#number one fave is Mika of couuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuurse
Alright, I’m caught up with the manga! My thoughts on the characters so far (spoilers for whoever isn’t caught up I guess)
Main team:
Mika: only one with the braincells. #traumatized, someone please hug him
Yu: Pure of heart, dumb of ass
Shinoa: badass troll, I love her
Yoichi: SWEET BABI ANGEL! Who is also massively under appreciated by team??? I SWEAR HE’S BEEN THE MVP SO MANY TIMES NOW? You go you funky boy, I’m proud of you
Kimizuki: I think I’d like you more if your character focus wasn’t solely on your relationship with other people (Yu and Mirai)
Mitsuba: needs more
Makoto: Stop being mean to Mika he doesn’t deserve it. Also where are you
Higher ups
Guren: I don’t like you. Not even a little
Sayuri: I liked you when you were more active as a teacher, haven’t seen much of you since
Shigure: You look cool. Unfortunately I know exactly squat about you... still
Goshi: Jury’s still out
Mito: honestly, like most of Guren’s team, you feel like you’re just here to fill up a teammate slot and I wish that weren’t the case
Military higher ups
Tenri: you weren’t even here that long and I don’t like you
Kureto: you ever look at somebody and go “you need to die”?
Shinya: Get out of that den of wolves, you deserve better
Seishiro: you showed up like that one time? Honestly I forgot about you
Aoi: wow you’re such a simp omg
Urd: grudge-king
Saito: I literally don’t care
Krul: I don’t agree with your methods, but otherwise, absolute Queen, and idk Mika seems to not hate you, so points for that
Lest Kar: idk man you’re just a bit annoying
Ky Luc: -puts hands together like I’m about to deal with a customer- “SIR”
Ferid: Never liked you. Not for a second. At least you’re fun to watch
Crowley: I do like you tho. idk why
Lucal: lolll you ded
Horn and Chess: where are you?
Lacus: Honestly 100% of my enjoyment from you comes from you trying to befriend Mika and Mika stonewalling you every time
René: cool hair I guess. Do you take the time to do that in the mornings?
First: Go die in a hole and set yourself on fire
Asumaru: I trusted you, and then I didn’t, and then I trusted you and then I didn’t. 
Gekkoin: bruhhhh you’re hilarious. You really are. Mostly because you got paired with Yoichi who you were not prepared to deal with
Kiseki-o: I just find it hilarious that out of the 3 demons our protagonists have, he’s the only one that didn’t form some sort of friendship with his human, instead remining on enemies with benefits
Mahiro: I... mmm.. mmmayybeeee.... no I don’t like you no
Byakkomaru: Mostly liked the tiger aesthetic
Rameiki: At least I don’t hate you
Noya: I hate you
Mirai: I actually really like you and I wish you weren’t used for much more than for driving plot ;-;
OnS is actually making me experience EMOTIONS what a concept
Honestly my favorite thing with Mika by far is that every time someone tells the group that they HAVE to go somewhere or they HAVE to do something bEcAuSe tHe pLaN, Mika, without fail, every damn time “No, that sounds bad. We should leave” “This is dumb, we need to go” “they’re only using us and I don’t want to be used, we should leave” “WE ARE RUNNING AWAY IMMEDIATELY” and then as always, someone *cough* Yu *cough* tells him no and he pouts
anyways, looking forward to the next chapter
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