noxtms · 4 years
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1. WHISPERS OVER A GLASS OF FIREWHISKY, FERVANT CONVERSATION WITH A GROWING GROUP ON COBBLESTONES. it’s the only topic of conversation even among ordinary people who are living their ORDINARY lives. even those that weren’t in attendance of the memorial have seen the photo, front page of the daily prophet every day until the sybill trelawney story breaks and takes over. it doesn’t matter who you are, or how WILLING you’ve been, to engage. chances are, whether it comes from your visiting sister or the shopkeep on diagon alley you only see once weekly, you’ve been asked : what do you think is happening?
2. A DULL ACHE BENEATH YOUR SLEEVE. it’ll be an isolated incident, that first time, and it’ll be easy for some of you to ignore. you’ll chalk it up to nerves or simply the time, and you might scratch at your arm absentmindedly, but it won’t be all too concerning. if any FEARFUL thought pushes it’s way through, you’ll try your best to push that aside, too, and carry on your daily affairs as normal. it’ll be almost a week later, to the day, when you’ll awake at witching hour - your arm PAINFULLY BURNING like a brand has been put to it. you’ll lift it in absract horror, not even bothering with the lamp, and gaze upon the skull & snake that had almost faded in the six odd years since it had last come to life as it writhes in place, once again, as it will forevermore when she calls for you.
3. IT MIGHT BEGIN WITH A SMELL OF SMOKE. you’ll crinkle your nose and you’ll search all around, first glancing to your kitchen, as if there lies the obvious source. when it yields no answers you’ll look around and notice the rising grey smoke from a drawer you never really look into, and this’ll strike you as STRANGE, as it should, because there really is no reason for it. you’ll stride forward and pull it open with intent, wand ready to put out whatever fire has begun. and there, in the middle of a neatly charred hole, will lie a galleon. nothing special, really, except that it’s still red at the edges from how it burned red hot like a fire poker, and when you lift it with cautious fingers you’ll find a new message arranged around the edge : 20.05.2020, 21.00, 44° 42' 7.9596". 
4. THE PULSING BLUE LIGHT WILL APPEAR LIKE AN EXPLOSION. you might even jump. it will explode in front of you regardless of where you stand, be it home, or the office, or somewhere in between. it will appear, and before your very eyes what starts as nothing but a shining beacon will morph into the figure of a lynx, of a goat, of a falcon, of a cat, and the messengers will bring you the news that you were dreading. the news you knew would come someday as surely as daybreak, but that you’d crossed your fingers and hoped would not. tomorrow, six pm, the burrow. 
civilians. the death eaters. dumbledore’s army. the order of the phoenix. they’re WITHOUT a doubt the four main spokes of the wheel that’s turning, following recent in game events : and now, it really begins. this is not a traditional plot drop in the sense that it isn’t kicking off any particular in game event, and acts more as an addition to the previous one - but it’s still IMPORTANT ! 
at your leisure, please send the MAIN an ask or im with your characters and their affiliation. as i receive names, i’ll be adding you to the appropriate channel to be set up on the main discord - if your characters alignment changes as we go, then a quick message to the main will have you moved to the then appropriate one ! 
the affiliations you may choose from ( complete with further explanation ), so far, are as follows:
civilians. if your character does not exactly align with a group, then this would be the section to list. they are JUST as important as all other groupings and will have just as much to do in terms of plot, as we go, but if you choose this grouping at first you are not STUCK to it, in future. if your character becomes swayed by a side, that’s not only a welcomed plot point, but absolutely okay by me and just means you’ll need to be moved to a different channel ! 
death eaters. now the foot soldiers of BELLATRIX LESTRANGE. this group may consist of those who have received the dark mark, previously ( and thus chose to apparate to bellatrix when she called for them ) or more recent recruits. 
baby death eaters / conflicted souls / etc. if your character was previously aligned bad but isn’t vibing with miss bellatrix, then this is absolutely the grouping you should choose, since it’ll put you in with likeminded people for plotting. this group has the most openness in terms of where it goes - i’m happy for you all to work things out plotting wise, yourselves, and if it breaks up into smaller factions, that’s fine ! 
dumbledore’s army. not just those who were canonically a part of it - if you have a character within age range who you have headcanoned was a member, this is the group for you. many might not have kept the coin enchanted to show meetings, but those that did received a message from HERMIONE GRANGER to meet for the first time in years on the 20th of may, 2020 at 9 pm, coordinates leading them to number 12, grimmauld place. 
