#now xr is nothing but a chew toy
soulvomit · 3 years
Our culture has a weird narrative around agency right now and it's like, agency is compulsory and it's being confused with heroism or even superheroism. I get that there is discourse about power-over in how writers treat victim or fate-pawn or chew-toy characters when the character isn't from their own group, but we aren't even allowed to portray ourselves as chew toys. NOBODY is allowed to be victim, fate-pawn, or chew toy; it's just that the reasoning is different depending upon who you are. Minorities can't be portrayed as the chew toy by non-minorities. But they also can't portray themselves as the chew toy. Men don't get to be the chew toy character because the world doesn't want to hear about manpain, or something (anymore than it's ever really wanted to hear about male victimhood or unhappiness; Gen Xrs and Millennials may be the only generations that were really allowed to confront this). White women can't portray themselves as victims or unhappy people because of lots of reasons. You can't portray children as victims because nothing bad can happen to them. Basically, every character must always be the tough icon of American social climbing individualism.
Agency doesn't mean heroism. Agency can be the day to day choices one makes. Agency can be limited to one's family or local community. Agency does not always mean one makes good life choices.
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lovemesomesurveys · 5 years
Is there anyone you work with that you don’t get along with? Why?: I don’t have a job. I really don’t have a problem with getting along with others, though.  Have you ever been romantically interested in a coworker?: I’ve never had a job. The closest thing was when I was a board member for a club and had a crush on the president, ha. We were like coworkers. Have you ever been romantically involved with a coworker?: Do you have any thoughts on a 14-year age-gap?: If they’re 2 consenting adults then whatever. I personally wouldn’t want to date someone that much older than me, and most definitely not that much younger than me. What is the game you’re currently playing most often on your phone?: Wordscapes. It’s very addicting. If you like word games then I definitely recommend it.
What is your go-to Starbucks order?: Venti white chocolate mocha with soy. Do you have any friends that you’re drifting apart from?: I drifted apart from all the friends I had.  Are you close to someone who is mentally unwell?: Yes. I’m also mentally unwell. What phone do you have?: iPhone XR. What is the last thing you ordered for delivery?: Something from Amazon. In terms of food, it would have been pizza.  Do you have an opinion on adopting/purchasing a pet?: Adopt, adopt, adopt! What’s your favorite chain restaurant?: Wingstop. Have you ever dated someone who was of a foreign origin?: No. Have you ever read any of your idols’ books/autobiographies?: I read Lucille Ball’s autobiography. Do you own any succulents?: Nope. When was the last time you climbed a tree?: Never. If you have any pets, how would you describe their personalities?: She’s a very playful, sweet, silly girl. Stubborn, too. When she wants something she’s very persistent about it. She even stomps her paws! She gets this look in her eye when I know she’s about to do something bratty. She’ll go and find some tiny scrap of paper or something that fell on the floor and put in her mouth or go running off with a sock or something. She loves to be chased. She loves her toys, especially ones she can chew on. We managed to find a couple balls and a toy bone that was able to handle her chewing obsession somehow. She’s gone through many toys in the past quite quickly. I love her so much. <3 What is your phone’s background?: Lock screen is a black & white photo of Alexander Skarsgard and home screen is a photo I took of the ocean.  Who played at the last concert you went to?: Green Day. Who is playing at the next concert you’re attending?: I don’t have any plans to attend any concerts as of now. I’d like to, though. That Green Day concert was 10 years ago. :O What’s your favorite amusement park ride?: Most rides at Disneyland.  What’s your favorite deep-fried food item?: French fries, chicken tenders/boneless wings, doughnuts, funnel cakes, deep fried Oreos... Why were you last pulled over?: I’ve never been pulled over. I don’t drive. Do you have any friends that own a private lake?: No, I wish. Or rather, I wish I did. What was the last thing you’ve done on the water?: I don’t go out on the water, I just enjoy sitting back a safe distance and appreciating the beauty of the ocean while watching/listening to the waves crash in.  Canoeing or kayaking?: I’ve never done either one. What’s your favorite lake?: One nearby. Are you cool with swimming in a lake?: No. Like I said, I don’t get in the water. Do you have a drone?: Nope. Do you have a smart watch?: No. What’s your favorite hole-in-the-wall restaurant? What do you order from there?: I don’t have one.  What’s your favorite ice-cream flavor?: Strawberry, vanilla with strawberry syrup, mint chocolate chip, and birthday cake. I haven’t had ice cream in like 3 years, though.  Do you have any t-shirts from any local businesses?: No. What is your prettiest friend’s first name?: Yolanda. Who is your favorite comedian?: I don’t have one. What’s your favorite Netflix series?: Orange is the New Black. Do you listen to any talk shows or podcasts?: I watch talk shows, but no I don’t listen to any podcasts. Do you know anyone who’s had their own podcast?: One of my cousins has one with a couple friends.  Where were you the last time you stayed in a hotel?: At one of my favorite touristy places. Such a beautiful place.  What are you looking forward to today?: Nothing. What are you looking forward to in the next few months?: Fall weather and new movies coming out that I want to see. Are you a dog or a cat person?: Dog. Do you know anyone who is freaked out by cats?: No. Do you know anyone with Crohn’s disease?: It’s possible.
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