#now onto drawing the hot balding binoculard..
tears-of-boredom · 1 year
ok so i fucking hate how this turned out but the only thing worse than creating is not creating and so on bla blah
wait actually hold on i forgot her stubble omg lmao
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i dont have the patience to make the stubble look good. but yeah this is it. i initially did the line art way too early and way too heavy, so i had to do a lot of fixing when i realised i wanted it to be thinner, cause id relied on it when i was coloring. i fucking hate it but at the same time maybe this time ill remember to use highlights and shadows more in my drawings. i honestly dont have that much more to say. heres the base picture:
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the pose is hold on....its this one by @yorithesims . the pose pack is great, exactly what i was looking for, the horrible art is my fault.
i will not be attempting realism again any time soon. and apparently my oc uses she/her as well now. they fr a pronoun hoarder at this point.
also i feel like i do really well at drawing details, but really shitty at like bringing those details together ya know. like im kinda proud of the shading work on its hands, but also literally no other detail is worth mentioning. cause there are none. but honestly i do like the hair and skin because theres so much more shading in those. yeah. i gotta learn to shade more and rely less on the line art. also this time i forced myself to name and organise the layers and god was it easier in the long run.
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