the order of the phoenix. led by kingsley shacklebolt, minerva mcgonagall, aberforth dumbledore and a whole host of other individuals. your character might feel they have aged out of a previous ( looking at the DA, with this one ) faction, or they might always have been a member, or might only now be joining - whatever the story, if they align most strongly with the order, then this is the place you should put down ! 
the side channels are just a way to make group plotting more EASY, and are a place where characters thoughts and feelings and opinions should be shared. it might be, sometimes, that a question will be posed to you as a group for character developing purposes ( such as opinions on certain events happening around the rp ), or it might be that an upcoming event will involve them and that’ll be the first place you guys hear of it ! a poll will be put into the discord to decide whether there should also be IN CHARACTER versions of those channels for group meetings, but for now, it’s all out of character and for the purpose of discussions ! 
as always, if you have ANY questions or comments or concerns, please let me know ! 
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noxtms · 4 years
so anyone active in the discord will already know, but we’re going ahead with in character meeting channels for all the affiliations, and will be beginning those conversations over the next couple days ! i have a couple things to smooth out in regards to them, still ( though the bot is working GREAT, and will be a huge help to us ), but i’m gonna put all the relevant information to what the affiliation channels will involve under the cut, so that it’s all together and you guys can ask any questions you might have, even if you wanna do that anonymously !
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what are the out of character discussion points?
my favorite way to think of them is as, kind of, a return to the days of rp tasks ! back in the day they took the form of making a playlist for your character, or putting them into an au setting, but since nox is a fairly plot intensive group and relies on its plot drops and events to tell an actual story, i really enjoyed the idea of being able to pose a relevant question to you all every now and again, that’ll mostly serve as character development, but will also come in handy for everyone else in the group ! by being able to read your take of your characters opinion regarding certain topics, other members in the group might be able to reach out to you for plotting between two likeminded individuals, or in regards to something you’ve said - and group wide plotting might kick off, too ! 
are they mandatory?
like everything else in the group, they’re HIGHLY encouraged but totally optional. you never have to go in depth, even if you do choose to answer ; give as much as you feel like giving, but at least read all the other messages ! 
what are the in character channels and how will they work?
the order of the phoenix, dumbledore’s army and the death eater groups are actually known to hold meetings for their members, so the in character channels are a way to bring those to the group ! they’re not mandatory either, though even if you don’t get involved in the rp aspect, you might want to throw your two cents into the ooc channel - that’s as much a reason for their presence as anything else is !
i’ll always try and give a couple days heads up for when i’ll kickstart a meeting, but please never feel pressured to make an apeparance. not only does life happen, but discord rp isn’t for everyone - you might just want to observe for the first little while, and that’s totally fine ! 
the channels really will be nothing more than an in character meeting. this might sometimes be to discuss an approach that should be taken following a certain event, a vote for a new leader, a mutiny against the old - you’ll get minimal information from me as an admin, and then, you’ll really be able to go wild. our first one, across the board, will ease us into the idea of it all, and will likely just be the characters working out why they’re there - and why they’re needed, now. the allegiances are only waking up again, and coming back together. 
sometimes, the channels might be used by me to broach a subject AHEAD of a plot drop. if so, then you’ll be the first to know about that plot drop, which is a fun element of the group ! the order might be one step ahead, sometimes, but so too might the death eaters - depending on what’s what, that is. you are ALWAYS welcome to approach me with ideas for meetings, plot drops, directions the channels and organizations could or should take... you have as much FREEDOM within them as you do in rp, and you should definitely feel like you do ! 
will you utilize the bot so that unplayed characters can be a part of the meetings?
yes, i will ! for the death eaters, this’ll mean bellatrix. for the order, it’ll mean aberforth, minerva and kingsley. dumbledore’s army currently has a HUGE number of members, and also no official leader, yet. that’ll be the only channel i’m not wildly involved in outside of my character ! 
the million dollar question. i’m very conscious things mightn’t seem very interesting right this second - but they’re gonna heat up, and the important thing in my eyes is definitely to try and immerse you all in the world, and give you guys the freedom to shape it. i have a plot, and i have my own plot drop ideas to get us through all the story beats - but as the group progresses i want for you guys to have as much of a say in where it goes as i do, and the meetings are kind of my way of having that in character democracy. 
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