#not. tagging with my usual bird tag bc most certainly thats not the right place. and itll actually show up.
ritoryb · 4 months
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drew like a stark-white, sun-bleached version of heron haha. just a glimpse into my harsh light-flooded reality. a full stare into my twisted perspective would make most simply long for the depths of the abyss lmao
-warrior of darkness
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theredalice · 5 years
I was tagged by @robobrainmurdermysterytheatre to do some OC things, so here we are!! I’m going to do their full list of the OC things that they did cause I haven't done any of those lol
As usual, I’ll be doing Jay Amone (my baby. precious boy. we stan him). Please feel free to send me asks for me to elaborate bc I love talking about him and my other characters!!
I’m tagging @tea-petty @kvltprince @asktinyandpals @aj-vincent-roleplayer and @thotymusprime . Your OCs are all fucking amazing and I love hearing about them pLEASE TAG ME IF YOU DO THIS 
I'm gonna put this under a cut cause there's a lot and I'm finna go all in Y'all
NAME: Jay Amone
NICKNAME: Flyaway (Railroad codename) Little Bird (Gabe’s pet name and also Atom Cats’)
AGE: 26
MORALITY: the most Lawful Good you will ever meet
RELIGION: Doesn't really have one? He never really understood the concept of God(s) so he just stays out of all together
SINS(greed//gluttony//sloth//lust//pride//envy//wrath): He’s very envious of how people can just???? go thought their day and not have constant anxieties or paranoia??? Like how tf you do that sis??? How does it feel to be neruotypical??
VIRTUES(chastity//charity//diligence//humility//kindness//patience//justice): He takes a lot of pride in the work he’s done for the Railroad and is very proud of how far he’s gotten. he’s an extremely hard worker (almost too hard. sis, take a break). He is so kind. So kind. Like if you’re in need of something he’ll try and get it right away. need caps? boom, here is what you need a little more. Need adhesive? shoosh, he hoards it. He has plenty to go around. need a shoulder to cry on? bitch, him too. Lets cry together sis. He’s very patient (which is something Sala and Gabe admire)
KNOWN LANGUAGES: English, just a tad bit of Spanish from Rico
BUILD (scrawny/bony/slender/fit/athletic/curvy/herculean/pudgy/plus size/average): Scrawny, but his calves can and will kill you. Athletic (he has to run a lot for the Railroad (b...because he’s a Runner)
HEIGHT: 5′11
SCARS/BIRTHMARKS: Has a brand of a rose between his shoulderblades
ABILITIES/POWERS: none? but he’s very kind and has the ability to make everyone feel better when they talk to him :)
FOOD: yum yum deviled eggs
COLOR: Blue/light blue
MUSIC GENRE: anything thats slow and flows
MOVIE GENRE: Romance/comedy
CURSE WORD: fuck. Its safer than most words out there
SCENTS: soap, fresh laundry, clean
BOTTOM OR TOP: Call him a top and he’ll cry cause he is most certainly a bottom
SINGS IN THE SHOWER: um, hell yeah. The shower is like the one place he feels like no one can hear him so he does a lot of vocal things in there
LIKES PUNS: yes yes yes yes yes Y E S. Tell him a pun and he’ll consider youa great friends and interact with you a lot more
OC Phrases: Bold the phases that you connect with one of your ocs.
SIGHT. small towns. big cities. six thirty curfews. lights that take the place of stars. blanket nests. light through the blinds as a wake-up call. found family. finding a single star in the middle of new york city. window shopping. watching something terrible and enjoying it. growing numb to the sight of injustice. wilted flowers. faded caricatures. bright, bold colours.
HEARING. crickets and lightning bugs. car engines and a / c units. a phone call to mum/dad. laughing with friends. jokes that are so bad you have to laugh. the clicking of computer keys. noise cancelling headphones. the sound of silence. muffled music from another room. drumming fingertips on a table. the clicking of pens. listening to a clock and swearing the ticks get slower. ringing in the ears. the voice of someone you love. pitch shifted songs.
TOUCH. being held close during a long night. fleeting reassurances. holding hands when you’re scared. brushing fingers through strands of hair. freshly dried clothes. bruises on your knuckles. silk and satin. your favourite pet’s fur or feather. wringing your hands anxiously. snuggles. comforters in the dead of winter. nails against skin. cold metal. leather in summer.
TASTE. coffee in the morning. tea in the evening. bubblegum that lost its flavor. alcohol burning the back of your throat. homemade cooking, no matter what’s made. blood in your mouth. stale air. mint. fresh vegetables. that processed taste of citrus candy. the first meal you cook by yourself that tastes good. foreign sweets. fast food. bittersweet. sour. spicy. sweet. bitter. too much salt on fries
OC and Songs
Here’s his playlist!
His main theme!
All of the songs in there represent him or his story in some way (please feel free to send me songs you think would fit him ((((maybe that should be my first ask game- send me songs you associate w my OC's- would anyone even play that?))))
Thank you for reading! Also, please feel free to do this yourself with your own character and tag me! I’d love to see your character!
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