytime soon.
but equipe t made this possible for me. you guys are inspirations. obrigada.
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safetyobstacles · 5 months
I finished osnf after almost 2 months and
You know that feeling when you finish a piece of media you really enjoyed, whether it be a show or game or book. And now its over and you can never go back and experience it for the first time again.
That's how I feel :,)
I made a post while I watched the whole thing, it's like if I liveblogged but I stuffed it all into one very long post. So it's kind of all over the place. But if you went through the episode you could pinpoint exactly when i added to it lol
spoilers under here
thats the link to the post, its also just pinned to my blog until i start desconjuração
i would like to thank anyone who read my update post before i finished watching. and when they saw on EPISODE ONE that i was saying "dont take Thiago from me :,)". and nobody spoiled. that Thiago. dies.
also i got an irl friend of mine into ordem, she's watched the whole first series and is almost done with episode 2 of osnf. and her favourite character is Cris :) funny enough she recognized Rakin from league of legends but not anybody else
the fight against the deus da morte. SO COOL. THE CUTSCENE. bro the little buildup to the cutscene with the goo tentacles covering the screen. and the music. THE MUSIC. and then he went and hugged liz. and now she is old. and now she has no thiago. but at least she still has Gonzales' dog. probably.
the way Santo Berço died btw. ow. ouch. the imagery is gonna stick with me for a while. Cibele. he really did in Cibele like that. damn bro.
special shoutout to the Succ. rpg wouldnt be the same without it. and Felps for blindsiding me and then dying like 3 hours later.
also kinda crazy that cellbit can just keep pulling these random npc's out of his ass and making me care about them.
speaking of npc's, all of the Vulture's deaths were fucked but Murilo's made me extra sad idk why. his buddy bit him :(
i think my favourite scene outside of the liz, thiago, joui scene in the last episode, was the bit after they killed the big slug in the asylum. idk the pacing of it was just really cool to me, the drawing in the sludge and losing sanity without realizing. for me it set up this feeling of "you cant trust anything you dont know for certain about" for the entire rest of osnf.
that fucking house btw. i wanted them to leave that house the moment they got gregorio out of that room. i hate that house. i would like for that house to explode.
i want to put Arthur in a shoebox for safe keeping so that he may never get hurt again. Cesar too. Joui as well. and Liz.
ill probably take a week or two to mourn finishing this series before moving onto Desconjuração. which is a very fun word to type. probably will make another post like i did this time to put all my updates in as i watch it.
thanks ordem paranormal for injecting into my braincells i dont think ill ever be over you
dude im so sad about thiago you have no idea
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pixiecapsalt · 25 days
Thank you so much for tagging your liveblogs of Ordem! I just started and I’m trying really hard to go in blind.
of course of course this is an experience i’d want everyone to go into as blind as possible
i use different tags for each season so
oplivevodding - was for a ordem paranormal which was the very first campaign
osnflivevodding - for o segredo na floresta
make sure to have those filtered so u dont see any of my posts regarding that content :3
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susie-dreemurr · 6 months
Reagindo a Ordem: Temporada 1
Compilando meus liveblog dessa temporada foi bem mais fácil pq foram só três episódios, aleluia 🙏
Eu baguncei um pouquinho a ordem de alguns dos liveblogs mas deixa kkkkk. Clique no “ler mais” pra ver!
Vendo o Thiago cheio de vida foi muito triste :( ele só tinha 33 anos :(
Tudo que eu sabia sobre o Daniel era que ele era um escritor que morreu e os livros dele iam fuder mto os personagens no futuro kkkk. Ele é mó arrombado yayay
Mano a Liz tá tão feia nessa art… tão feliz que mudaram o estilo
Nao queria falar nada não mas o Thiago e o Gonzales e só viadagem
Eles tão confortando mais o Gonzales que o cara que viu o amigo dele morrer mano
Thiago 🤝 Liz -> querendo torturar o pobre do Alex
Diferentemente de OSNF, eu já sei mais ou menos o que vai acontecer e eu me lembro que o Alex era inocente então…tadinho. Era o sonho dele trabalhar lá :(
Tadinho do Alex ele só tá aqui pra sofrer mesmo
A Ordem Paranormal Episódio 1, ou seja, o episódio de flashback do Alex
O começo da dupla icônica da Liz e do Thiago kkkkk
/Thiago: ele não vem aqui de jeito nenhum mas se vier eu dou um mata leão nele
/Eu, sabendo que o Thiago em algum ponto da um mata leão num velhinho:
Caralho a liz realmente não tava brincando quando disse que o Thiago era viciado. Meu mano fumou 10 cigarro em 5 minuto já
Eu sei que eles vão descobrir eles de algum modo mas até agora o Thiago tá mandando uma boa lábia. Kkkk a mãe do Gabriel querendo trair o marido dela com o Thiago mto bom
Naooo o Thiago inspirou o Gonzales a trabalhar nisso e eu sei que isso é o que vai matar ele ;(
Thiago abandonando o Alex, justo. Que merda foi essa mano agente tinha deixado ele sem ser desconfiado porra 😭
Mano o Alex e a pessoa inocente mais suspeita do mundo mano não é possível. Mesmo assim ele carrega esse episódio nas costas
Eu não achei que o Gonzales ia morrer tão cedo D:
O sistema de dados era horrível em iniciação comparado ao segredo na floresta caralho
“Você viu aquela coisa que você fez” To muito animada pra ver quanto o monstro que o Daniel criou vai matar os personagens que eu amo em futuras temporadas <3
Saudades de quando o maior trauma e culpa na vida do Thiago era só o Gonzales :(
Ok Alex tem DID aparentemente. Olá Ricardo prazer em te conhecer, você e gamer que nem o César né?
