#now what about all this but with the mactor context :)
the-crow-binary · 10 months
Reason #11 Hecula is peak: the scenario of the forbidden, open secret relationship :) Hector and Dracula having private sessions or conversations :) Hector keeping Dracula's company in his private quarters when he needs to rest :) the two meeting in the darkest corners of the castle... perhaps with the help of said castle, who only wants what Dracula wants :) (also, you're free to imagine Hector hidden under Dracula's cape while he sneaks a kiss)
I will need a throat lozenge because of how much I am SCREAMING. (but outside of that, i am perfectly normal about them)
The mental image of Hector hidden by Dracula's cape....... while they k..... ki...... aaaaaa 🥺 Also Dracastle real <3 the Castle is the real bro here
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