#nothing in my ivy tag is a joke guys i have feelings for her<3 JDWBWJDBWJBDJWDBW
jimiin · 4 years
🍓i want compliment o;
the fact that u sent this in when i didnt even reblog the post UGH needy ... dont know how many more times i can say im in love with u but if u want more here it is 🙈 im still so happy i was a big tumblr user miyanegifs fan<3 and joined ur love alarm rp when u started posting abt it ... fun fact i had just started the show but i was like eh idk if im gonna watch then i saw ur promo and i was like ok im watching<3 JDBWBJWDWW one of the highlights of that rp was literally our rue & violet nemesis plot & we didnt even write it like it was just so fucking funny ... we had each other on discord after that but we didnt talk that much the only thing i rmr from that time period was u messaging me abt the superm poster ur friend made u and i was like ugh yes live ur y/n life and u told me to shut up<33 anyway i am . so glad that our friendship evolved JSBJBDJDBWJBDW u were just one of those people that i felt really comfortable with ?? as soon as we started talking for real & i never felt that kinda weird fake deep vibe u sometimes feel with new friendships where u act closer than u really feel like there was none of that ! a bitch was comfortable ! seriously i told u stuff ive never told anyone before JSDWJDJWBDJWW and it was just so crazy because the stuff u told me in return was stuff & experiences i related to i think thats part of the reason why we got as close as we did 🥺 also bc u sent that pic that i said looked like a pinterest girl may ur peppa phone case rip.... i knew in that moment u were sexy x JSDBWJBDJBJWBJWBW seriously when we followed each other on insta i was like god i WISH i was being catfished rn it was just 2 much....ugh and as if it wasnt enough for u to be pretty -__- u have to be a good person too 911 arrest her ! ur the most honest person i have ever met and i mean that in the best way possible like u are just so open about who u are and what u think in a way that so many people aren’t. it was and is still so refreshing to know someone like u !!!! i also don’t think i’ve ever met a more thoughtful person ): u help people so much so often and without expecting anything at all in return, and ik thats like JSBDJWBJDWJD common sense & basic human decency but its also a really rare thing to meet someone with such a genuine good heart like theres nothing manipulative or selfish about ur intentions when u do good things for people and i love that so much about u ): the best friendships are the ones where u can b so fucking stupid with each other but also talk abt serious things & meaningful things & know that the other person cares abt u & respects u just as much as u care abt & respect them and i have that with u !!! still havent forgotten when we got the same sad result on that 1 uquiz & u said lets be important to each other well guess what ... u are !!! there is no one else i want 2 send my toilet selfies to ... no one else i wanna o: with at 4 am ... forever begging for ur scraps 🐒 please bully me after u read this aha ... u know im into it 😏
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