Mano todo mundo fala da Liz ser arrombada com o Alex na temp 1 mas ninguém menciona que TODO MUNDO queria fazer esse menino sofrer 💀💀💀 ela nem é a pior
O Segredo Na Floresta sendo found family VS Td mundo se odiando na 1ª Temporada
Mds a Liz e o Thiago evoluíram MUITO porque antes eles eram mo fdp mas em OSNF eles são bem mais empatéticos e bom. Eu não teria chorado por eles se eles morressem em iniciação kkkkk
Pq que a Lina tava namorando o bully da amiga dela 💀💀💀 ah e sim agora que eles tão mais ou menos dboa com o Alex as interações são bem mais divertidas, especialmente com Daniel, a vibe melhorou mto.
Tadinho do Luis, ele foi deixar o personagem dele dormir no carro por um segundo aí acontece merda e ele não vai tá lá
Sabendo já sobre o twist da troca de corpos é tão bom pra conhecer melhor a personagem da Ágatha… ela surtando com a menção da mãe… “A Lina não merecia o que aconteceu com ela”… foreshadowing peak valeu cabeludo
(Alex sendo o único a defender o “Gabriel” e morrendo antes de se re-encontrar com ela vai me deixar insana no futuro viu)
Eu queria que o Alex tivesse sobrevivido cara WAAAAAA… o potencial…
Alex tentou beijar o Daniel… pessoas gays no meu rpg <3
Sério, o sistema de luta e habilidades em geral melhorou MUITO de uma temporada pra outra. OSNF tem um sistema bem mais complexo e, tipo, eficiente para uma gameplay melhor.
Alex 🤝 Chris -> morrendo no ep 3 e me fazendo chorar
A Liz pegou o cantil e os óculos :(
Liz continua tendo as cenas mais banger, a Bagi sabe desenvolver personagem muito bem mano.
Okay eu tava segurando mas a Liz voltando devastada pro apartamento e encontrando as algemas do Alex e a TV ainda tocando “Power Rangers” me fez chorar mano
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Factorial's Investigation Questions!
(This is not my liveblog, this is just specific questions I have up to 2 hours into episode 3 of O Segredo na Floresta. Spoilers up to and including there below. I just thought listing these in more places than the discord could be fun)
what is the black goo and therefore what is the connection between the spiders and the sanitorium and the body that lead to investigations here in the first place?
on the assumption that the doctor was performing the same sorts of experiments on all his patients, why did that mother and daughter become a sludge monster not a blood zombie? Clearly the electro monster was to do with being the one to be pushed too far. Is it because they were already infected on arrival, hence the drawing spirals? If so, what does that mean for our heroes who touched it?
following from that thought and combining with the fact the other doctor left due to unethical practices, is it possible his wife and daughter were not being abused by him, but instead the screams and their sorry states on rescue were caused by the black goo? Leaving the hospital due to unethical experiments only to practice them on his own kin seems very strange. Given his quick lynching, was someone stirring things up or was the town naturally that roudy and the doctor so unliked? If the former, why and for who? Or perhaps he turned back to horrific techniques in desperation when mental health treatment did nor work against what we know to be a paranormal condition. Investigating his house could probably assist with this specific point. Also maybe where the ooze came from? If they were patients 0 and 1? If the team are lucky. But their luck rolls are consistently shit so likely not.(edited
given the two women had been dead for 60/70 years by the time they were discovered, how slowly does sludging progress? Is the body found in the car marked due to also being under the control of the sludge? Is he now oozifying in his grave? I don't like that idea I hope his family believed in cremation.
were the two doctors Team Kelvin were investigating part of the group who visited the library and took out but did not return books? Is their presence something to do with the more monsters and less membrane - we know at least one was searching for weak membrane areas.
