#now i actually go to play my game sksksksjd
willowcreektrait · 2 years
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Stephanie Ouellette for @whiimms noelle kumari💗 "so you want to be a fashion icon?"
Stephanie Ouellette ( currently ) | ( formerly ) Setsuko Mihama
Young adult : 24
Pronouns : she/her & she/they
Traits : high maintenance, Art lover, Creative
Career : Aspiring fashion designer
Aspiration : World-famous celebrity
Sexual orientation : bisexual ( fem lean )
Nationality : Japanese ( realistic ) | ( similish ) Komorebigo
"i want to be not only famous~ but rich too" "money, romance, a mansion"
the young girl from the mountains of komorebi town was none other than setsuko mihama, a little girl with bright dreams and many ways that she planned to achieve them. In the girl's fifth grade class, she expressed her deep desire to be a fashion designer and couldn't wait for the day her little fingertips touched the big city headlines. when young setsuko turned eighteen, she left komorebi town in a flash, the last people who were to see her were her parents and grandparents and siblings of course. Windenburg was the land of setsuko's destination and she settled for plenty of things, including a name change. And who was Setsuko Mihama turned Stephanie Ouellette, she was pleased, for the most part.
prior to stephanie turning 21, she used the app simstagram as a marketing sign for her upcoming fashion pieces. Of course, she had to start from rags to riches with her beginning knowledge with trendi as well. While she was being noticed, she wasn't going to settle for less and wanted more. she wanted the screen, her face on headlines, magazines and talkshows.
stephanie's observed noelle's work in the industry, as both an influencer and actress. She has sparked stephanie's interest, while steph wasn't a huge fan, she indeed was charmed by the woman's chic visuals. And when the news of noelle's bachelorette went around, Stephanie knew that this was a chance to get to know her future suitor and free ticket to stardom.
please don't ask about her one-night stand news with thorne bailey, unless interested in physically fighting.
voice claim : 1 | 2
face claim : 1 | 2
can speak fluent english ( similish ) learned at a young age and in school.
some sort of hopeless romantic who wants everything to be like one of those historical stories.
stands at 6'1ft & weighs 194lbs
owns a simtrest account filled with 10+ mood boards that are surprisingly organized?
hates being seen without makeup on, unless it's for a makeup tutorial video on simtube.
she strongly dislikes coffee and would prefer tea, will judge you if she catches you with starbucks.
once modelled for a campaign in san myushuno.
i really hope you like stephanie! this was fun to write out and it was fun to design her. I can't wait to see all the submissions that come forth in the meanwhile!
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