#not to mention the absolute silencing of the drivers which would've been unthinkable back in the days
I am genuinely in shock at how awful the FIA is regarding safety and I am incredibly scared of what future steps might be taken to ensure that racing is more interesting.
For anyone that wasn't following, this Formula E race we had a debut in Brazil. Now, the new Gen that started this season has been quiet concerning when it comes to safety. There was an accident which left one driver (Robin) with a bad had injury which meant he had to sit for 4 races. This race, the debut in Brazil, we saw another incident where a driver has injured his hand (we do not know the extent of his injuries as he is currently being checked.) There were also multiple safety cars this race, many parts of debrief on the track etc. Anyone that follows FE will still remember shocking picture of a car being lifted off track while some drivers where practically driving under it and many under safety risks.
Anyone that follows F1 will be able to paint a similar picture, with instances like Spa where we saw Lando crash eventhough multiple drivers called for it to be a red flag. And, to the surprise of no one also the incident with Pierre and the crane on a fucking wet track.
With Stefano now questioning free practices and wanting to erase them, I am absolutely terrified of how drivers safety is becoming less and less prominent. Especially with F1 we see the push towards making motorsport as big of a spectale as possible to probably gain fans?
I have already seen people mentioning that the Vegas GP is the perfect example for this and I absolutely agree.
But even those overpriced tickets aren't the biggest of our worries.
When there are multiple categories where we have seen the lack of safety that are all being controlled by the FIA (I apologise for the lack of instances in other series but I can speak most prominently about FE/F1 as they are the ones I follow mostly) it is a true wake up call.
There are different race directors which underline the problem of the organisation across the multiple categories.
People love to glance over about decision but with such big instances I can not even understand why we are attempting to do that.
With the way safety of the drivers is considered less and less of a priority and even brushed off, we face a terrifying prospect that I don't think many of you even understand.
F1 has come such a long way to have safety measures, learning from horrendous accidents and improving the safety but it seems like they have complelty not learned from anything that has happened.
I feel like some of you don't understand what the possibility of these lack luster standards have as a result.
There is now a high possibility that we will have a race where we will have an accident that is caused by these vague enforcing of safety standards.
Motorsport isn't safe. There were accidents that had safety measures as a result but they will not be able to protect drivers all the time because the nature of motorsport will never be able to be fully safe. There are adjustments to the car which are direct lessons from fatalities but they can only protect drivers to a certain degree.
And when we can't even be sure that the race direction, the very people running this sport, are ensuring the drivers safety what good will any measures taken do?
When we can't be sure that races will be called off if the conditions are to dangerous, when we can't be sure that they could get to a driver (seeing as they were apparently unable to determine Lance position) in an accident, how are we supposed to have trust in the devices?
It doesn't matter how good the halo is when the FIA isn't abel to take steps to avoid ever having situations where we might have to thank it?
I know we made jokes about Lance car not being able to be apparently found on track but could you imagine if that happened when he would have been in an accident as horrible as Romain had? Yeah, I don't even want to think about it but the truth was that would probably have been a fatality then, another driver lost to this sport.
The fact is the very organisation that is supposed to ensure the drivers safety and well being is failing at doing their job and there's the horrifying prospect having over us of how far that failure could go.
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