I'd ask what the biker gang war has to do with any of it, but I'm 50/50 as to if that's important or just Cellbit wanting drama and vibes.
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gingersp1ce547 · 3 years
Welcome to my blog!!
I’m ginger, I’ve been on tumblr for about 7 years (this is my second account, my old one was lost for a really long time but awhile ago I was able to get it back. Still, I don’t really use it anymore so I digress) and have been around fandom spaces for even longer than that!
I make mostly write analysis posts and occasionally post art and memes and fics. I occasionally reblog character x reader posts (no rpf) but they are always sfw and tagged as such if that’s not your vibe. However I do interact (comment, like, pretty much anything short of Reblogging) with nsfw posts
General tags
-gingersp1ce547 (posts i made or feature in)
-my art
My interests move by usually pretty quick but the ones I’m currently into/ am still atleast slightly active in are:
Ordem paranormal
- seen: ordem paranormal (season 1), o segredo na floresta and quarentena
-currently watching: desconjuration
Tags: opvodblogging, doplivevodding
-still havent seen the finale. Oops
-tags: ginger liveblogs qsmp, ginger liveblogs (for qsmp members not playing qsmp)
Final fantasy 14
My current works/au’s that I’ve made:
A canon divergence fic for One Piece about what if Sabo did become a noble which you can read here !
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murky-tannin · 9 months
I like the word for "you". Você. Was the first Portuguese word I learned to recognize because I liked the spelling so much
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murky-tannin · 10 months
I already considered their recruitment predatory from the start, no matter if the person being recruited genuinely wanted to move to a new location and had a decent explanation of what was going on with the Holy Cradle right off the bat. But bringing three drunk people looking to just stay one night in a hotel, telling them they drank too much when they question the oddities instead of explaining them like the Gatekeeper is apparently supposed to do? Essentially not giving them a chance to get away before say... eating something in the morning? At that point anyone isn't likely to escape. That's just incredibly predatory tactics, even beyond the obvious messing with senses and shit lol
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murky-tannin · 9 months
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WOOOOOO COSPLAY! Going in order
Luba's cosplay is perhaps a little outdated with the red sweater but I don't care it's very cute. Scar not pictured here but he looks like he smeared lipstick on his cheek 5 seconds before the live started. 10/10 scar recreation
Gabi probably has the best wig (albeit still blatantly a wig) and her outfit is great! I love her cosplay
Calango I haven't quite taken in yet because it's so dark but I like it! I hope he's wearing multiple layers of clothing under that sweater for the Authentic Cesar Experience™
Leo just makes me laugh. He's holding up the beard manually and everything
Rakin's cosplay looks GREAT and so does his fake scar. Obviously has the advantage with Thiago looking so much like him/having such a simple outfit but the makeup adds to it. He looks very fittingly fucked up
Guaxi's hair is styled perfectly and the scars aren't terrible! No Brazilian-Party-City-Equivalent fake beard unfortunately but honestly probably for the best
This is so fun I love seeing them in cosplay
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murky-tannin · 10 months
I love how Liz as a character gets to be multifaceted. She's more experienced then most the others and while she could lean into the like,, badass sarcastic competent girlboss trope (idk how to describe it rn i'm tired) she instead gets a little bit of that and so much else.
Whatever tf she has going on with her mother/Alex/old cop friend/her past in general, her ways of coping with grief, the way Gabi lets her act during bar scenes, her thing with the pet names, her whining at Thiago to open the door, her apologizing to/forgiving Cesar at the restaurant, her sharing her work in progress theories and thought processes with the others, her almost getting hit by the dart, etc.
I'm not listing most the examples I feel I should be listing to express what I'm trying to get at here. Especially because it's a lot of the smaller moments that make me feel this way. It's just. Liz as a character feels like a person and not a Woman™. It's very comforting to watch
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murky-tannin · 9 months
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Took the words right out of my mouth
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murky-tannin · 10 months
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I've heard some things about Cellbit's rep as a gm and while I'm sure they are exaggerated and quite a bit of what Cellbit does is just standard, this was Cruel of him. I'm shaking my fist at this man. Way to make me worry
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murky-tannin · 10 months
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also I'm gonna be real I'm not the biggest fan of the art and i'm glad it changes from s3 onward
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murky-tannin · 10 months
When Felps brought up "buttery butter" I thought maybe it was something in Brazil that just had a silly name. Really had me convinced for a minute until they started bringing up sandwich-y sandwiches and watery water
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murky-tannin · 10 months
If you can't defeat the guilt monster via self acceptance beheading is a good second option
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