#not to be that guy but curious how a literary medium stereotypically enjoyed by women is the baseless pit of degeneracy
biracy · 6 months
I'm too nice to screenshot it and also too tired to say anything Too significant about it but God I cannot stand that post that's like "no one on ao3 is smart enough to write Lolita, therefore all content depicted In Fanfiction is automatically something the author finds uncritically erotic and acceptable in real life and is only included To Get The Writer Off." Shameless shameless reinvention of "high art" vs "low art" dichotomies that does zero work to actually address what "glorification" of a certain topic looks like, instead relying on reductive dominant cultural ideas about the inherent inanity of "fanfiction" that, imo, not only undermines the very, heavy quotes, "intelligent" authors present in mediums like fanfiction, but also makes a lot of room for supposed "high art" that actually DOES promote, glorify, or uncritically present harmful or dangerous topics. Too much discourse about "presentation vs glorification" on here is so reliant on "Good art = presentation, bad art = glorification", and in general so much discourse is reliant on enforcing "high brow/low brow" dichotomies about art that I find wholly unuseful. And no this isn't me saying ao3, the inanimate website, is perfect or that there's nothing wrong with incest fanfiction or What Ever, that's not what I believe. It's just me saying that "classic lit = smart and good, fanfiction = dumb and bad" is a terrible take that at best belittles a neutral medium in favor of paying lip service to academic establishments and at worst makes space for the Actual glorification or promotion of dangerous or harmful beliefs or behaviors as long as it is presented in appropriately "high art." And in general me saying that "fanfiction" should more often be treated with a similar level of good faith and willingness to engage with the text on its level as more "traditional" modes of literature. Bad take. D minus
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